L35:Corporate Governance Report (First 6 months 2016)


(First 6 months 2016)

Company:Lilama Erection Mechanical Joint Stock Company

Address:72E Hoang Dieu street, Ninh Binh city, Ninh Binh province

Tel.:0303 871125Fax:0303 0873074

Charter capital: VND 32, 651, 550,000

Stock code: L35

I. BOD Activities (First 6 months 2015)


No. / Members of BOD / Title / Attendance / Rate / Reasons for not attending
1 / Mr. Le Huu Dieu / Chair of the Board / 9 / 100 %
2 / Mr. Phung Quang Minh / Director of BOD / 9 / 100 %
3 / Mr. Nguyen Van Trieu / Director of BOD / 9 / 100 %
4 / Mr. Nguyen Tat Linh / Director of BOD / 6 / 100 % / Elected from 26/04/2016
5 / Mr. Vu Son Lam / Director of BOD / 6 / 100 % / Elected from 26/04/2016

II. Board Resolutions

No. / Board Resolution No. / Date / Contents
1 / 64/NQ - HDQT – 2016 / 11/03/2016 / Liquidate some broken fixed assets
2 / 65/NQ - HDQT – 2016 / 11/03/2016 / Approve: Financial Statement 2015, plan and implementation Quarter I 2016,record list for paying dividend 2014 and holding Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016. Approve contents of reports, statements and documents to be submitted at annual general meeting of shareholders 2016 and program of annual general meeting of shareholders 2016
3 / 66/NQ - HDQT – 2016 / 15/04/2016 / Approve result of selecting contractor
4 / 67/NQ-HDQT –2016 / 14/06/2016 / Approve selecting audit unit for Financial Year 2016
5 / 68/NQ-HDQT – 2016 / 26/07/2016 / Approve: Issuance of Adjusted Internal Management Statute 2016
6 / 69/NQ-HDQT – 2016 / 18/08/2016 / Approve: Financial Statement for the first 6 months in 2016; Results of business operation in the first half of 2016; Business operation and investment plans for Quarter III, 2016; Some policies and guidelines in business operation.
7 / 70/NQ-HDQT – 2016 / 31/08/2016 / Approve: Appoint Nguyen Van Trieu to be General Manager
8 / 71/NQ-HDQT – 2016 / 23/11/2016 / Approve: Results of business operation in the first 9 months of 2016; Business operation and investment plans for Quarter IV, 2016; Some policies and guidelines in business operation.
9 / 72/NQ-HDQT – 2016 / 30/11/2016 / Approve: Credit demand of Lilama Erection Mechanical Joint StockCompany at the Commercial Joint Stock Bank of Tien Phong.

III. Supervisory Board:

No. / Members of Supervisory Board / Title / Attendance / Rate / Reasons for not attending
1 / Nguyen Thi Hong Tan / Head of Supervisory Board / 03 / 100 %
2 / Le Tuan Minh / Member of Supervisory Board / 03 / 100 %
3 / Pham Manh Duc / Member Supervisory Board / 03 / 100 %

