ISRCTN42955626 Confidential once completed Please answer all the questions


Please report immediately any SERIOUS ADVERSE EVENTS (see eGFR-C Protocol, Section 9 for definition) occurring within 24 hoursof iohexol administration, by completing all of the details below and faxing this form to the eGFR-C Trial Office on 0121 415 9135. Please also complete the SAE form if the patient dies.

eGFR-C Study Number: / iiI iiI iiI ii iiI ii / Date of Birth: / MiiMiMi/ YiiiYiiiYiiiYii
Responsible study clinician: / Hospital Name:
Patient sex: / ii iiMale ii iiFemale
Current Patient Height (cm): / I iii iiiiii.ii ii / Current Patient Weight (kg): / IiiiI iii ii.ii ii
Is this report: / Initial Report / Follow-up Report / Final Report
Seriousness of event (please provide a response to each question) / Yes / No / Details
Death / If Yes, date of death
iDiiDi/ MiiMiiMi/ YiiiYiiiYiiiYii
Category of death: …………… (1 – Cancer, 2 – Cardiovascular, 3 – Cerebrovascular, 4 – Renal, 5 – Hepatic, 6 – Respiratory, 7 – Neurodegenerative, 8 – Accidental (death not caused by disease), 9 – Other)
Cause of death: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Life threatening event
In-patient hospitalisation or prolongation of existing hospitalisation / If Yes, Initial Prolonged
If Yes, number of days spent in hospital as result of the SAE
Persistent or significant disability/incapacity
Congenital abnormality or birth defect
Other pertinent medical reason for reporting? / If Yes, please specify: ………………………………………………………………………
Date Event Started / iDiiDi/ MiiMiiMi/ YiiiYiiiYiiiYii
CTCAE category / I i iPlease refer to coded list on Page 4

Serious adverse event description: include a) diagnosis, b) changes in medications, c) relevant investigation results, d) treatment of the SAE,e) location. (Please answer all points a-e and attach copies of relevant reports).






Details of relevant medical history (indicate if medical history is considered ‘nil relevant’)



Iohexol administration causality assessment
The assessment of causality must be provided by a clinician
Date of iohexol administration / Causality Assessment
1 Unrelated to iohexol administration
2 Unlikely to be related to iohexol administration
3 Possibly related to iohexol administration
4 Probably related to iohexol administration
5 Definitely related to iohexol administration / Action taken due to SAE
1 Iohexol administration discontinued – no iohexol to be administered in the future
2Considered safe to administer further iohexol in the future
3 Unknown
4 N/A
DD/MMM/YYYY / I i / I i
Please give reasons why you consider the event to be related to the iohexol administration
Did iohexol administration cause an anaphylactoid reaction? Yes No N/A
If Yes, what treatment was the patient given?
Antihistamine Corticosteroid Adrenaline Other if Other please specify: ………………………………………………………

Was the SAE unexpected, i.e. of a type or severity which is NOT consistent with the up-to-date product information? This section must be completed by a clinician.

Unexpected / Expected / Unrelated
If Unexpected, please give reasons why you consider the event to be unexpected: …………………………………………………………………………………

Concomitant Medication

Please provide details of other medication the patient was taking prior to the event:

Drug Name (give generic name) / Start date / Tick if continuing or specify stop date / Dose / Unit / Freq-uency / Route / Indication
Please refer to coded list on Page 4
______/ DD/ MMM/ YYYY / DD/ MMM/ YYYY
______/ DD/ MMM/ YYYY / DD/ MMM/ YYYY
______/ DD/ MMM/ YYYY / DD/ MMM/ YYYY
______/ DD/ MMM/ YYYY / DD/ MMM/ YYYY
______/ DD/ MMM/ YYYY / DD/ MMM/ YYYY
______/ DD/ MMM/ YYYY / DD/ MMM/ YYYY


