Foxfire Community Schools
JanuaryOrganizational Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 27, 20177:00 a.m./Foxfire Board Room
- Opening……………………….Pledge of allegiance
- Call Meeting to Order 7:00
- Roll Call
Mr. Coconis / Mrs. Legats / Mr. Lewellen
x / x / AB
Mr. Boothe / Mr. McClelland / Ms. Roberts / Mr. Sidwell / Mr. Ziemer
x / x / x / x / x
- Board changes and recommendations
- Approve resignations of Angela Carder, and Steve Desrosiers
- Approve John Alice to high school board
- Approve Bob McCelland to move to high school board
Resolution 17-12
FHS Motion:____Coconis______Second:___Legats______
Resolution 17-12
FIS Motion:____Ziemer______Second:___Roberts______
Mr. Alice / Mr. Coconis / Mrs. Legats / Mr. Lewellen / Mr. McClellandx / x / x / x
Mr. Boothe / Ms. Roberts / Mr. Sidwell / Mr. Ziemer
x / x / x / x
- Election of Officers
- High School President
Nominations / Roll Call 1 / Roll Call 2
Dave Lewellen
- Intermediate School President
Nominations / Roll Call 1 / Roll Call 2
Brent Sidwell
Resolution 17-13
FHS Motion:__Coconis______Second:_____Alice______
Resolution 17-13
FIS Motion:____Boothe______Second:____Ziemer______
Mr. Alice / Mr. Coconis / Mrs. Legats / Mr. Lewellen / Mr. McClellandx / x / x / x
Mr. Boothe / Ms. Roberts / Mr. Sidwell / Mr. Ziemer
x / x / x / x
2017 Foxfire High School Board President is Dave Lewellen______
2017 Foxfire Intermediate School Board President is Brent Sidwell______
- High School Vice President
Nominations / Roll Call 1 / Roll Call 2
Caribeth Legats
- Intermediate School Vice President
Nominations / Roll Call 1 / Roll Call 2
Derek Boothe
Resolution 17-14
FHS Motion:__McClelland______Second:____Coconis______
Resolution 17-14
FIS Motion:___Sidwell______Second:___Roberts______
Mr. Alice / Mr. Coconis / Mrs. Legats / Mr. Lewellen / Mr. McClellandx / x / x / x
Mr. Boothe / Ms. Roberts / Mr. Sidwell / Mr. Ziemer
x / x / x / x
2017 Foxfire High School Board Vice President is Caribeth Legats______
2017 Foxfire Intermediate School Board Vice President is Derek Boothe______
*Treasurer to Deliver the Oath of Office to newly elected officers*
- Establish Meeting dates, times and location
January 27thMay 19thSeptember 29th
February 24th June 30thOctober 27th
March 31stJuly *November 17th
April 28thAugust25thDecember 15th
All meetings will be held in the Foxfire Board Room at 7:00am
*If deemed necessary by the Board of Directors
Resolution 17-15
FHS Motion:___McClelland_____Second:_____Legats______
Resolution 17-15
FIS Motion:____Boothe______Second:___Sidwell______
Mr. Alice / Mr. Coconis / Mrs. Legats / Mr. Lewellen / Mr. McClellandx / x / x / x
Mr. Boothe / Ms. Roberts / Mr. Sidwell / Mr. Ziemer
x / x / x / x
- Designate the Times Recorder as the official newspaper in which meeting notices and news will be released and published.
Resolution 17-16
FHS Motion:____Legats______Second:____McClelland______
Resolution 17-16
FIS Motion:____Boothe______Second:___Ziemer______
Mr. Alice / Mr. Coconis / Mrs. Legats / Mr. Lewellen / Mr. McClellandx / x / x / x
Mr. Boothe / Ms. Roberts / Mr. Sidwell / Mr. Ziemer
x / x / x / x
authorize the treasurer to:
- Invest inactive Interim Funds,
- Pay all bills, providing funds are available.
authroize the superintendent to:
- Act as the purchasing agent,
- Employ temporary personnel as needed in emergency situations,
- Adjust employee work schedules as deemed fit,
- Participate in the State Purchasing Plan,
- Appoint Bricker and Eckler as the Board Legal Counsel.
Resolution 17-17
FHS Motion:___McClelland______Second:__Coconis______
Resolution 17-17
FIS Motion:____Sidwell______Second:___Ziemer______
Mr. Alice / Mr. Coconis / Mrs. Legats / Mr. Lewellen / Mr. McClellandx / x / x / x
Mr. Boothe / Ms. Roberts / Mr. Sidwell / Mr. Ziemer
x / x / x
- Adopt the policies from the Maysville local school DISTRICT INCLUDING, but not limited to district by-laws, administratice guidelines, etc. Changes may be adopted per board resoultion as seen fit.
Resolution 17-18
FHS Motion:___McClelland______Second:___Coconis______
Resolution 17-18
FIS Motion:___Sidwell______Second:____Ziemer______
Mr. Alice / Mr. Coconis / Mrs. Legats / Mr. Lewellen / Mr. McClellandx / x / x / x
Mr. Boothe / Ms. Roberts / Mr. Sidwell / Mr. Ziemer
x / x / x / x
- Public Hearing-to Provide an opportunity for comments concerning the use of idea part b funds
Resolution 17-19
FHS Motion:____McClelland______Second:______Coconis______
Resolution 17-19
FIS Motion:___Boothe______Second:____Sidwell______
Mr. Alice / Mr. Coconis / Mrs. Legats / Mr. Lewellen / Mr. McClellandx / x / x / x
Mr. Boothe / Ms. Roberts / Mr. Sidwell / Mr. Ziemer
x / x / x
Next meeting February 24TH @ 7:00 A.M.