Dr. David W CHAN


David Wai CHAN

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Address: L747 Laboratory Block, LKS Faculty of Medicine, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, SAR, PR. China


Tel: +852-28199367

Fax: +852-28161947

Academic Qualifications:

BSc. (Hons) (1989-1992, HKBU), MPhil (HK) (1993-1996, HKU), PhD (Monash, Australia) (1997-2002)

Present Academic Position:

Assistant Professor and

Hon. Assistant Professor, Department of O & G, HKU,


Previous relevant research work:

2007-2013 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, HKU.

2006-2007 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, HKU.

2003-2006 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Pathology, HKU.

2001-2003 Research Officer, Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, University of

Melbourne, Australia.

2000-2001 Research Officer, MIRD, Monash University, Australia

1995-1997 Technician, Department of Medicine, HKU

1994-1995 Research Assistant, Department of Microbiology, HKU.

Research Interests:

1.  Functional characterization of tumor suppressors and oncogenes and delineation of the related cellular signaling pathways such as AMPK, ERK, Hedgehog and Wnt/b-catenin signaling pathways which contribute to the tumorigenesis of gynaecological malignancies.

2.  To examine the role of miRNAs in the development of chemoresistance and metastasis in ovarian cancer.

3.  To understand the underlying molecular mechanisms associated with cancer cell metabolism and tumor microenvironment in ovarian cancer.


1.  Gynecology & Obstetrics : Current Research: Editorial Board member (2010-present)

2.  American Journal of Clinical Cancer Research: Senior Editorial Board member (2012-present)

Reviewer of Journals (2007-present):

Gastroenterology, PNAS, Cancer Res, Clin Cancer Res, J. Pathol, Carcinogenesis, PLosOne, Brit J Cancer, FEBS J, Int J Cancer, Liver Int, Future Oncol, BMC Cancer

Administrative Duties:

1.  2012-Present: Faculty Academic Adviser (FAA) for MBBS

2.  2008-Present: In charge of laboratory discipline.

3.  2006- Present: Assist in management of departmental equipments and viral laboratory.

Teaching Experiences:

1.  2000-2001 Co-supervisor of a medical science student. Peter MacCallum Cancer

Center, Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia.

2.  2006-present Supervision of postgraduate students in Department of Obstetrics &

Gynaecology, The University of Hong Kong

Supervision of MPhil student

Principal Supervisor:

i.  Miss Liu Jing (2013 – Present) To be announced.

ii.  Miss Tang Wai Man, Hermit (2013- Present) To be announced.

iii.  Miss Mak Sze Ling, Celia (2011-transfer to PhD in 2013) Delineation of the molecular mechanism miR-141/KLF12 in anoikis resistance and the application of miR-141 as a tumor marker for ovarian cancer.

iv.  Miss Hui Wing Yee, Winnie (2010-2012) Identification of DLX1 as a FOXM1 downstream target in mediating ovarian cancer oncogenesis.

v.  Miss Kwan Hoi Tung, Virginia (2009-2011) AMPK activators inhibit cervical cancer cell growth through reduction of Dvl3 in Wnt/b-catenin signaling.

vi.  Mr. Fung Khe Cheong, Frederic (2009-2011) Upregulation of PITX2 transcription factor is associated with ovarian tumorigenesis.

vii.  Miss Lok Tsz Mei, Gabriel (2008-2010) Aberrant activation of ERK/FOXM1 signaling axis promotes cell migration/invasion in ovarian cancer.


i.  Miss To Man Yan, MPhil (2005-2007) Potential Oncogenic role of FOXG1 in ovarian cancer.

ii.  Miss Li Yuk Wan, Winnie (2005-2007) Functional Characterization of the Role of AMPKγ2 inOvarian Cancer.

iii.  Miss Sandy Yu (2004-2006) Role of AMP-activated protein kinase in cervical cancer cell growth.

iv.  Mr Yip Cheuk To (2006-2008) Molecular Genetics of Gynaecological Oncology.withdrawn

Supervision of PhD student

Principal Supervisor:

i.  Miss Liu Xin, Michelle (2010-2012) Downregulation of MicroRNA-199b-5p is associated with chemoresistance via Jagged1/Notch1 in human ovarian cancer.

ii.  Miss Cai Chun Hui, Patty (2009-2013) Increased activation of TAK1/NFB activity is associated with the aggressiveness of ovarian cancers

iii.  Mr. Wang Yajun (2007-2010) Functional characterization of GRB7 and its variant, GRB7v, in ovarian cancer.


i.  Dr. Li Cuilan (2006-2011) Functional role of AMPK-b1 expression in ovarian cancer progression.

ii.  Miss. Mak Sze Ling (2012-present) Delineation of the molecular mechanism miR-141/KLF12 in anoikis resistance and the application of miR-141 as a tumor marker for ovarian cancer.

iii.  Miss Liang Rui (2012-present) Functional characterization of Bcl2a1 in ovarian cancer upon hypoxia.

