The British Dyslexia Association

A.G.M.held at
Aston University

14th November 2015

A list of attendees is available on request.

The meeting was chaired by Margaret Malpas, (Joint Chair of the Board of Trustees), Jim Malpas (Joint Chair of the Board of Trustees) gave the Finance Report.

1. Approval of Minutes of A.G.M. held on 15th November 2014

The minutes were passed as a true representation of the previous meeting.

The motion was proposed by Pam Tomalin and passed unanimously.

2. Approval of Accounts

Accounts were unanimously approved by those eligible to vote: Members, Shared Members or Organisational Members.

3. Approval and Remuneration of Auditors and Treasurers Report

James Cowper Kreston were approved unanimously.

Jim Malpas advised that the Annual Accounts covering April 2014 to March 2015 were in the available packs of documents for the meeting along with Treasurers’ report which cover Income/Reserves. Final figures showed surplus of £14K. Jim wished to thank Angelique Lyon and her team for all their hard work.

4. Election of Trustees

A vote took place as there were 3 nominees for the 2 available trustee positions, William Ford, Lesley Hill and Fay Dutton stood. Their personal statements were available in the information packs and on the website. The votes were counted and verified by the returning officer and the results were that Lesley Hill and Fay Dutton were voted in.

John Levell and Mark Sherin were voted in as Organisational Members.

It was proposed to re-elect Richard Philips as an Individual Member Trustee and this was approved unanimously.

5. Election of President and Re-appointment of Vice Presidents

a Baroness Warnock of Weeke has advised us that she would like to stand down as President of B.D.A. she has enjoyed her time President and wishes the B.D.A. well in the future. Jim, Margaret and Kate all recommended that Lord Addington be elected as President this was passed unanimously.

b Reappointment of Vice Presidents was unanimously approved.

Jeff Hughes asked if the vacancy in Vice Presidents made by Lord Addington moving to President would be filled, Margaret Malpass advised that they have asked several people but no one has come forward yet, Richard Philips suggested asking Lord Coe, Margaret will make contact with him.

6. Chief Executives Report

KS reported on the B.D.A. Accredited Courses

Associate Member of British Dyslexia Association – AMBDA.

AMBDA Further/Higher Education – FE/HE.

Approved Teacher/Approved Practitioner Status – ATS/APS.


Accredited Learning Support Assistant – ALSA.

Professional Members.

Assessment Practising Certificate – APC.

Teaching Practising Certificate – TPC

KS also reported that the B.D.A. offers nationally Assessments and Coaching.

KS also advised that there will be no project funding next year from the DfE due to cut backs, she thanked the staff for all their hard work and the support of the members, L.D.A.’s and L.A.B.

7 Trustees Report

JM advised B.D.A. is in ‘good shape’ –and congratulated KS and her team of staff on doing a really good job. It was now a new era having more impact and moving forward achieving more recognition. We need to work together and keep sight of targets.

8 OM Report

In the absence of John Levell, Arran Smith read the brief report. John advised that he was pleased that we now have RBS as Gold O.M’s and Promethean are now Platinum O.M’s.

9 LAB Report
Pam Tomalin talked about the role of the Local Association Board, she spoke about the areas covered on the map. This was available in the pack of information on the day. She welcomed new members Lesley and Fay.

Margaret Malpas summarised by stating what a wonderful year it had been with many events and a financial success for the B.D.A. after the huge team effort. Margaret thanked everyone for attending and gave a special thank you to Joel Talbot for arranging the free venue.

11 Date and venue of next A.G.M.
This has yet to be decided – it will be publicised once the Management Board have met.