NHS South of Tyne and Wear

Integrated Consultative Group

Notes of meeting held on 12 February 2008

Present: Vicki Taylor, Director of HR and OD (Chair)

Norma Harris, Director of Governance and Corporate Development

Bev Atkinson, Director of Provider Development

Michelle McGuigan, Head of OD and Workforce

Neil Weddle, Head of Finance

Sonia Atkinson, HR Manager

Tracey Dibble, HR Manager

Mandy Mawson, HR Advisor

Gordon Straughan, Director of NEFHS

Alison McDonald, UNITE, Gateshead

Mark Tull, RCN

Denise McLaughlin, RCN

Richard Atkinson, RCN

Steve Holmes, SOCAP

Alison McNally, UNISON, South Tyneside

Carolyn Taylor, UNITE

Kirstie Harris-Parker, SOCAP

Roger Nettleship, UNISON, South Tyneside

Martin Wrate, BDA

In Attendance: Angus McLelland (observer)

1.  Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Karen Straughair, Sue Taylor, Marion Langley, Pam Roughead, Louise Robson, Chris Macklin, Diane Wilkinson, Lucy Goy, Judy Thomas, David Hambleton, Jan Forster.

2.  Notes of Previous Meeting

There were some amendments to the previous meeting notes. Page 2, Item 3 ‘Mark Tull confirmed this was a very good idea and was fully supported by staff side colleagues’ was changed to ‘Staff side were very happy with this agreement and fully supported it’. Page 3, Item 9.1 ‘there’ was changed to ‘their’, item 23.2 ‘al’ was changed to ‘all’. Page 7, item 10 “Government Officer” was changed to ‘Government Office’. Page 9, item 13, paragraph 6, Martin Wrate commented that it was provided that this was acceptable but the post holder. Page 10, item 15.2, ‘there’ was changed to ‘their’. The rest of the notes were agreed as an accurate record.

3.  Matters Arising

Item 3 No Smoking Policy (page 1)

Steve Holmes commented that the regulations in relation to no smoking in the workplace do not extend to contract lease cars. SH advised that there was more clarity needed on who it applies to. VT stated that we would need someone who was aware to comment on the legality of the smoke free policy, and perhaps an external person would be able to comment on the issues.

Item 3 Extra ½ Day Annual Leave (page 2)

VT advised that all staff were informed by the chief executives bulletin attached to their payslip in January about the ½ a day annual leave. VT said that it is not to be pro rata for part time staff, and that managers were to be sensible about it. CT asked for it to be clarified when it could be taken, and VT informed the group that it was to be taken in 2008 before 31 December 2008, and that Staff do not need to wait until the beginning of the new annual leave year. VT also stated that she would clarify this on the next chief executive’s bulletin.

Item 9.1 Professional Registration Fees (page 2)

VT informed the group that there was a special e-mail sent around to all staff in the 3 PCT’s advising if they were eligible to claim their professional registration fees and, how to claim them back. NH acknowledged that there have been a few problems with the emails, VT also commented that she would put something in the bulletin to advise staff about claiming registration fees. CT commented that South Tyneside Foundation Trust registration fees were refunded through the ESR system, however VT expressed concerns that the ESR system is not completely up to date, and that it may be a possibility in the future.

Item 12 Starting Salaries on appointment (Page 3)

Sue Taylor and Carolyn Taylor had not yet met to discuss this item. It was agreed to put this on the agenda of the next ICG meeting.

Item 4.3 LDP (page 4)

VT reported that the final document went to the SHA last Friday. There is to be a meeting this Friday and the the generic document will be released. It is still in the formative stages. BA also commented that patient safety was a large area that was being looked at.

Item 5 Development of PCT Occupational Health Service

GS asked again about the provisions available to the FHS staff. VT said that she would ask Eve Adams and Gordon Murphy to contact GS about it.

Item 6 Policy on Policies (page 5)

NH reported that the IRG committee had approved the policy on policies. SH requested if he could have a copy of it. CT queried that although there are currently the HR sub group and the Health and Safety group for writing policies if there was also a clinical group. BA stated that there is already a clinical excellence group that meet on a monthly basis and that Diane Norris had the dates for these meetings.

Item 7.4 General Progress Update (page 7)

NH and VT are still to meet to agree the dissemination process for policies.

Item 9 Ill Health Retirement Consultation (page 7)

VT informed the group that the comments on the consultation were forwarded on time before the 21 January 2008. VT commented further that the path was going to be set nationally, and that there would be a staff side agreement by 31 March 2008.

Item 14 Integrated Induction Programme Update (page 9)

This item was to be deferred to the next meeting.

4.  HR RPIW Report-out

Michelle McGuigan led a presentation on the RPIW event that HR and staff side engaged in for a 1 week activity. It occurred at the end of January 2008 and the group looked at the recruitment process and how to add value and reduce waste within it. They also looked at possible solutions within the week and then implemented the changes using the solutions. The event was attended by both a management and staff side representative. All involved including the HR Bureau team (who the RPIW affected) felt that this had been a very worthwhile event, and the changes made so far had been very beneficial. VT suggested that there should be something in the chief executive’s bulletin to highlight the importance of RPIW’s.

5.  HR/OD Policies and Procedures

NH noted that all polices were to be put into the correct format now the policy on policies had been agreed.