V. Transactions of PDMRs and connected persons/ institutions

1. List of PDMRs and connected persons

No. / Name / Trading account (if any) / Position of PDMR at the company (if any) / Shareholding at the end of the term / Shareholding percentage at the end of the term (%) / Note
1 / Le Huu Dieu / Chair of the Board / 27,243 / 0.83
1.1 / Le Thi Cuc / Wife / 0 / 0
1.2 / Le Anh Duc / Child / 0 / 0
1.3 / Le Thu Ha / Child / 0 / 0
1.4 / Le Huu Sinh / Brother / 0 / 0
2 / Nguyen Van Trieu / Director, General Manager / 0 / 0
2.1 / Vu Thi Thuy / Wife / 0 / 0
2.2 / Nguyen Vu Thanh Hai / Child / 0 / 0
2.3 / Nguyen Vu Hai Son / Child / 0 / 0
2.4 / Nguyen Van Nhuan / Father / 0 / 0
2.5 / Do Thi Phe / Mother / 0 / 0
2.6 / Nguyen Thi Tinh / Sister / 0 / 0
2.7 / Nguyen Van Du / Brother / 0 / 0
2.8 / Nguyen Thi Thu / Sister / 0 / 0
2.9 / Nguyen Quang Thua / Brother / 0 / 0
3 / Phung Quang Minh / Director, Chief Accountant / 0 / 0
3.1 / Pham Phuong Thuy / Wife / 0 / 0
3.2 / Phung Minh Tuan / Child / 0 / 0
3.3 / Phung Duc Thoai / Father / 0 / 0
3.4 / Pham Thi Thanh / Mother / 0 / 0
3.5 / Phung Minh Quang / Brother / 0 / 0
3.6 / Phung Thi Thuy Dung / Sister / 0 / 0
4 / Nguyen Tat Linh / Director / 14,670 / 0.45
4.1 / Tran Thi Ngoc Cam / Mother / 0 / 0
4.2 / Pham Thi Van / Wife / 0 / 0
4.3 / Nguyen Tat Hoang / Child / 0 / 0
4.4 / Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao / Child / 0 / 0
4.5 / Nguyen Thi Mai Lan / Sister / 0 / 0
4.6 / Nguyen Thi Mai Ly / Sister / 0 / 0
5 / Vu Son Lam / Director / 2,960 / 0.09
5.1 / Pham Thi Thom / Wife / 0 / 0
5.2 / Vu Hong Quan / Child / 0 / 0
5.3 / Vu Son Tung / Child / 0 / 0
5.4 / Vu Trong Tuu / Father / 0 / 0
5.5 / Nguyen Thi Khieu / Mother / 0 / 0
5.6 / Vu Thi Thu Hai / Sister / 0 / 0
5.7 / Vu Thi Thu Ha / Sister / 0 / 0
5.8 / Vu Anh Tra / Sister / 0 / 0
6 / Nguyen Van Huan / Deputy General Manager / 18,365 / 0.56
6.1 / Nguyen Thi Nhu / Wife / 0 / 0
6.2 / Nguyen Van Quan / Child / 0 / 0
6.3 / Nguyen Cong Doan / Child / 0 / 0
6.4 / Nguyen Van Le / Father / 0 / 0
6.5 / Nguyen Thi Nghien / Mother / 0 / 0
6.6 / Nguyen Van Thang / Brother / 0 / 0
6.7 / Nguyen Thi Yen / Sister / 0 / 0
6.8 / Nguyen Thi Hue / Sister
7 / Nguyen Thanh Quang / Deputy General Manager / 0 / 0
7.1 / Nguyen Thi hang / Wife / 0 / 0
7.2 / Nguyen Xuan Thanh / Child / 0 / 0
7.3 / Nguyen Xuan Trung / Child / 0 / 0
7.4 / Nguyen Xuan Ruyen / Father / 0 / 0
7.5 / Nguyen Thi Nhom / Mother / 0 / 0
7.6 / Xuan Thi Ru / Sister / 0 / 0
7.7 / Nguyen Xuan Thinh / Brother / 0 / 0
7.8 / Nguyen Xuan Chap / Brother / 4,000 / 0.12
7.9 / Nguyen Xuan Tu / Brother / 0 / 0
8 / Nguyen Thi Hong Tan / Chief of Supervisory Board / 13,100 / 0.401
8.1 / Le Chi Cuong / Husband / 0 / 0
8.2 / Le Chi Kien / Child / 0 / 0
8.3 / Le Nguyen Hai Yen / Child / 0 / 0
8.4 / Le THi Thanh / Mother / 0 / 0
8.5 / Nguyen Ngoc Bich / Brother / 20 / 0.0006
8.6 / Nguyen Thi Ngoc / Sister / 0 / 0
8.7 / Nguyen Le Ba Khanh / Brother / 0 / 0
9 / Pham Manh Duc / Chief of Supervisory Board / 0 / 0
9.1 / Hoang Thi Quynh Luu / Wife / 0 / 0
9.2 / Pham Van Ngo / Father / 0 / 0
9.3 / Nguyen Thi Hong / Mother / 0 / 0
9.4 / Pham Thi Hoa / Sister / 0 / 0
9.5 / Pham Thanh Huong / Sister / 0 / 0
9.6 / Pham Thi Nga / Sister / 0 / 0
9.7 / Pham Truong Thinh / Brother / 0 / 0
10 / Le Tuan Minh / Member of Supervisory Board / 99.761 / 3.055%
10.1 / Hoanh Thi Lan / Wife / 0 / 0
10.2 / Le Thi Huong / Child / 0 / 0
10.3 / Le Manh Cuong / Child / 0 / 0
10.4 / Pham Thi Nguyet / Mother / 0 / 0
10.5 / Le Minh Thanh / Sister / 0 / 0
10.6 / Le Thi Dung / Sister / 77,679 / 2,379
10.7 / Le Thi Diep / Sister / 0 / 0
10.8 / Le Thi Cuc / Sister / 0 / 0
11 / Van Viet Hung / Information disclosure officer / 35 / 0.0001
11.1 / Vu Thi Thuy Hoa / Wife / 0 / 0
11.2 / Van Thi Ha Anh / Child / 0 / 0
11.3 / Bui Thi Kim Nhung / Mother / 0 / 0
11.4 / Van Viet hung / Brother / 0 / 0
11.5 / Van Thi Ngoc Thu / Sister / 0 / 0

2. Stock transaction

No. / Name / Relation with PDMR / Shareholding at the beginning of the term / Shareholding at the end of the term / Reason (buy, sell, transfer, dividend, bonus share...)
Share / Percentage / Share / Percentage

3. Other transaction: None

V. Other issues: None