Minutes of Annual General Meeting of Wimblington Parish Council held on Tuesday 12th July 2016 in the small room of the Parish Hall, Addison Road Wimblington at 7.00 pm.

Present M T Davis (Chairman), Mrs P Amos (Clerk), Cllrs. P Crawford; G Bellard; J Clarke; J Rose;

J Dent; E Wright;

T Knowles. ;

M Moulton; Robin Briscoe; J Wilson; A Wilson; C Palmer;

Number / Title / Action
0087/16 / Apologies for Absence / CSO Carol Holloway; S Coulson;
0088/16 / Absentees
0089/16 / Chairs Additional items / None
0090/16 / Declarations of interest / J Dent re presentationdevelopment in King Street
0091/16 / Public participation / None
0092/16 / Presentation / A presentation was made by Robin Briscoe from Peter Humphrey Associates Ltd regarding the proposed development of King St. A plan of the layout was presented showing the 100 67 house scheme, which is the result of a pre planning application made to FDC from Reason homes. The proposal is for bungalows around a central access road on the block of land behind ? Mr Briscoe said that the application would be in 2 phases. Phase 1 would be for 36 x 1,2,3,4 bed properties after which there would be a public consultation. Then phase 1 would be put forward in detail. Phase 2 would be for 31 x 1,2,3,4 bed properties which again would be put forward as an outline application, then after a public consultation, detailed application would be made. Although Mr Briscoe said that the details may change. The maximum number in each phase would be 36 and 31, and the outline application would confirm/set the total number of bungalows to 67 in total. The proposed entrance would be off King St. next to a farm building. The current owner of the bungalow already in place would take the first property. Peter Humphrey Associates, we were told propose that 25% of the bungalows be affordable with parking space/driveway. The remaining 75% would also have a garage and driveway. The proposed open space is just over 1 acre. Cllr Bellard asked if all houses will have independent front and rear access? the answer was: yes. The affordable houses would be 1 and 2 beds. Cllr Bellard asked if the affordable housing is aimed at older people? The answer was: yes, retired people. Cllr Davis expressed concern about the extra traffic as this is an ongoing issue in the village; Mr Briscoe said that it was thought that each property would only have 1 vehicle not 2 or three which is usual with younger families. Cllr Bellard said that King St is a bus route and asked if any additional parking is expected outside of the development area. Mr Briscoe responded saying that FDC planning department is mostly happy with the proposal, but it is open to change. The only access to the development would only be from the front access/King St. even though the other end of the development is close to the bypass. After discussion Cllr Crawford asked if there had been discussion about the A141 junction? Mr Briscoe replied that this was under discussion with FDC/highwaysCambridgeshire County Council Highways .Highways. Overall the concerns were: 1. the junction. 2. Traffic movements/numbers. 3. Size of the whole development. Cllr Davis asked whether 106 monies would be associated with it? Mr Briscoe replied that it would and that the comments made by Council would be fed back to the FDC Pplanning Ccommittee. Councillors were in agreement that any available 106 monies should be used to improve the footpath (part of Woodmans Way) that ran close to the development and which would enable residents from Bridge Lane area to get to the centre of the village. Mr Briscoe assured the meeting that full consultation would happen; this could come within the scope of the development. Street lighting was discussed as an issue; it was made clear that the Parish Councillors do not want the developments street lights to come under the Parish jurisdiction. Cllr Davis said that we would hold our written comments until full planning consent is sought, and asked that Mr Briscoe let us know what the developer’s comments were, after this discussion. He assured the meeting that highways issues were being discussed and taken very seriously.
Mr Wilson asked if the proposed development was to be near Bridge Lane? The answer was that it is not, as there is a 6-acre field between the development and Bridge Lane. Woodmans Way was identified as being a problem which Council would expect the developers to improve.
0093/16 / Confirmation of minutes / RESOLVED – that the minutes of meeting held on 14th June 2016 were correctly recorded and that they be signed as being a true record. Proposed: Cllr Bellard; Seconded: Cllr J Clarke.
