Selby Health Walks

Walk Overview

A medium risk, pleasant woodland walk following uneven and sometimes rough tracks which can be very muddy in wet weather. No gradients or stiles but unsuitable for pushchairs or wheelchairs. Best walked in theSpring and Summer months to appreciate the flora and fauna and woodland at its best but insect spray or wipes advisable. Avoid walking this route in very windy weather.

Walk Sector – see Route Map / Sector Dist. Miles / Cumulative Distance Miles
1 On leaving the car park, follow the main track(to your right when you stand facing Scalm Lane) for a short distance (¼m) and on passing a pond on your right turn right at point 12 onto a wide path to cross a bridge over a dyke. Follow this path for a further short distance where you turn right at point 11 onto a wide stoned track. Continue (passing opposite tracks on the left and right) and following the track as it bears right until you reach a path on the left approx. 100 yds before an exit from the wood onto Scalm Lane, point 2 / 0.8 / 0.8
2 Turn left at this point to follow the path to a point where it reaches the boundary of the wood. Bear left here and within a few yards join a track on a bend which comes in from the left. Bear right here and continue for approx ¾m along the path which follows the edge of the wood (on your right) until you arrive at point 3 / 0.7 / 1.5
3Here the path bears left and crosses a bridge over a dyke.Continue ahead following the boundary of the wood and ignoring all paths on the left until you cross another bridge to arrive at a clearing where you bear right (do not go straight ahead) between two widely spaced fir trees to join a wider track, point 4 / 0.5 / 2.0
4 Continue along this track, which bears right at a clearing where there is a fallen tree facing you. Continue along the track following the edge of the wood, for approx ¾ mile again ignoring paths on the left until you later reach a path on the right (between two closely spaced fir trees), point 5 / 0.75 / 2.75
5 Take this right hand path which shortly bears left eventually passing an exit from the wood between two posts on your right Do not turn right but continue ahead until you arrive at a grassy clearing and a junction where you turn right onto another track and continue for a short distance until you reach a track on the left just prior to the exit from the wood at Bishopdyke road , point 6 / 0.35 / 3.1
6 Turn left onto this track andand pass through a gap in a fence tofollow it until you reach a track on the left. Turn off onto this trackand follow its meandering routeuntil you arrive at a tee junction with another stoned track, point 7 / 0.4 / 3.5
7 Turn immediate right here and follow this track for about ¼ mile, passing opposite tracks on your left and right en route to the next right hand fork, point 8 / 0.2 / 3.7
8 At this point fork right and follow this path, passing through a clearing about half way along this leg, to a point where the path joins another wide stoned main track, point 9 / 0.3 / 4.0
9 Bear left here and continue until you arrive at a crossroads, point 10 / 0.25 / 4.25
10 Turn right onto another wide stoned track to eventually arrive at a semi-circular clearing, point 11 / 0.25 / 4.5
11 At this clearing a path leads off to the right where you now retrace the first two legs of the outward journey by following this path to another junction, point 12 / 0.2 / 4.7
12 Bear left here on the main track at this junction to return to the car park, point 1 / 0.2 / 4.9 Say5.0

All distances are approximate Prepared by: Peter Holland and David Walker, November 2013/April 2014 Read instructions in conjunction with route map. Map not to scale. Risk assessment available – Generic