3.  Postgraduate Courses:

i.  MMPH6186 Research methodologies in obstetrics and gynecology (19 Oct 2012-18 Jan 2013): Lecturer

ii.  Master of Research in Medicine (MRes[Med]) Topic: Biomolecular studies in gynaecological cancers. Academic Year 2013/14.

4.  PBL Tutors:

i.  2009-2010 for MBBS year 2 students: Urogenital System (8 Sept-2 Oct, 2009) (with evaluation data attached)

ii.  2011-2012 for MBBS year 2 students: Endocrine System (co-tutor for 1st case with Dr. Ronald Pang, 20 Mar - 17 Apr 2012)

iii.  2012-2013 for MBBS year 1students: Introduction to Health and Disease Block (co-tutor for 1st case with Dr. Thomas Leung 22 – 25 Oct 2012).

iv.  2012-2013 for MBBS year 2 students: Endocrine System (15 Mar-12 Apr, 2013).

5.  Lecturer for Special Study Modules for MBBS I, II and III students.

1.  Special Study Modules to MBBS I, II & III Students in 2010

Topic: The roles of putative miRNAs in the tumorigenicity of ovarian cancer cells

Module: Full (4 weeks)

Student numbers: 3 (from MBBS Yr 2 and 3)

6.  Facilitator for the Case-based Workshop Series on Research Integrity

Students: All postgraduates in LKS Faculty of Medicine

1.  Nov 10, 2010, Topic: Conflict of Interest: Declare or Beware!

2.  Feb 14, 2012, Topic: Conflict of Interest: Declare or Beware!

3.  Dec 18, 2012, Topic: Clinical Research Ethics: The Rights of the Human Research Subjects

Prizes awarded to Postgraduate Students:

1. Kwan HT, Chan DW, Liu VW and Ngan HY. Metformin inhibits cell growth through reduction of Dvl3 in gynecological cancer. The 15th Research Postgraduate Symposium December 1-2, 2010 (Kwan HT, MPhil student. The outstanding poster presentation.)

2. Cai CH, Chan DW and Ngan HY. Increased expression of TAK1 promotes aggressiveness of ovarian cancer. The 17th Research Postgraduate Symposium December 13-14, 2012. (The Best Oral Presentation.)

Evaluation of teaching

I have consistent good student feedback from postgraduate, MBBS students from PBL and SSM courses which over 95% of them evaluated my teaching as good or excellent.

Research Grant Awards:

External Grants

·  2006-2008 Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases: “Characterization of the roles of hepatitis B virus X protein in liver cancer” (Co-I)

·  2011-2014 RGC General Research Fund: “The functional impact of AMP-activated protein kinase gamma-2 (AMPK-g2) subunit expression on AMPK activity and oncogenesis in ovarian cancer” (PI)

·  2013-2016 RGC General Research Fund: “Functional significance of TAK1-mediated NFkB signaling in omental metastasis of ovarian cancer” (PI)

Internal Grants:

·  2005-2006 HKU Seed Project Funding Programme: “Characterization of the Dishevelled gene in Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in liver cancer” (Co-I)

·  2004-2005 HKU Small Project Funding Programme: “Characterization of the roles of Hepatitis B virus X protein in hepatocellular carcinoma” (Co-I)

·  2003-2004 HKU Small Project Funding Programme: “Characterization of T-cadherin in hepatocellular carcinoma” (Co-I)

·  2003-2006 HKU VCO SARS Research Fund: “Study on the pathogenesis of SARS coronavirus by establishing transgenicbmouse lines expressing SARS-CoV viral proteins” (Co-I)

·  2006-2008 HKU Small Project Funding Programme: “Characterization of the roles of Dual specificity MAPK phosphatase 3 (MKP3) in ovarian cancer” (PI)

·  2007-2008 HKU Seed Funding Programme for Basic research: “Potential interaction between Zic2 and Gli proteins in enhancing the oncogenic role of hedgehog signaling in cervical cancer” (Co-I)

·  2008 -2009 HKU Seed Funding Programme for Basic research: “Functional characterization of AMPKgamma 2 in ovarian cancer” (PI)