What was the final outcome of the event?
Resolved no sequelae / If Resolved, date of resolution: iDiiDi/ MiiMiiMi/ YiiiYiiiYiiiYii
Resolved with sequelae / If Resolved, date of resolution: iDiiDi/ MiiMiiMi/ YiiiYiiiYiiiYii
Specific sequelae: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....
Continuing / If Continuing, please provide date of resolution on follow-up/final SAE form

Details of person reporting:

Signature of Person Reporting (you must be listed on the site delegation log): / Name of Person Reporting:
Telephone Number: / Email Address:
Fax Number: / Date of reporting:
iDiiDi / MiiMiiMi / YiiiYiiiYiiYii
Signature of Principal Investigator (if not reported by PI):
SUSAR Reporting For BCTU use only / Date reported to BCTU?
iDiiDi / MiiMiiMi / YiiiYiiiYiiYii
Date reported to CI?
iDiiDi / MiiMiiMi / YiiiYiiiYiiYii / Date reply received from CI?
iDiiDi / MiiMiiMi / YiiiYiiiYiiYii
Is this event a SUSAR? / No  Is this a SAE? No Yes
Yes  7 day report OR 15 day report
CI comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
CI signature: / Date: iDiiDi / MiiMiiMi / YiiiYiiiYiiYii
Due to be reported to Ethics Committee / Date: iDiiDi / MiiMiiMi / YiiiYiiiYiiYii

PTO for Coded Reference Lists

Coded Reference Lists

Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v3.0 (CTCAE Coded List)
Code / Category / Code / Category
1 / Allergy/Immunology / 15 / Infection
2 / Auditory/Ear / 16 / Lymphatics
3 / Blood/Bone Marrow / 17 / Metabolic/Laboratory
4 / Cardiac Arrhythmia / 18 / Musculoskeletal/Soft Tissue
5 / Cardiac General / 19 / Neurology
6 / Coagulation / 20 / Ocular/Visual
7 / Constitutional Symptoms / 21 / Pain
8 / Death / 22 / Pulmonary/Upper Respiratory
9 / Dermatology/Skin / 23 / Renal/Genitourinary
10 / Endocrine / 24 / Secondary Malignancy
11 / Gastrointestinal / 25 / Sexual/Reproductive Function
12 / Growth And Development / 26 / Surgery/Intra-Operative Injury
13 / Hemorrhage/Bleeding / 27 / Syndromes
14 / Hepatobiliary/Pancreas / 28 / Vascular
Concomitant Medication Codes (Units, Route, Frequency)
Unit Codes / Route Code / Frequency Code
1 / mg / 1 / Intra-arterial / 1 / Twice a day
2 / µg / 2 / Intraperitoneal / 2 / Three times a day
3 / g / 3 / Intravenous / 3 / Four times a day
4 / puffs / 4 / Oral / 4 / Hourly
5 / units / 5 / Respiratory (inhalation) / 5 / 4 hourly
6 / ml / 6 / Subcutaneous / 6 / Daily
7 / mg/ml / 7 / Topical / 7 / Alternate days
8 / mg/kg / 8 / Suppository / 8 / As desired
9 / µg/ml / 9 / Intra-occular / 9 / If necessary
10 / AUC / 10 / Intramuscular / 10 / Slow release
97 / Other, specify / 97 / Other, specify / 97 / Other, specify
99 / Not known / 99 / Not known / 99 / Not known

eGFR-C Study Office, Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit, College of Medical & Dental Sciences, Robert Aitken Institute, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston,

Birmingham, B15 2TT

Tel: 0121 415 9130 Fax: 0121 415 9135

eGFR-CStudy Website:

eGFR-CStudy Mailbox:

When you have faxed the form, please then send this form (with copies of any relevant reports) to the eGFR-C Study Office, Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit, College of Medical & Dental Sciences, Robert Aitken Institute, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT.

eGFR-C SAE FormPage 1 of 4Version 1.0 14th Feb 2014