Indigo Escrime Training – Summer 2017

30th July – 2nd August 2017 (3 nights, 4 days training)

There will be an Indigo Escrime training camp at Hartpury College, Hartpury, GL19 3BE

Please check with your personal coach that they are happy for you to come to this course.

This will be an epee-focussed camp, with appropriate high level training throughout. If numbers are sufficient, we will run an associated/integrated sabre course.

Training will begin at 11am on Sunday. Anyone travelling more than 3 hours may be offered the option of arriving on Saturday evening, with an extra charge for the overnight stay. Confirm this when booking.

We will only take people who are serious about their sport, and prepared to behave impeccably at all times – the staff are there to care for and teach the fencers, not discipline them.

Ages 11 to adult – special section for parents wanting to start/improve their own understanding of the sport.


£350which includes accommodation (full board) and all training. Snacks and water will be provided throughout the training period. The full cost to be paid by 12th July 2017 latest, (preferably before!!) please – details for payment below.

If there are problems with payment, please email me or call to discuss.

The staff will be – at least!:

Maggie Maynard – manager

Marc Chapman – coach

Mhairi Spence – coach mentor

Kian Ryan – coach (S)

Sierra Goldberg – coach (S) mentor

If numbers permit, we will also have:

John Rees – coach

Joe Pearce - coach

Jo Maynard - coach

Lee Ormerod – if available

A full list will be sent out soon, but all coaches will be highly qualified, and meet our standards in all respects.

If you wish to attend this course, please let me know as soon as possible.

Then complete the personal details form and sign the Code of Conduct, and return these by email to me immediately. Electronic signatures are accepted.

You can pay either by cheque (Payable Indigo Escrime, posted to Maggie Maynard 183 Brighton Road, Worthing West Sussex BN11 2EX) or by bank transfer (Lloyds Bank SORT: 30-63-64 ACC: 43318560 – ref: {your surname 17})

It would be helpful if you can confirm to me by email straight away that you have made the payment.