Medium Term Planning
Year One
Toys and Games
Learning objectives:
- I can give instructions to my friend and follow their instructions to move around
- I can describe what happens when I press buttons on a robot
- I can describe what actions I need to do to make something happen
- I can describe what happens when I press the buttons on a robot
- I can begin to predict what will happen for a short sequence of instructions
- I can begin to use software/apps to create movement and patterns on a screen
- I can use the word debug when I correct mistakes when I program
- Children give Bee-Bot instructions to move around a space to reach a toy (can be physical objects or 15cm x 15cm picture representations used with aBee-Bot mat or laminated images for durability). Children begin by inputting one instruction at a time, then progress to building up a sequence – use Bee-Bot cards instruction cards if available to talk through and represent instructions needed.
- Explore debugging when Bee-Bot doesn’t reach intended toy.
- Guess my toy - Talk aloud inputting a sequence of instructions into Bee-Bot to reach a particular toy (or represent using cards) – children predict where Bee-Bot will land.
- Use Lily Hopactivityto predict route required for frog to jump across lily pads to reach the rock. Test. Design own lily pad maze for a partner.
- Navigate Bee-Bot around a racing track/town mat (download free example here if needed) by programming series of instructions.
- Use 2Go in 2Simple Infant Video Toolkit or PurpleMash and select car track background to complete activity on-screen.
Multimedia / Technology in our Lives
Learning objectives:
- I can use technology to create and present my ideas.
- I can be creative with different technology tools.
- Use Describing Toys activity to add text (a list of descriptive words) to an image by selecting from a word bank.
- Use a digital camera to record an image; upload it to a computer and add labels.
- Create an interactive story using 2Create a Story (2Publish, Book Creator App); create images, use the keyboard to add words/sentences, add animation.
- Use 2DIY (if available) to create a jigsaw from a photograph taken of a toy. Present work to a peer and complete each other’s puzzles.
- I can recognise ways that technology is used in my home and community.
- I can begin to identify some of the benefits of using technology.
- Complete both an offline and online jigsaw puzzle (simple toy one availablehere) – discuss which medium they prefer and why.
- Explore Infant Encyclopaedia, discussing how to use the icons. Use the toys section to retrieve information and access activities.
- Discuss the devices children play games on – what other functionality do they have?
Links to learning in other subjects
Literacy – Speaking and listening, writing lists, labels and captions, non-fiction texts
History – Toys from the past
Science – Which materials are toys are made from?
Jennifer Chilcott,Evercreech C of E Primary School