
Economic Problems Project

In order to do this project, students must have command of the concepts from chapters 1-16. This project will actively involve the concepts of the previously mentioned sections and test each student’s ability to understand these topics in a given window of time. The presentation will consist of an assessment of an economic problem and the solutions used to solve this problem; followed with analysis of the solutions.


Minimum – 7 minutes

Maximum – 8 minutes

Please be sure not to ignore time limits. Points will be taken off for projects shorter and longer than the given time.


The grade will be based on the following

1.  Number and quality of supporting visuals – i.e. unemployment graph

2.  Demonstrated understanding of economic indicators – “why”. The explanation as to why economic changes are happening or have happened

3.  Accuracy of information used in presentation – must have references

4.  Demonstrated degree of preparation–“um factor”. A half point will be deducted for groups after the 3rd “um.

5.  Time limit adherence


1.  6 economic models – pie graphs, charts, AD-AS models, income-expenditure models etc

2.  Explanation of current or past solutions to fix the economic problem with accompanying graphs

3.  Critiques of solutions and other possible solutions with accompanying graphs

4.  Two quotes from economists or experts involved in the problem. Do not quote me.

5.  Bibliography with at least 5 references with proper bibliographical style. Use your student handbook for the sake of organizing your notation. Last slide will be your list of sources in MLA format

6.  Minimum 18 slides – maximum 36 slides; you must have transition slides when changing topics

7.  5 highlighted/emboldened/underlined Key Points of the Presentation

8.  2 Copies: Your presentation will be in Google Docs Format and also emailed to me.


Professional attire is not an option. This project is not only a test of your understanding of material, but also a test of your ability to deliver information to others. In such a case, professional attire is necessary. Gentlemen must wear slacks or khakis with a pressed shirt, tie (no bolo ties or mock turtle necks), and leather dress shoes (chords and cargo pants are not an option). Ladies must wear a dress blouse, either a skirt or dress slacks, and dress shoes (no open toe shoes – this is neither the prom nor an episode of Jersey Shore).

Point Value

This assignment is worth 100 points. All team members will receive the same score. Please remember that your audience is high school seniors, so be sure to explain your ideas clearly and thoroughly.

Possible Topics for Project

Each student team will choose a topic for their presentation. Since there will be more student teams than there are topics, there will be some overlap. This will be the last major assignment of the semester. However, there will be one final assignment that will be completed during the presentations.

The project list is as follows:

1.  Social Security Crisis

2.  Medicare Crisis

3.  Current State and forecasting the Economy

4.  Great Depression – causes and effect

5.  Great Stagflation – causes and effects

6.  California Debt Crisis 2009-12 causes and effect

7.  California Debt Crisis 2003 and 2004 causes and effect

8.  Stock Market Bubbles & Crash of 2000 (Nasdaq)

9.  Stock Crash 2008-2009 Banking, Housing, Auto Stocks)

10.  Housing Market: 1996-2007

11.  Chinese Economic Growth 1990-present

12.  Indian Economic Growth 1990-present

13.  Greece’s Debt Crisis: Causes and Solutions

14.  FED 1929 v 2009 - Bernanke to Rescue: Minimizing Damage

15.  Obama Stimulus 2008-2013

16.  TARP

17.  Derivatives – MBS and the contributions to the housing bubble

18.  Brazilian Economic Growth – 1990-present

19.  US Debt History 1900-present