
Title:Generalised Agricultural Land UseWestern Australia

Custodian:Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development

Jurisdiction:Western Australia


Contact Role: Custodian

Contact Organisation Name: Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development

Contact Organisation Jurisdiction: Western Australia

Contact Name: Geographic Information Services

Contact Position: Data manager

Mail Address 1: Locked Bag No. 4

Mail Address 2:

Suburb or Place or Locality: Bentley Delivery Centre

State or Locality 2: WA

Country: Australia

Postcode: 6983

Telephone: 08 9368 3925

Facsimile: 08 9474 2405

Electronic Mail Address:


Abstract:This dataset is the generalised agricultural land use map of Western Australia first created in 2004 for the booklet ‘Western Australia’s Agrifood, Fibre, Fisheries and Forestry Industries’. The map has been subsequently updated to reflect changes in land use, in particular the change from sheep to cattle grazing in the Rangelands of Western Australia. This map represents generalised areas of land use only and should not be relied upon for use at scales larger than 1:5, 000, 000.

Search Words:AGRICULTURE Cropping, AGRICULTURE Dairy, AGRICULTURE Horticulture, AGRICULTURE Irrigation, AGRICULTURE Livestock, LAND Use

Geographic Extent:Western Australia.

Data Currency

Beginning Date: 2004

Ending Date: October 2017

Dataset Status


Maintenance & Update Frequency:Annually.


Stored Data Format:DIGITAL Oracle Spatial

Available Format Types:DIGITAL Intergraph GeoMedia warehouse, DIGITAL ArcView shapefile,NON DIGITAL Plots and reports

Access Constraints: Subject to data licensing agreement – Creative Commons non-commercial.

Data Quality

Lineage: This dataset was created by using the expert knowledge of specialists within the (then) Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia to delineate broad areas of agricultural land use. More detailed datasets of pastoral lease boundaries and forestry areas have been used to help better define the extent of these land uses.

Positional Accuracy:+ or – 10 km.

Attribute Accuracy:Attribution is based on specialist knowledge of the agricultural industry in Western Australia.

Logical Consistency:Topological errors checked and corrected using GeoMedia Professional.

Completeness:Western Australia.

Metadata Date: 13-10-2017

Additional Metadata

Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994.

Projection: Geographic coordinates