·  2008-2009 HKU Seed Funding Programme for Basic research: “Investigation of the potential oncogenic role of forkhead box transcription factor FoxG1 in ovarian cancer” (Co-I)

·  2009-2010 HKU Seed Funding Programme for Basic research: “Functional characterization of GRB7 and its variant, GRB7v, in ovarian cancer”. (PI)

·  2009-2010 HKU GRF Incentive Award: “Functional characterization of Sox7 in the Wnt/b-catenin signaling pathway in human endometrial cancer” (PI)

·  2010-2011 HKU Seed Funding Programme for Basic research: “Identification of putative miRNAs involved in chemoresistance of ovarian cancer”. (PI)

·  2011-2012 HKU GRF Incentive award: “The impact of AMP-activated protein kinase gamma-2 (AMPK-g2) subunit expression on AMPK activity and tumorigenicity of ovarian cancer”.(PI)

·  2011-2013 RGC General Research Fund 2011/2012 Merit Award: “The functional impact of AMP-activated protein kinase gamma-2 (AMPK-g2) subunit expression on AMPK activity and oncogenesis in ovarian cancer”. (PI)

·  2012-2014 HKU Seed Funding Programme for Basic research: “Functional Characterization of Has-miR-141, a Putative Oncogene in Promoting Anchorage-Independent Growth Ability of Ovarian Cancer Cells” (PI)

·  2012-2015 HKU Seed Funding Programme for Basic research: “Mechanistic and functional characterization of Bitter Melon extract (BME) and its active component, MAP30, in combating ovarian cancer chemoresistance” (PI)

Invited Lectures:

1.  Chan D.W., The Use of RNA interference in Medical Science , In: Chan DW, Annual Scientific Meeting 2004, Hong Kong Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences Ltd. JW Marriott Hotel, Queenway, Hong Kong. 18th July, 2004. . 2004.

2.  Chan D.W., The Use of RNA Interference in Study of HBV-infected Hepatocellular Carcinoma, In: Chan DW, Weekly scientific meeting. Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, HKU. September 2004.

3.  Chan D.W., Functional Characterization of MKP3 in ovarian cancer, Monthly seminar, Depatment of Obs. & Gyn., HKU. 2007.

4.  Chan D.W. and Ngan H.Y., The prognostic and therapeutic potential of AMP-activated protein kinase in ovarian cancer, In: Chan DW, ASGO 2nd International Workshop on Gynecologic Oncology, September 28 2012, Kyoto, Japan.

5.  Chan D.W. and Ngan H.Y. The AMP-activated protein kinase gamma-2 (AMPK-γ2) subunit acts as a modifier of AMPK activity in ovarian cancer cells. Zhijiang University, 14 November, 2012.

6.  Chan D.W. Targeting of GRB7/ERK/FOXM1 impairs the aggressiveness of ovarian cancer. IGT seminar, Genome Centre of LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong. December 10 2012.

7.  Chan. D.W. The macro world of microRNA. Postgraduate Teaching Seminar. Department of Obs. & Gyn., HKU. January 14, 2013.

*Scientific Publications:

*Publications (Citations: 514; Source: Scopus--Citation report)

·  Liu MX, , Siu MMK, Liu SS, JW Yam and Ngan HYS* and Chan DW*. (2014) Epigenetic silencing of miR-199b-5p is associated with chemoresistance of ovarian cancer through activation of JAG-1/NOTCH signaling cascade. Oncotarget (in press). * co-corresponding author

·  Chan DW, Hui WWY, Liang RR, Cai PCH, Liu MX, Yung MMH, Leung THY, Chan KKL, Yao KM, Wang JW and Ngan HYS*. (2014) DLX1 acts FOXM1 downstream in promoting ovarian cancer growth and migration through suppressing TGFb1/SMAD4 signaling cascade. (In preparation).

·  Chan KKL, Leung TH, Chan DW, Wei N, Lau GT, Liu SS, Siu MK, and Ngan HY. (2014) Targeting estrogen receptor subtypes in ovarian cancer. (In preparation).

·  Cai PC, Liu VW, Shi L, IJ Liu, Leung TH, Chan KK, Yao KM, Ngan HYS* and Chan DW*. (2014) TAK1 promotes ovarian cancer aggressiveness through activation of NF-κB signal pathway. Int J Cancer (Major Revision). * co-corresponding author

·  Leung THY, Wong CS, Chan KKL, Chan DW, Cheung AN and Ngan HYS. (2013) The interaction between DNp73 and C35 promotes chemoresistance in ovarian cancer cells. Brit. J Cancer. 109(4):965-75.

