Altrincham & District Amateur Football League


23A The League Challenge Cup shall be competed for annually by one team from each member club, entry to be compulsory, and is on the knock out principle. Home clubs will retain any gate money and pay out expenditure incurred, with the exception of the semi-finals and final, when the Management Committee will determine the allocation of receipts and payments. Entry fee will be determined at the AGM.
Players must be registered in accordance with the League rules with the following provisions:-
1) Playersmust have been registered in accordance with the League Rules, and have been registered for 7 clear days, with the League, and as a member of the club, previous to the original date set for the tie. For both semi-finals and final ties players must have competed in at least four games for that club under the jurisdiction of the League before being eligible for either or both ties.
2) A player shall not in the same season play for more than one competing club.
3) In the case of postponed or replayed games only those players shall be allowed to play who were eligible to play on the date fixed for the playing of the round. A player who has been suspended by a County FA may play in postponed, drawn or replayed ties after the term of his suspension has expired.
4) Any club playing an ineligible player shall be struck out of the competition and will be liable to a fine .
5) In ties up to the semi-final round the game shall be played on the ground of the first drawn unless this ground is unavailable when the tie will be played on the ground of the second team drawn out. The Management Committee shall have the power to order the game to be played on their opponents or a natural ground if the ground of the first Club drawn is repeatedly unfit, thus hindering the progress of the competition.
6) In the event of extra time not being completed though no fault of the clubs concerned, the replay shall be on the ground of the club which was drawn to play away
7) In all cup ties played on grounds where the playing area is roped off, no person shall encroach within this area, without the permission of the match officials.
8) In the event of a club failing to field a team on the date fixed for the match that game may be awarded to their opponents.
9) Cup matches shall be played under similar rules to those governing the League matches, with the following exceptions:
a) In the case of a draw, extra time of 15 minutes each way shall be played in all ties. If still a draw after extra time the tie shall be decided by: -
b) the taking of penalty kicks to obtain a result as agreed by the International Board on 27 June 1970.
The duration of all matches shall not be less than equal periods of 45 Minutes.
Should a game not be completed due to the misconduct of one or more teams the Management Committee reserves the right to award the game as it sees fit.
10) The trophy cannot be won outright.

11) Up to seventeen medals or other suitable awards will be presented to the finalists (including named substitutes). Any player sent off in a final may have his award withheld until after the League Management Committee decides whether it is to be awarded. A player who fails to collect his medal at the conclusion of the final, for other than a genuine reason (e.g. serious injury) will not receive the medal at a later date.
12) The entire control and management of the competition shall be vested in the Management Committee who shall have the power to deal with any matter not provided for in these rules.
13) In the event of a color clash in either the semi-final of final ties both teams must change to colors, which do not clash, unless mutually agreed. A club may at its discretion use five from five substitute players in any match in this competition, the referee must be informed of their names before the match, but if called upon to play, his name must be entered on the team sheet.
14) Each member club will be liable for the sale of ten tickets per team for the final tie.

23b TheBroadheath Central Cup shall be competed for annually by all reserve teams and other individual entrants will be by invitation of the Management Committee and is on the knock out principle. Home clubs will retain any gate money and pay out expenditure incurred, with the exception of the semi-final and final ties when the Management Committee will determine the allocation of receipts and payments. Entry fee will be determined at the AGM.
The entrance fee for this competition must be paid by the date set each year; any club failing will be struck out of the competition.
Rules as laid down for the League Challenge Cup will be operative with the following exceptions
No team in this competition that has another team in a higher division of the League shall be allowed to play more that three players who have taken part in either of the two preceding games of the first team unless the Management Committee grant permission to do so.
Any further rules or alterations for the competition will be decided by the League Council or Management Committee as and when the competition is held.
23c Should circumstances arise the Management Committee shall have the power to consider and obtain permission of the League Council to promote a Supplementary Cup Competition within the League during the season.

23d The Management Committee shall have the power to arrange Inter-League or other games at their discretion and for the purpose may select any registered player in the League. All clubs must take an agreed quota of tickets for such games arranged.