FBMK/PPL/BBI 3213 Mini-Project/Sem II 2010/2011Page 1 of 2
Department of English FBMK/PPL
Universiti Putra Malaysia
First Semester 2011/2012 Session
B. A. (English Language)
BBI 3213 (Speech Communication)
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Faiz S. Abdullah
Paper Assignment (20% of course marks)
Question:In order to learn to speak effectively in English as a second/foreign language, the speaker must be able to speak freelyand as much as possible whenever s/he can. However, besides a lack of language proficiency in some cases, we must be mindful of various barriers and/or problems, especially in a multicultural context. Discuss this statement with reference to specific macro/micro contexts of spokenlanguage use in the community, and taking into account speech needs in English on the national and/or international scene.
Write a library research paper that answers the above question. Give suitable examples where appropriate. You are strongly encouraged to use the following content format, suggestions, and writing requirements.(See also no. pages per major section)
Content Format:
Cover (optional); Title page (title, writers’ names and matric. nos, programme/semester, course, name of lecturer, and date of submission); Table of contents
(Main Text)
1.0INTRODUCTION (2-3 pages)
1.1Macro and micro functions of speech in the community (See BBI3213 module)
1.2Issues/problems (Questions to be listed may include: What are the English language speaking needs of Malaysians (and why)? What are the barriers to effective use of English in the community?How can we solve these problems?)
1.3Purpose and scope of paper (To research and write a library paper to address above issues/problems; scope must cover aspects mentioned in project question)
1.4Definition of key terms
2.0ENGLISH LANGUAGE SPEAKING NEEDS AND PROBLEMS (Include subheadings as necessary e.g. 2.2.1 Education and Training)(4-6 pages)
2.1Importance of English
2.2Speaking Needs in a Variety of Areas (education, business, science and technology, social. International relations, etc)
2.3Problems and Barriers (lack of proficiency, exposure to English, ethnocentrism, racism, sexism, polarisation, indiscrimination, allness, etc.)
3.1Improving Proficiency in English
3.2Reducing Ethnocentrism
4.0CONCLUSION(2 pages)
4.1Summary of the Paper
4.2Implications and Suggestions for Further Research
REFERENCES (list at least 10, including web-based resources)
APPENDICES (if any, but must be referred to in paper)
Some Writing Requirements:
- The paper may be attempted in groups of up to four students or individually (though this might be a less desirable alternative).
- Maximum length of paper: 20 A4 pages + front matter + back matter
- Text must be typed or word-processed: 1.5 spacing for the main text; single spacing for References, Appendices, Endnotes etc.; Font-size for regular/body text and bold sub-headings: 11 or 12 points Times New Roman or Arial; major section headings: 14 points (bold)
- Important: Acknowledge your sources of information.Check with a textbook chapter or a journal article to see how references are documented. You can use any reference or bibliography system but be consistent throughout.
- Any sign of plagiarism will be severely dealt with in the grading of your work.
Deadline: To reach PPL UPM two (2) weeks before the BBI 3213 FINAL EXAMINATION First Semester 2011/2012
MFSA 06/2011