Display Screen Equipment – Risk Assessment

Action Plan

Reason for Assessment (tick one):

Annual New User New Equipment/Furniture Change to Workstation

Symptoms Identified Expectant Mother

Single user workstations – complete sections 1 – 4.

Part-time/job share use – EACH user to complete sections 1 – 4.

Multi-use workstations (hot desking) – complete section 5 only.

User’s Name / Location
Work Station ID / Date of AssessmentClick here to enter a date.
Action Required (To be completed by manager/assessor) / Person responsible / Priority Level
Priority Levels / 1)Immediate
2)Within 28 days
3)Within 3 months

Assessor Signature:

(Print Name)

Date: Click here to enter a date.

User Signature:

(Print Name)

Date:Click here to enter a date.

Display Screen Equipment Workstation Self Assessment

Where you respond to any question as ‘No’, initially make adjustments yourself. If this does not resolve the issue, refer as an action to your manager.

1. The Equipment / Yes/No/NA / Action Required
Are the characters on the screen well defined and clearly formed, of adequate size and with adequate spacing between the characters and lines?
Is the image on the screen stable, with no flickering or other forms of instability?
Note: Placing screens in close proximity to each other can sometimes cause electrical interference that creates a “wobbly” screen. This is not a defect and alternative positioning should be considered.
Are the brightness and the contrast between the characters and the background easily adjustable to ambient conditions such as lighting?
Does the screen swivel and tilt easily and freely to suit the needs of the operator?
Is it possible to use a separate base for the screen or an adjustable table to achieve an appropriate screen height?
Is the screen free of reflective glare reflection liable to cause discomfort to the operator to the user?
Is the space in front of the keyboard sufficient to provide support for the hands and arms of the operator or user?
Does the keyboard have a matt surface to avoid reflective glare?
Is the keyboard or mouse freely positional (cable length doesn’t restrict)?
Are the arrangements of the keyboard and the characteristics of the keys such as to facilitate the use of the keyboard?
Are the symbols on the keys adequate, contrasted and legible from the design?
Work desk or surface
Does the work desk or work surface have a sufficiently large, low-reflective surface and allow a flexible arrangement of the screen, keyboard, documents and related equipment?
If required, is the document holder stable and adjustable and positioned so as to minimise the need for uncomfortable head and eye movements?
1. The Equipment - continued / Yes/No/NA / Action Required
Is there adequate space for operators or users to find a comfortable position?
Is the seat height adjustable?
Is the seat back adjustable in both height and tilt?
Does the seat back support the small of the back?
Does the seat base depth allow circulation, prevent ‘dead’ legs?
Can the user sit with their back supported and their feet flat on the floor without excessive pressure on the thighs?
Is a footrest available if wanted?
Is the seat fitted with adjustable armrests?
Are electrical connections and wiring in good condition
2. Environment / Yes/No/NA / Action required
Is the workstation dimensioned and designed to provide sufficient space for the operator or user to change position and vary movements?
Does the room lighting or task lighting ensure satisfactory lighting conditions and an appropriate contrast between the screen and the background environment, taking into account the type of work and operator or user’s vision requirements?
Are possible glare disturbance and reflections on the screen, or other equipment, prevented by co-ordinating workplace and workstation layout with the positioning and technical characteristics of artificial light sources?
Is the workstation so designed that sources of lights such as windows and other openings, transparent or translucent walls and brightly coloured fixtures or walls cause no direct glare and no distracting reflections on the screen?
Are the windows fitted with a suitable system of adjustable covering to attenuate the daylight that falls on the workstation?
2. Environment - continued / Yes/No/NA / Action Required
Is the noise emitted by equipment belonging to any workstation taken into account when a workstation is being equipped, in particular to ensure that attention is not distracted and speech is not disturbed?
Does the equipment belonging to any workstation produce excess heat that could cause discomfort to operators or users?
(Ambient room temperature of 19-23ºC is most comfortable)
Are adequate levels of humidity established and maintained?
(Ambient humidity between 40-60% RH is most comfortable)
Are there any trip hazards e.g. trailing cables?
3. The User / Yes/No/NA / Action Required
Is the User aware of:
-Eye test arrangements?
-The possible effects on health and the need to report health conditions?
-How to use the software?
-The need to break up periods of screen work?
-How to adjust the furniture?
-How to adjust their DSE workstation?
-How/where to report problems
Have you experienced any discomfort or other symptoms that can be attributed to working with DSE? If so provide details.
Has this checklist covered all problems you have working with your DSE?
Is your workload varied to avoid continual DSE work?
4. Laptops / Yes/No/NA / Action required
Is a suitable carrying bag provided and used?
Is a docking station, keyboard and mouse available for prolonged use at a workstation?
If carried on appliances, is there adequate stowage for the laptop and case behind driver or OIC seats?
If using in appliance/vehicle (only whilst stopped), is there sufficient space to sit upright?

Multi- Use Workstations/VMDS

Where a workstation is intended for the use of multiple staff a full assessment does not have to be completed for each person using the workstation. Each user should be able to adjust the items above as required and as necessary, e.g. chair, display screen. However, it should also be remembered that as a ‘hot desk’ user they will usually only spend short periods of time at the workstation.

The premises manager must ensure that multi-use workstations and display screen equipment are maintained to a satisfactory standard.

It may be practical to provide a footrest at such locations so as to suit various users.

5. Multi-Use Workstations / Yes/No/NA / Comments/Actions
Does the screen swivel, tilt and is it at a comfortable viewing distance (approx 2 feet)?
Is the keyboard tiltable and separate from the screen?
Are the keyboard characters legible?
Is the mouse, trackball, etc suitable for the tasks it is used for?
Can the user sit comfortably and easily change posture?
Is the chair suitable and stable?
Does it have: - Seat back height and tilt adjustment?
- Seat height adjustment?
- Swivel mechanism?
- 5 star base on castors?
- Satisfactory seat pan depth?
Are forearms horizontal and eyes at roughly the same height as the top of the monitor?
Are feet flat on the floor without too much pressure from the seat on the backs of the legs?
Is there sufficient room for legs and feet?
Is the lighting suitable e.g. not too bright or too dim to work comfortably?
Do you take regular short breaks away from the DSE (as required) ?
Is your workload varied to avoid continual DSE work?
Do you have problems with vision eg headaches, focusing difficulties, eye discomfort?
Are there electrical hazards e.g. worn or improperly connected cords?
Are there any trip hazards e.g. trailing cables?
Is there a risk of walking into/dislodging badly positioned equipment?
Have you experienced any discomfort or other symptoms that can be attributed to working with DSE?
Has this checklist covered all problems you have
When working with your DSE?