MAY 8, 2003


EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Haley Beaudry, Leroy Bingham, Christina Boyle, Carol Brooker, Dick Brown, Jerry Driscoll, Becky Erickson, Lew Grill, Wendy Keating, Chuck Olson, Gary Willis, Verdell Jackson

STAFF: Gary Warren, Marla Tilton, Penney Clark

GUESTS: Ingrid Childress, Sue Mohr

I. Call to Order

Chairman, Haley Beaudry, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

II. Welcome and Announcements

Verdell Jackson is leaving the Governor’s Workforce Investment Board to accept an appointment with the Education and Local Government Committee. John Musgrove will also be leaving the Committee. The new House members will be Donald Steinbeisser and Arlene Becker. From the Senate, Vicki Cocchiarella has been reappointed and Gary Perry will be joining the committee.

Marla Tilton would be leaving the staff and Penney Clark will be working with the Board.

III. Roll Call

Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.

IV. Changes to Agenda

There were no changes to the Agenda

V. Review Minutes

No corrections were noted for the minutes of March 11, 2003. A motion was made by Leroy Bingham and seconded by Lew Grill to approve the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

VI. Montana Program Profiles

The document was reviewed and discussed by committee members. Ingrid Childress clarified confusion regarding state and federal fiscal years for different programs.

VII. Workforce Investment Act Reauthorization for 2003, Discussion of Goals and Purpose (Ingrid Childress)

WIA is targeted to be reauthorized in October of this year. There are some items under consideration by congress of interest to this Board; TANF, vocational rehabilitation, adult education, the structure and rules governing local and state boards, combined funding streams or block grants, as well as one-stop systems.

The importance of cooperation and communication throughout this process among all of the agencies involved was discussed. Gary Warren offered the Board information on the sources and distribution of funding for the programs and asked the Board to write down their goals and submit them. Those goals will be compiled and sent to the Board members for their consideration and discussion at a later date to see if there are ways to coordinate to cut down costs and avoid duplication.

Gary Warren requested that all comments be submitted by July 1, 2003, and the information would be compiled and presented to the Board at the next meeting.

VIII. Staff Planning for Committee Chairs and Future Options

Brainstorming sessions were suggested and discussed for future planning and it was agreed that Gary Warren would speak for all of the committees at the full Board meeting to explain the process that they would be going through to compile information.

IX. Call to Public

Sue Mohr, MJTP, was present. She urged the Board to consider developing measures that deal with the issues that MJTP needs help with. MJTP staffs the Boards who are responsible for creating the one stop centers and WIA has provided the lion’s share of the money for that in combination with Wagner Peyser. No other partners have put up money.

X. Establish Next Meeting Date

A meeting date will be established in the future for both a brainstorming session and a full board meeting. The meeting will be planned in conjunction with the Governor’s annual Labor Day Report.

XI. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.


Haley Beaudry, ChairmanDate