Newsletter September 18th 2015

Great News!

Did you see that we were featured in the Derby Telegraph this week? A whole page spread telling everyone how wonderful we are. We have a copy in the school office if you would like to come and read it, or alternatively it is available via the school facebook page or by visiting

‘Come and join us’ morning

Our first ‘come and join us’ morning is on Tuesday September 22nd. We would love to see you in our classrooms between 8:30 and 10. We would love for you to come and play, hear us read and see what learning at Akaal Primary School is all about. Please let us know if you are attending by completing the attached form.


Thank you to all of you who have liked our facebook page. If you use facebook and haven’t ‘liked’ us yet you can find us at

Media Permission

As we are a brand new school we have had many requests to visit from newspapers, radio and television. One of the offers has been from the Derby Telegraph, asking specifically if we would like to be included in their supplement showing the class photographs of children who are starting school. Attached to the newsletter is a slip which asks for your permission for your child to be included in photographs and television footage for the coming school year. May we ask you to complete this and return it to school next week.


We will have 2 PE lessons per week. The first will take place on a Wednesday afternoon and, for as long as the weather allows, will be an outdoor session. Please send your child with their PE top, suitable leg and footwear (jogging bottoms would be advisable for this time of the year). The second session will be YogaBugs on a Friday afternoon. The school PE top and jogging bottoms will be ideal for this. The session will take place in the Gurdwara.For this week ONLY the Wednesday session will be on Tuesday, due to the school trip.

Please ask your child about George ...... !


Following a number of requests, we are pleased to say that we have been able to get PE bags with the school logo on. The cost for these will be £3.99. We would like to place an order at the end of next week. Could you please let us know if you would like one by completing the attached form.


As promised the transport arrangements were changed. We are receiving very happy children who skip into school of a morning and we see that as a sign of success. If you have any further feedback to give us, please do not hesitate to contact us -

Snack money

We have completed our first full week of snack time. The cost of snack will now be 50p per week. If you have already paid us £1 (or more) we have carried over your payment and have a record of how many weeks you have paid for. Please can you send your child with 50p on a Monday, in an envelope clearly labelled with their name.

Lunch choices

Our school lunch works on a 3 week rota. The children have completed the first 2 weeks of this and have been choosing very well. We would like to ask you for your help by completing, with your child, the enclosed menu choice sheet. Could we ask you to highlight your child’s preferred meal choice for each of the 15 days, then return it to school so that we can build a database to help with the food ordering process. We have enclosed 2 copies so that you can keep one for home too. Please note that all meals are meat and egg free.


Please could we ask you to complete and send back the Home School Agreement and the reply slip for the trip to Bolsover Castle. Also, if you have any money outstanding for uniform we would be most grateful if you could come in and settle this.

V. Kavanagh-Executive Head Teacher J Kennedy - Headteacher