Randolph Town Office

Recorded Olympus File A, No 7

November 9, 2011

6:40 pm, Immediately Following CDBG Hearing


Tom Britton

Brian Weyers

Christine Adams

Lana Peart, Clerk

ABSENT: Lyn Weston

GUESTS: Daren Adams, Randy Hoffman, Colleen Hoffman

Mayor Winder called the meeting to order at 6:40 pm. Clerk Lana Peart then read the bills for the month. The bills were moved to be approved by Brian Weyers,seconded by Chris Adams and the board agreed unanimously.

The minutes from last month’s meeting were read and moved to be approved by Mayor Winder, seconded by Chris Adams, approved unanimously.

Randy and Colleen Hoffman were then given the floor to discuss their reasons to meet with the board. They would like to ask for some more gravel for their city right of way that goes to their house. They have hauled 20 plus loads and still need more to make the road passable in the winter. They would also like to have additional work done on the Pond Street extension that goes by their corrals and shop. Mr. Hoffman can spread the gravel if they could get some assistance hauling it in. He also added that Harold Hoffman, his neighbor said his area where the new water line had been put in was fine for right now. The board agreed with the request and the Mayor and Bryan Thomson will meet with the Hoffmans next week to look at the area in question.

The board then moved on to old business. The town had recently received some bad water samples. The samples were positive for Coliform. Bear River Health was requesting some further testing be done. This month all the samples came back good. It was believed that the method of collection could be improved upon. We will be sending in all our own samples in the future.

The court case against Green Connection has been filed. The board was presented with a copy of the retainer for Mr. Martineau and the charges pressed against Green Connection. The Mayor expects this to come to court sometime in the spring. We are suing for $7200 plus lawyer and filling fees.

Rocky Mountain Power had given us a bid for two new street lights. They were $4476 with a $2095 allowance bringing the total to $2381 for 2 lights near the school. Chris Adams mentioned that she remembered only approving one new light near Jacksons. Mayor will check the minutes to see if one or two were approved.

The franchise agreement with Rocky Mountain Power is also up. It comes due every 50 years. The board agreed that this was too long a time period and the agreement should be reviewed about every ten years. Mayor said that he would have the changes made and the document there to discuss at the January meeting. The board would also like a representative from Rocky Mountain Power to come and explain the agreement at that time.

The speed signs have been taken down for the winter to prevent damage from the snow plows. They will be back up in the spring. Everyone agreed that they had been a valuable tool in slowing drivers down coming through town.

Mayor informed the board that he had been told by UDOT that Monte Cristo highway will be closed on November 15.

In New Business, we have received a business license application and check for a $50 fee from Vivant, Inc., a Provo, Utah company that is planning on coming to our town to sell home security systems. It is not know when they will be coming for sure. But they have been informed of our requirements for door to door sales and will respect all no soliciting signs. Brian Weyers moved to approve the license and Chris Adams seconded.

ROADS: No issues.

WATER: Nothing further

RECREATION: All recreation areas had been winterized. Chris Adams asked, because we had a large number of participants from all over the county, if we could ask for some county funds to help run our recreation programs. The board members agreed, we could ask, but believed that we would get no response from the county for this purpose.

PLANNING AND ZOINING: Was not held this month.

It was decided to meet on December 17, 2011 at 10 am to fill the Christmas bags with candy. We will be filling about 150 bags. Everyone should come if they could. The Public Christmas Party will be on December 24 and the Board’s Christmas party is on December 14 at 6:30pm. It was brought to our attention that the North Rich school party is the same night, but it was decided that a change now is not likely to be feasible.

Brian moved to close the meeting at 7:27 and Chris seconded, the board gave unanimous approval.


Date of Approval______