Language Arts / Math
- Answers questions about key details in a text.
- Retells story with key details
- Recognizes poetry as a genre of literature that can often rhyme
- Knows that the major events in the beginning, middle, and end of a story are referred to as the “plot”
- Recognizes that stories have “characters” and “setting”
- Define character and setting
- Recognizes that informational texts give facts/information about a topic
- Identify main topic and key details of a text
- Identifies and uses text features to understand text: photographs
- Decodes short vowel words, final consonant blend wordswith automaticity
- Spells CVCCwords with final consonant blends
- Blends sounds using final consonant blends to form short vowel words
- Isolates final phonemes
- Segments words into phonemes
- Reads high frequency words: help, now, use, very(plus additional words as student progresses through grade-level word lists)
- Reads decodable and on-level texts
- Reads with fluency: appropriate phrasing (pausing at punctuation marks)
- Prints upper- and lowercase letters
- Produces simple declarative and interrogative sentences when speaking and writing
- Recognize and uses end punctuation for sentences (period, question mark, exclamation mark)
- Acquires words through reading and being read to (oral vocabulary: admire, challenging, charity, focus, offer)
- Writes personal narrative (about a game they play with a friend)
- Writes narrative poem (rhyming couplet about a game they play)
- Follows rules for discussion
- Speaks clearly when sharing writing
- Asks and answers questions about key details in a text
- Count, read, and write numbers to 30
- Represent a number of objects with a written numeral
- Use addition to solve word problems by using objects, drawings, or equations
- Use commutative property to add (turn around facts/fact families)
- Relate counting to addition and subtraction (e.g. counting on, counting back)
- Add within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition within 10
- Understands meaning of the equal sign
- Determines if equations involving addition or subtraction are true or false
*Include additional targets covered through instruction.