Woonsocket Public Schools

Physical Education Grade 8, Semester 1 or 2, Unit 3

Physical Fitness

Number of Instructional Days: 7-9 / 1 Day = 45 Minutes
Content to Be Learned
·  Review and participate in the Fitnessgram tests.
·  Identify the five health-related components of fitness and which test they are associated with.
·  Outline how the skill-related components of fitness help you improve in activities and sports.
·  Distinguish the difference between health-related and skill-related fitness components.
·  Compare and analyze personal scores and results to the Healthy Fitness Zone standards.
·  Self-assess the cardiovascular results.
·  Apply the use of pedometers during the physical fitness unit.
Essential Questions
·  What are the five Fitnessgram tests?
·  What are the five health-related components of fitness?
·  What fitness test is associated with each health-related components of fitness?
·  What is the difference between health-related and skill-related components of fitness?
·  What are your personal scores and results compared to the Healthy Fitness Zone
·  What can you do to improve your cardiovascular results and achieve your personal
·  What technologies can assess physical activity?
Written Curriculum

Rhode Island Physical Education Standards and Performance Indicators

Standard 4: Students will apply physical activity-related skills and concepts to maintain a physically active lifestyle and a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

6-8.S4.1 - participate in a health-related physical fitness assessment (e.g., FitnessGram,
Physical Best, President’s Council).

6-8.S4.2 - make progress towards, meet, or exceed in the health-related fitness standards of
the assessment tool.

6-8.S4.3 - assess and evaluate personal health status from fitness assessment results.

6-8.S4.4 - develop personal fitness goals and a plan to achieve those goals based on the
results of the health-related physical fitness assessment.

6-8.S4.5 - participate in activities to achieve personal fitness goals.

6-8.S4.6 - participate in activities to improve skills and health (include activities related to
each component of health-related physical fitness).

6-8.S4.7 - explain factors that affect physical activity and develop strategies to maintain a
physically active lifestyle.

6-8.S4.8 - meet or exceed national physical activity recommendations* by participating in
physical activities in structured and non-structured settings that promote lifelong
fitness and health.

6-8.S4.9 - describe how various technologies can help to assess, plan, maintain and enhance
physical activity level (e.g. web-based programs, heart rate monitors,
pedometers, etc).

Common Core State Standards

Reading Standards for Literacy: Key Ideas and Details

2. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

Reading Standards for Literacy: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

8. Distinguish among facts, reasoned judgment based on research findings, and speculation in a text.

Writing Standards for Literacy: Production and Distribution of Writing

4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Clarifying the Standards

Prior Learning

In grade 7, students participated in the Fitnessgram tests. They discussed the health-related and skill-related components of fitness. They recognized how results and strategies can help improve their overall fitness and health.

Current Learning

In grade 8, students will participate in the five Fitnessgram tests. They will understand the health-related and skill-related components of fitness for each test. The students will also be prepared to use these skills in the future for a healthy lifestyle.

Future Learning

In grades 9 and 10, students will participate in the five Fitnessgram tests. They will compare and contrast the health-related and skill-related components of fitness.

The students will analyze their personal fitness scores and set goals to improve and maintain their current level of fitness level. They will also write a summary of their fitness performance.

Resources and Websites

·  Rhode Island Physical Education Framework (RI Department of Education)

·  National Standards & Grade Level-Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education (NASPE)

·  SHAPE America - Society of Health and Physical Educators

·  National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE)

·  Thrive Physical Education - website

·  PE Central - website

·  Fitnessgram and Activitygram Administration Test Manual

Taught Curriculum

Learning Objectives
Students will:
·  Participate in the five Fitnessgram tests.
·  Compare results from previous years to the current year in order to improve test results.
·  Utilize different strategies to improve fitness results.
·  Identify each fitness test and the components of fitness it tests.
·  Set short range goals to improve overall physical fitness.
·  Implement the use of pedometers.
Skills and Concepts
·  Health-related components of fitness
o  Cardiovascular endurance
o  Muscular endurance
o  Muscular strength
o  Flexibility
o  Body composition
·  Skill-related components of fitness
o  Agility
o  Balance
o  Coordination
o  Power
o  Reaction time
o  Speed
·  Pacing
·  Set goals
·  Heart rate /
·  Warm-ups/stretching
·  Fitnessgram Tests
o  Mile run/distance running
o  Shuttle run
o  Sit and reach
o  Curl-ups
o  Flexed arm hang/pull-ups
·  Circuit training (practice tests at stations)
·  Set post test goals

Instructional Strategies



Woonsocket Public Schools

·  Agility

·  Balance

·  Cardiovascular

·  Coordination

·  Flexibility

·  Goals

·  Heart rate

·  Muscular

·  Muscular endurance

·  Pace

·  Pedometer

·  Reaction time

·  Speed

·  Strength


Woonsocket Public Schools

Effective Instructional Strategies
The teacher applies the following appropriate practices:

·  Sets clear goals and objectives for student learning and performance.

·  Forms pairs, groups or teams in ways that preserve every student’s dignity and self-respect.

·  Begins class with a set warm-up including stretching.

·  Plans for skill and concept instruction and provides adequate time to practice, skill development and feedback based on appropriate skill analysis.

·  Organizes their classes to maximize opportunities for all students to learn and be physically active.

·  Uses small-sided games or lead-up games to allow students ample opportunity to participate.

·  Uses a variety of direct and indirect teaching styles to provide for student success.

·  Allows students guided choices such as equipment and rule modification.

·  Emphasizes critical thinking and problem solving tactics and strategies using higher order questions.

·  Shows enthusiasm for an active, healthy lifestyle.

·  Provides feedback on a consistent basis.

·  Includes technology to enhance the lesson’s effectiveness.



·  Participation, effort, cooperation assessment

·  Written test

·  Pre and Post test (mile)


·  Recording sheet (chart)

·  Observation of effort

·  Questions and answers