5.1  Education, Training and People Development Policy

CT gave some feedback to the group on this policy. CT said that all 3 policies were looked at and then 1 was developed from them. The main point was that there is no minimum entitlement for training. VT asked if the following points could be clarified and fed back to Alison McMurrough; Conference attendance and subsistence allowance, what is essential training and desirable training and guidance for managers on defining and deciding this, the learning contract and maintaining commitment, registration fees not to be paid unless part of the fees for a course, appendix 3 needs to have HR and CIPD, Doctors and Pharmacists added, and CBT therapist ‘30 hours’ needs clarifying. The document also needs an implementation plan which is to be added to the next ICG agenda.

5.2  Grievance Procedure

SA said that there were 2 main changes in section 9.4 in the definition of the role of the chair, and appendix 2 and the posts directly accountable to the chief executive. VT added that the policy had also had an equality impact assessment and was rated as low.

5.3  Special Leave Policy

SA said that this policy had been rated as quite high because of the scope for managers to use their discretion. CT commented that the definition on volunteers didn’t capture the nature of what was discussed at the HR sub group. SA and CT are to agree the definition. SH also commented on some typing errors. In section 1.4 of the policy VT asked for it to be changed to ‘The PCT is committed to’. The changes are to be made and then the policy is to be circulated to the HR Sub Group.

5.4  Disciplinary Procedure

SA informed the group that the best parts from the 3 existing policies were used to form the new policy. There were some general issues raised with the content of the policy around; suspension of staff and making sure that wherever possible staff were not suspended immediately, that staff side were not to attend in the capacity of a witness, any outcome that has expired (for example counselling) is to be put on the personal file in a sealed envelope, and a discussion took place about the instances when a meeting should be tape recorded. It was also mentioned that there had been work around ascertaining who within provider is responsible for each step of the process, and that at a certain level it would either be the Business Manager, Locality Lead or the Head of service responsible – whichever is more appropriate.

6.  Uniform Policy

SH raised concerns about the inconsistent approach to the uniform policy, with regards to the cost element. Alcohol wipes were being used in some places and hand wipes in others and SH commented that the cost implication was great. BA clarified that Infection Control and patient welfare was paramount, and evidence based practice would be used to determine the best implementation and not cost within this area. BA also said that she would make sure that this issue was put onto the clinical forum, but re-iterated that best practice would be used. AMc raised the issue that some of the admin staff in Clarendon were required to wipe down their machines with alcohol wipes when they were using a ‘hot desk’. This seemed to be intermittent and it was not understood why some teams were doing this and not others. BA said that it would be addressed again at the clinical forum and in the senior team special bulletin to get the message out in the right way. RN commented that there were also inconsistencies where ancillary staff were concerned. BA reiterated that the message would also be given out clearly at team meetings and the clinical forum. The clinical governance team had also been running forums to get the message out. DMc raised the issue of what clothes clinical staff had to wear and BA stated that staff carrying out clinical procedures must be bare below the elbow, what they should wear was not stipulated but they should be sensible.

7.  Mileage Rates

SH queried the universal uplift for all staff on mileage rates. VT said that she would talk to Chris Macklin about this to try and get some clarification.

8.  Provider Development Project – Update

VT said that the meeting is on the 6th March2008.

9.  World Class Commissioning

There was nothing to report

10. Organisation Development Framework

MMc highlighted for the group how the intention of the Organisational Development Framework will help to move the organisation forward. It encompasses the vision and the values of the organisation and looks at the key aspects of how implementation, but does not detail the diagnostic side of things. SH said that the staff should be involved with the diagnostic side of things. VT commented that the staff survey can and will be used as one diagnostic tool, but acknowledged that there will need to be other methods of diagnosis. The results for the staff survey will be brought to the ICG in Apri/ May time, and then to the May board.

11. Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Report

MMc within the arrangements for the report we have to legally monitor and look at the Equality Agenda and the Human Rights Agenda. Organisationally we need to use impact assessment, make it part of the our everyday business and how a way of doing business. The strategy will come to the ICG first and then to the Board. CT raised the issue of cultural congruents as well as equality and diversity. VT said that she would like to make the group aware of the steering group for this which should be used for a more detailed discussion on this. There is also an Equality, Diversity and Human Rights committee on the 14th March, and staff side are to nominate someone who is going to be part of this group and let Lynne Lane know.

12.  Workforce Statistics – Oct-Dec 2007

Any comments to go to VT

13.  Occupational Health Policy

This was attached for information

14.  Integrated Management Structure

To be discussed at the next ICG

15. North East Cancer Network update

MD was not there to report.

16. North East Family Health Services Update

GS reported that a lease had been agreed at Darlington. The first 3 years rent free, with a 3 year break clause and a 15 year lease in total. GS is to meet with staff on a one to one basis with a member of the HR team to discuss issues around the move, and the interviews for the FHS Senior Team are to take place early next week.

17. TUPE Update

SA informed the group that a meeting regarding the transfer of school nurses was to go ahead from the 28th February 2008. SA is going to write to the staff side in Sunderland and hopefully the transfer should take place from the 01 April 2008. VT informed the group that the Government North East members of staff were to transfer to the SHA on 01 April 2008. There are also 3 estate staff transferring in from Gateshead Foundation Trust. The St Albans staff are to TUPE out and SA has picked up this issue. SA said that the TUPE policy would be discussed at the HR sub group for harmonisation.

18. Any Other Business

18.1  CRB Checks

DMc queried CRB checks for existing members of staff who may have had a police check in the past but have not had an enhanced CRB check. Some of the schools require that any members of staff (school nurses in particular) going into the schools need to have an enhanced CRB disclosure. VT said that there was some urgent work to be done around this with regards to best practice, and mapping out who needs an up to date CRB check, and how to manage it effectively.