Could Your School Help Us Set A Guinness World Record ™ & Raise Awareness Of A Condition That Virtually No One Has Heard Of?
I'm writing on behalf of the patient support association, the Pulmonary Hypertension Association of Canada ( to ask for your help. One of the children attending your school, or one of their family members, lives with the rare and incurable lung disease pulmonary hypertension (PH). They are participating in our global campaign to raise awareness of the condition and would like to invite your school to help.
Why Raising AwarenessOf PH Is Vital
Research shows that very few people have heard of PH. This lack of awareness can make many people living with PH feel extremely isolated and is one of the main reasons why it can take years for the disease to be correctly diagnosed. If left untreated, an adult has a life expectancy of 2-3 years, while for a child this can be as little as ten months.
No Cure, But Lots Of Hope
The good news is that if diagnosed early, people living with the condition can live longer and with a better quality of life. PH is one of the fastest growing areas ofmedicineand there is tremendous hope for the future. So to raise awareness of PH and to celebrate a decade of achievement in treating the condition, PHA Canada's members are joining forces with 29 other patient groups across theworld as part of an initiative to try and put PH on the map!
So What Is Involved?
We are looking to collect more than 40,000 individual blue lip prints to beat the current Guinness World Record TM of 39,768. Blue lips, or cyanosis, can be a sign that someone has PH, so we have adopted the Blue Lips logo as part of our worldwide campaign.
Participate & Be Named On The Blue Lips Roll of Honour
The ‘Blue Lip Print’ record attempt starts on the 15th of May and runs all the way up toHalloween, so there's plenty of time to get involved and we can supply your school withBlueLips kits including entry forms, blue lipstick,posters and leaflets to help get you started. Every participating school around the world will be named in a roll of honour on our campaign website. Many of the schools who are participating in this year’s campaign are also planning events such as ‘Blue Dress Down Days’ with the children each donating a small amount to PHA Canada orschool fundsfor the right to attend classes dressed all in blue.
Fingers Crossed Your School Can PuckerUp4PH
We very much hope your school can help! My telephone number and contact details are below. If you’d like further information about PH, the initiative or to request Blue Lips Kits you can contact Angie Knott atPHA Canada on1-877-7-PHA-CANADA. You can also learn more about the campaign by visiting
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours faithfully,