0094/16 / Crime report / No report had been received.
0095/16 / Fenland District council / Report by Cllr M Davis: Cllr Davis reported that FDC had voted to continue the process of devolution between Cambridge and Peterborough. An amount of firstly £30 million then £75 million over ? years No final arrangements have been formulated and . Nothing had yet been decided and central government have yet to comment.
0096/16 / Cambridgeshire County Council / Report from Cllr. David Connor: Apologies had been sent as no report had been made.Cllr Connor was unable to attend the meeting so no report was available,
0097/16 / Matters Arising / a) Street lights -further to minute 0077/16: Cllr Davis reported that FDC have still not decided which Company company are to get their contract. Most Parishes had decided to postpone making a decision until FDC had made theirs. Cllr Davis will report when all of the information is available.
b) Concurrent grant – Cllr Davis reported that there had been an attempt made to change the structure of calculating the amount of concurrent grant to a ‘per populous’ calculation. 8 Parishes wanted to keep it as is, 2 didn’t vote and 2 - Gore and Leverington wanted it changed. She would report back agreement had been finalised.
c)  New Cemetery – further to minute 0077/16 Council agreed that the drainage work should be done, contractor to let us know when he can start.
d) 8 Doddington Rd outcome- Cllr Davis reported that she had written to Mrs Briscoethe resident advisingresident advising her to speak to Roddons.
e) Bank account – further to minute 0077/16The clerk reported that their there seemed to be 3 options. 1. Santander which offered 0.3% interest; Norwich and Peterborough which offered 0.5% interest and Aldermore Bank which offered 1.1% interest. After discussion it was decided to open an account with Aldermore and N&P. Clerk to action.
f)  Estimates/actual spend report. The clerk had e-mailed out the first page of updated estimates, but told the meeting that she had realised that there was a second page which had not been amended. Clerk to update second page and e-mail to Councillors. / PA
0098/16 / Payments / The members to consider the following: accounts for payment:
Payments / NET / VAT / £
British gas / Care plan / 373.00 / 74.60 / 447.60
M Moulton / Booking clerk duties / 86.40
Inland revenue / MM tax / 21.60
L Duff / Hall cleaning / 144.00
P Amos / Clerk duties inc. expenses / 597.05
LGSS / Pension / 219.21
CGM / May grass cutting / 546.62 / 109.33 / 655.95
BT / Hall phone & B’band / 95.84 / 19.17 / 115.01
J Mottram / Pavilion electrics / 363.00 / 72.60 / 435.60
Harradine heating / Boiler service / 55.00 / 11.00 / 66.00
March quality meats / Fun day bbq / 215.00
Wimblington news / Dog show/fun day advert / 63.52
Michelle Emerson / Fun day first aid / 220.00
Musicians/Punch & Judy/change / Fun day / 775.00
VIP bin cleaning / Hall bins / 12.50
Earth Anchors / Hall notice board / 570.00 / 114.00 / 684.00
British gas / Hall gas / 17.38 / 0.86 / 18.24
Online playgrounds / Rocking horse seats / 70.00 / 14.00 / 84.00
March electrical / Xmas lights / 519.45 / 103.89 / 623.34
March electrical / Xmas lights / 67.83 / 13.57 / 81.40
Propose: Cllr P Crawford Seconded: T Knowles; all in favour.
Policies and procedures: Cllr Clarke reported that: All policies were being worked through and that the cookies advise had been inserted on to the web site.
c) Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. After discussion it was resolved to adopt the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations as they stand. Proposed: G Bellard; Seconded: J Clarke
d) estimates. PA to redo second page. / PA to find out if EW still signatory – YES but not JC
0099/16 / Planning / Planning: Observations regarding:
Appeal Notification (F/YR15/0489/F) Anaerobic digester. Cllr Davis reported that there had been a public meeting, which had over 80 people attend, regarding the appeal. She asked that letters of objection be sent and also letters asking for an informal hearing rather than written representation. Although the final outcome was the inspector’s decision. Cllr Crawford asked how many appeals are allowed? Cllr Davis believed that there could be one for each application.
F/2010/16/CW - Recyplas, Unit 1, Eastwood End Industrial Estate, Eastwood End -End - data shredders, wish to remove condition 8 which would allow storage in the open. Agreed Parish Council would object to the removal of conditions.
