Ch 9 Trace Evidence

1.  Define trace evidence. Give 3 examples of items which could be classified as trace evidence.

2.  What is the difference between the physical properties and the chemical properties of a substance? How does this relate to trace evidence?

3.  How do you analyze trace amounts of metals?

4.  What is a qualitative analysis? How does it relate to trace evidence?

5.  Define the three types of impressions and give three examples of each.

6.  What could a shoe impression tell about the individual who made the impression?

7.  What steps should you take to collect shoe impression evidence?

8.  Describe techniques used to lift latent impressions.

9.  Why do tires have treads?

10.  What kinds of impressions can be left by tires?

11.  How can tire marks be individualized? What kinds of measurements are made from the tire impressions and what kinds of information can be learned from the tire impressions?

12.  Define the three types of tire marks.

13.  Describe a situation in which dental impressions could be left at the scene of a crime.

14.  What kind of scientist studies dental impressions and what kinds of things can they learn about a person from their dental impressions?

15.  How many point of comparison can be made when comparing a suspect’s dental patterns with bite marks left at a crime scene.

16.  Draw the four patterns of grooves in a lip impression.

17.  When studying a lip impression, how does an investigator split up parts of the print?

18.  What is the process used to separate colors and components of a lipstick?

19.  Define tool mark.

20.  What kind of evidence are tool marks?

21.  Why is ownership of a tool circumstantial evidence?

22.  Define and describe the 3 types of tool marks.

23.  How does hardness affect the marks left by a tool?

24.  How is tool mark evidence collected from a crime scene and taken back to a laboratory?

25.  What should you do to tool mark impressions before attempting a casting?

26.  What do labs try to determine about tool marks?

27.  What new technologies are being used to interpret and analyze tool marks?

28.  What do you need to do to present tool mark evidence to a jury?