·  Yung MM, Chan DW*, Liu VW, Yao KM and Ngan HY*. (2013) Activation of AMPK inhibits cervical cancer cell growth through AKT/FOXO3a/ FOXM1 signaling cascade. BMC Cancer 13:327 * co-corresponding author

·  Li CL, Chan DW*, Liu VW, Chiu PM, Yao KM and Ngan HYS*. (2014) Reduced expression of AMPK-β1 during tumor progression enhances the oncogenic capacity of advanced ovarian cancer. Mol Cancer (in revision). * co-corresponding author

·  Lam AK, Ngan AW, Leung G, Kwok D, Liu VW, Chan DW, Leung WY and Yao KM. (2013) FOXM1b, which is present at elevated levels in cancer cells, has a greater transforming potential than FOXM1c. Frontiers Mol Cell Oncol. 3:11.

·  Chan DW*, Hui WWY, Cai PCH, Liu MX, Yung MMH, Mak CSL, Leung THY, Chan KKL, and Ngan HYS*. (2012) GRB7/ERK/FOXM1 signaling axis is a promising therapeutic target in ovarian cancer. PLos ONE 2012 (7) e 52578. * co-corresponding author

·  Kwan HT, Chan DW*, Cai PCH, Mak CSL, Yung MMH, Leung THY, Wong OGW, Cheung ANY and Ngan HYS*. (2012) AMPK activators suppress cervical cancer cell growth through inhibition of DVL3 mediated Wnt/b-catenin signaling activity. PLos ONE 2013;8(1):e53597. * co-corresponding author

·  Chan DW, Mak, CSL, Leung THY, Chan KKL and Ngan HY. (2012) Down-regulation of Sox7 is associated with aberrant activation of Wnt/b-catenin signaling in endometrial cancer. Oncotarget 3: 1546-56.

·  Li C, Liu VW, Chiu PM, Chan DW and Ngan HY. (2012) Over-expressions of AMPK subunits in ovarian carcinomas with significant clinical implications, BMC Cancer 12: 357.

·  Liu X, Chan DW* and Ngan HY. (2012) Mechanisms of Chemoresistance in Human Ovarian Cancer at a Glance, Gynecology & Obstetrics. 2: 1000e104. * co-corresponding author

·  Chan DW* and Ngan HY (2012). The potential molecular therapeutic approach in targeting ovarian clear cell carcinoma, Gynecology & Obstetrics. OMICS Group, 2: 1000e103. * corresponding author

·  Fung FK, Chan DW*, Liu VW, Leung TH, Cheung AN and Ngan HY (2011) Increased expression of PITX2 transcription factor contributes to ovarian cancer progression. PLos ONE 2012;7(5):e37076. * co-corresponding author

·  Li CL, Liu VW, Chan DW, Yao KM and Ngan HY (2011) "LY294002 and Metformin Synergistically Inhibit the Growth and Induce the Apoptosis of Ovarian Cancer Cells" Int J Gynaecol Cancer 22: 15-22.

·  Lok GT, Chan DW*, Liu VW, Leung TH, Yao KM and Ngan HY* (2011) Aberrant Activation of ERK/FOXM1 Signaling Cascade Triggers the Cell Migration/Invasion in Ovarian Cancer Cells. PLos ONE 6(8):e23790. * co-corresponding author

·  Chan DW, Liu VW, Leung LY, Chiu PM, Yao KM, Chan KK, Cheung AN, Ngan HY. (2011) Zic2 synergistically enhances Hedgehog signaling through nuclear retention of Gli1 in cervical cancer cells. J Pathol 225:525-534

·  Wang Y, Chan DW, Liu VW, Chiu PM and Ngan HY (2010) Differential functions of GRB7 and its variant, GRB7v in the ovarian carcinogenesis. Clin Cancer Res 16(9):2529-39

·  Chan DW, Liu VW, To RM, Chiu PM, Lee WY, Yao KM, Cheung AN, Ngan HY. (2009) Overexpression of FOXG1 contributes to TGF-beta resistance through inhibition of p21(WAF1/CIP1) expression in ovarian cancer. Brit. J Cancer 101(8):1433-43

·  Tse KY, Liu VW, Chan DW, Chiu PM, Tam KF, Chan KK, Liao XY, Cheung AN, Ngan HY. (2009) Epigenetic alteration of the metallothionein 1E gene in human endometrial carcinomas. Tumour Biol. 30(2):93-9.

·  Yu SY, Chan DW, Liu VW, Ngan HY. (2009) Inhibition of cervical cancer cell growth through activation of upstream kinases of AMP-activated protein kinase. Tumour Biol. 30(2):80-5.