Whimple Pre School AGM



Present : Laura Baker Tanya Chitty Jo Sibley

Chris Burtt-Jones Alice Walsh Jackie Mahoney Jo Monteiro-Neto Helena Hastie Veryan Skinner

Tanya Hynd Laura Parker Caroline Rowe

Katy Hill Charlotte Woollam Clare Russell

Nigel Hardy Jean Hardy Jenny Parker

Katie Williams Marianne Major Rachel Povey

Mary Davis Amanda Yendole

Apologies: Georgina Bayley Mark Hastie Sally Baker

Abby Porter

Laura Baker opened the meeting by welcoming so many new faces and by stressing the importance and responsibility of the committee. She explained that all Pre-School families have a right to vote for who is on the committee and the ultimately the committee are responsible for making decisions affecting Pre-School. Laura explained that the two purposes of the AGM were to elect the committee and to oversee the last years’ accounts.

1.  Minutes of Previous AGM

No matters arising from last years AGM so the minutes were signed off and agreed. Approved by Chris Burtt-Jones and seconded by Charlotte Woollam.

2.  Adopt latest Constitution

Copy of the Pre School Alliance constitution was circulated. Agreed by all. Laura explained that Whimple Pre-School needs between 5 and 12 committee members and that 60% of the committee should be made up of family members of children registered with Pre-School.

3.  Chairpersons Annual Report

·  Very good and busy year, up to maximum numbers in the summer term. The single September intake has changed how we need to operate and deal with staffing. Huge thank you to all staff for their brilliant work over such a busy summer term.

·  Lots of children are good for our finances so we spent a lot of money in the summer term replacing fridge, hoover, carpet, computer screen, toys and finally getting our Astroturf laid to increase the amount of time the children can spend outside. Although the sheds were replaced last year, the cost of them was covered in this years accounts as well.

·  Good income from fundraising last year. The quiz and curry made over £500 and the t-towels, mugs, summer fair and coffee mornings raised funds but were also good socially and helped to reach more families who may want to get more involved with pre-school.

·  Administrator will be appointed this term to take some of the admin tasks from the committee, special thanks to Caroline, Katy and Mary who did a lot of extra work over the busy summer term dealing with fees, wages and finances.

·  Extended opening hours over the last year have put pressure on staff covering extra shifts, but has been a real service to parents and sessions have been full. Thank you to all staff for making it work so well.

·  Thank you to all committee and parents for all your hard work over the last year. Special thank you’s to committee members standing down from their roles – Chris, Mary and Alice

4.  Playleaders Annual Report

·  Tanya expressed her thanks at seeing so many people attending the AGM, really good support.

·  This year has been really successful. Taken on Louise Fenner as another play leader, Abby has passed her NVQ3 and Rev Chris Martin has started coming in regularly to sing with the children which they love.

·  Special thanks to the efforts of the committee and parents for the summer fair which all the children loved. Also had a great sports day, supported by lots of families.

·  Successful theatre trip to see the Snail and the Whale – a great experience for the children and hopefully will go to see a pantomime this year. Also a successful trip to the Community Farm near Killerton, which will hopefully be revisited during different seasons.

·  Said goodbye to 22 children in the summer. They have all settled really well and Tanya has received reports from Mrs Jessop that they are all so able to sit quietly and listen which is a real credit to the preschool staff for the skills the children learnt before starting school.

·  This year there are 18 green group children – all settling in well. There are also several 2 ½ year olds who are doing brilliantly. Forecast for the coming year suggests more large groups of children coming through.

·  Parents are meeting key workers this week.

·  Thank you to all staff and committee members – all the help and support is really appreciated.

·  Special thank you to Laura Parker for arranging the Astroturf – this was a really big task and to Chris and Debs, and Alice and Paul for clearing all the raised beds for the turf to go in.

5.  Election of new Committee members

All committee members stood down and new Committee elected as follows

Position Name Proposed Seconded

Chair Laura Baker Charlotte Woollam Alice Walsh

Vice Chair Katie Williams Charlotte Woollam Alice Walsh

Treasurer David Hynd Charlotte Woollam Alice Walsh

Secretary Rebecca Hardy Charlotte Woollam Alice Walsh

Victory Hall Rep Mary Davis Laura Baker Chris Burtt-Jones

Fees & Funding Caroline Rowe Laura Baker Chris Burtt-Jones

Wages Katy Hill Laura Baker Chris Burtt-Jones

Other Committee Members:

Name Proposed Seconded

Rachel Povey Laura Baker Alice Walsh

Maryanne Major Laura Baker Alice Walsh

Amanda Yendole Laura Baker Alice Walsh

Veryan Skinner Laura Baker Alice Walsh

Tanya Hynd Laura Baker Alice Walsh

Charlotte Woollam Laura Baker Alice Walsh

Mark Hastie Laura Baker Alice Walsh

6.  Treasurer’s Annual Report

Copy’s of the end of year accounts were distributed. Mary explained that we have had a huge income from fee’s this year which has enabled us to spend out on replacing certain items such as the fridge, carpet etc. The Treasurers report was adopted as a true and accurate record – proposed by Laure Baker, seconded by Charlotte Woollam.

Date of next meeting – 27/11/12 7.30 in the Committee room at the Victory Hall.

Meeting Closed.

Meeting immediately following AGM:

Attended as AGM

·  Arrangements need to be made for the toy and bike sale to be held on 17/11/14. Laura, Katie, Katy and Rachel agreed to meet at Katy Hill’s house on Tuesday 29th November at 8pm.

·  Curry night needs to be planned. All interested in helping to meet at the Thirsty Farmer on 20/11/13 at 7.30pm.