It was agreed that The Chairman would no longer be a member of the Parish Council Planning Committee as she was now a full member of Fenland District Council’s Planning Committee. It was agreed that Cllr Clark would join the Parish Council’s Planning Committee. It was further agreed that planning applications would not, generally, be discussed at Parish Council meetings. The Planning Committee would consider applications and report to Parish Council on their decisions for ratification only, unless a non-committee councillor wished to make comments there wouljd be no discussion.
Neighbourhood plan: Cllr Davis had advertised in the Wimblington news for volunteers to help formulate a Neighbourhood Plan, but to date no one had come forward. Cllr Wright suggested that a meeting be organised in the hope that residents attend. After discussion it was decided to wait until September after the AD appeal had been heard.
0100/16 / Highway matters/Street lighting/
Transport / a) Street lights reported issues. None reported
b) Footpaths and highways issues: Cllr Knowles reported that Blue lane had flooded again. Cllr Davis will report it again. It was suggested that when it happens again Cllr Knowles to take photos.
c)  LHI bid: Cllr Davis had previously asked Cllrs to think about what was needed; after discussion t was decided to wait for the next meeting to make a definite decision. Councillors to send proposals to clerk who will collate. Cllr Knowles proposed double yellow lines all the way down March Rd. / MD
PA to remind all
0101/16 / War Memorial playing field / Further to minute 00081/16:
a) ROSPA inspection: The clerk has checked at park and the rocking horse seats have been replaced. The gate stop is there. Clerk to check second gate. If stop missing clerk to have replaced by Brian Elmore
b) WMPF: Cllr Clark reported that: electrical work had been completed.
c) Grass cutting: the clerk reported that contractor had been contacted several times and a copy of the original agreement found and scanned to him. They had responded saying that they would cut and collect at the WMPF before the fun day at a cost of £450.00+VAT. This cost would include a sweep to collect what had already been cut, then another cut and collect. The latest e-mail from CGM, in response to the scanned agreement, had told the clerk that someone had made a verbal arrangement to reduce the cemetery cuts to once a fortnight and that Parkfield was to be cut every week. The clerk had asked Ian Burton who had made this arrangement and who had offered to pay for this. He thought that the arrangement had been made by Kelley Harrington who had since left CGM, with a ‘member of the council’ possibly Mr Jolly. To date CGM had invoiced for cutting the cemetery on 17the March; 14th and 28th April; 11th and 26th May: War Memorial playing field on 30th March. 13th and 27th April 12th and 26th May: Parkfield on 30th March, 13th and 27th April, 4th 12th 19th and 26th May. After discussion it was decided that Cllr Davis would speak to Parkfield, but that we would continue to pay for a cut every week there, during the cricket season. After a vote all but Cllr Dent voted in favour. Cllr Dent abstained. PA to speak to CGM re cut for Fun day.
d) Parkfield: Cllr Dent reported that there was not a lot going on. The grass has been cut but business was still slow at the club.
e) War memorial playing field hedge. Cllr Davis thanked Cllr Rose, Martin Dent, Parkfield and Cllr Dent for cutting the hedge and Cllr Knowles for removing the rubbish. / PA
0102/16 / New Cemetery/ Churchyard / Further to minute 0082/16:
a) New cemetery: The chairman reported that the levelling had been arranged with Mick Knight. Cllr Wright said that to date nothing had been done as the Autumn is the best time for this job.
a) St Peters Church: Cllr Crawford reported that the hedge had been cut by Neil. The Chairman said that she had reported the state of the hedge to FDC and that they had agreed to come out and cut it.
0103/16 / Parish Hall / Further to minute 0083/16:
a) General matters:
b) Fire alarm system – the clerk reported that she had spoken to Mr Fisher who is to install the new system. He had said that he would begin work in August.
c) new notice board: the clerk reported that the new notice had been fitted.
d) Refurbishment of hall: The working group reported that there was, as yet, no progress.
e) Car Park: the clerk reported that two companies had so far supplied a quote to resurface the first being £16,450.00 + VAT = £19,740.00. The second £14,850.00 + VAT = £17820.00