Lesson Plan

Gao Jinghua

Lesson title:Let’s count 123

Step 1—Desired Results
Lesson goals
What should students know, understand, and be able to do as a result of the lesson?
  1. Students can count from 1-10 in Chinese
  2. Students would know the different hands-gestures represent the different numbers
  3. Students can recognize the numbers in Chinese characters
  4. Students would know the basic strokes of Chinese characters

Essential Questions
What leading questions can you ask of students to get them to understand the Big Ideas?
What can you see in the pictures, how many of them?
Let’s listen a song, What numbers can you remember i..n Chinese.
Do as what I do.
I will tell you my Chinese phone number with my hands-gestures, write down the number.
Create your Chinese phone number and let others guess via your hands-gestures.
Let us write numbers with Chinese characters ( tell them the basic strokes before we write )
Use coffee sticks to shape the numbers in Chinese characters (group work)
Students stand in a line, shuffle the cards of numbers, do up and down according to the teacher’s order
Let’s sing a song together.
Let’s chant and dance together.
Lesson Objectives
Identify General Learner Outcome (GLO)
1.Students can count from 1-10 in Chinese
2.Students would know the different hands-gestures represent the different numbers
3.Students can recognize the numbers in Chinese characters
4.Students would know the basic strokes of Chinese characters
Step 2—Assessment Evidence
Performance task—What will students do to show what they have learned?
Students can show the hand-gestures after teacher say the numbers
Students can create their Chinese phone numbers and their classmates can guess out the number (pair work)
Students write the characters with teacher
Students can recognize the Chinese characters when we play the game
Students can use coffee sticks to shape the Chinese numbers
Performance criteria—How good is good enough to meet standards?
Students can follow games rule
Students can master numbers both from how to write and from how to pronounce
Step 3—Learning Plan
Materials needed
Flash cards
Coffee sticks
Learning activities
Step by step instructions from start to finish (including amount of minutes needed per activity), and detailed enough for another teacher to follow. What teaching methods/activities will you be using?
Warm up/Activator: (3minutes)
Sing a song named Where is my friend which including how to count in Chinese.
Introduction to Lesson: (1 minutes)
There are lots of daily dialogue related to numbers
Guided Practice: (5 minutes)
Say a chant with teacher, show the gestures and dance with teacher
Independent Practice: (30minutes)
1,learn the basic strokes of Chinese characters
2,learn how to say 1-10 in Chinese characters
3,say a chant and dance with teacher
4,write 1-10 with teacher and practice
5, teacher tells the Chinese phone number and students create their own Chinese phone number then let others guess the number(group work)
6, teacher say a number,students use coffee sticks to shape its characters(group work)
7,Game:teacher shuffle the pictures of numbers, then pick some students, teacher say the number and students who holding the number go down and up quickly.
Review/Discuss/Clarify: (5 minutes)
Play the game in a groups
Summarizer/Closure: (1 minutes)
Stick a big chart paper on the wall, students count numbers together.
Step 4—Reflection
What happened during my lesson? What did my students learn? How do I know?
What did I learn? How will I improve my lesson next time?
I learnt standing on American students’ perspective to think, so counting from 11 to 99 needs calculation for them, so enough explain is necessary.
My students love rap and music, they like chant and songs, so I will create some chants for them.