Winn Jackson

Self Critique

The Internet became a world-wide broadcasting means, aninstrument for spreading information and communication, and a means for association and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location. The Internet has revolutionized the computer. It represents a successful information infrastructure that shows the benefits of sustained investment and commitment to research and development. The internet has such a vast knowledge of information and ideas that it is important to create and design a web page distinct from the other millions of web pages posted to the internet daily.

In designing my web page I kept in mind the million other web pages and the distinct designs and images that stuck out. One of the most importantelements of any media is its audience. The metaphor of this web page is to post my resume and portfolio; which in turn, makes the audience my future employers and grad schools. I wanted to make it easy and simple to navigate, but make sure that the information and design is professional and up-to-date. My goal is to represent and promote myself. In looking at web pages, I have come to the conclusion that the simpler the better.

The Gestalt Psychology focuses on how viewers respond to design. Under the Gestalt Psychology the Law of Good Continuationexplains that when a pattern establishes an implied direction, humans continue the curves. Another law that Gestalt Psychology explains is the Law of Similarity states that elements that look alike will be perceived as part of the same form. In designing my resume I kept in mind the Law of similarity and implied direction. The placement of my title and the title of the page directs your eyes towards the purpose of the resume as well as the other sites available for on the page such as my portfolio etc. Each page has a similar look and a distinct organization.

The navigational structure starts at the top with the main links to each additional page and directs you to the rest of the page and the other information. The colors are created around the navigational structure. The important information is in bold and italics. The colors go along with the importance of the title and the page. Each section is highlighted in a lighter gray in comparison with the darker gray background.

If there was more time to create a website based on the growing knowledge of Dreamweaver, I would do a few things differently. I would utilize Photoshop more, to created more titles and designs. I would also use more of what Dreamweaver has to offer, such as flash images and text, inserting buttons, inserting more images etc. After designing this page I have learned how easy it is to design a page through Dreamweaver.


Is it easy to navigate throughout the web page? I thought Winn Jackson’s web page was incredibly easy to follow. I never felt lost or confused.

Can you tell when you are moving to a new section within the resume? Yes. There are plenty of links that get you exactly where you need to go without confusion.

Do the colors direct your eyes throughout the pages and help the page blend together? The colors used make things legible. The colors blend well and are easy on the eyes.

Do you like the color and the set up of the pages? I personally would choose something more bold, for example a navy blue or black shade and then I would use a light background. I think the gray used was a good choice.

What do you think should be different? Use as few words as possible. Avoid clutter.