Strengthening Oklahoma Families

Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service

Thank you for attending the program today.

Your input is valuable and will be used to make improvements!

Last name: / What is your age?
Race: / Education (check highest): / Yearly household income:
White / Some high school / Under $25,000
African American / High school/ GED / 25,001 - 50,000
Native American / Some college / 50,001 - 100,000
Asian / Bachelors degree / 100,001 or higher
Hispanic / Graduate degree
Address is:
Marital status: / Gender: / Rural farm
Married (spouse present) / Male / Rural non-farm
Single(never married) / Female / Small town: less than 5,000
Widowed, divorced, or separated / Large town: 5,000 - 19,000
City: 20,000+
Checking my knowledge:
Changing the air filters in my home will help decrease energy costs. / True / False
The lower the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) value, the greater the efficiency of air conditioners. / True / False
It is a good sign if the outside of the hot water heater feels warm. / True / False
Plugging computers and printers into a power strip and turning the power strip off is an easy way to save energy / True / False
Using the dishwasher saves time, energy, and water over hand washing dishes. / True / False
As a result of the program, do you plan to:
No / Maybe / Yes / I already do this / This does not apply to me
Adjust the thermostat when I am away from home for a long time.
Wash and dry only full loads of laundry.
Set the hot water heater temperature to 120 degrees.
Insulate 6 feet of hot water and cold water pipes running from the heater.
Replace incandescent bulbs with more energy efficient bulbs, such as CFLs.
Has your confidence to do the following changed?
Decreased / Stayed
the same / Increased
Write a simple energy conservation plan.
Check the seal on my refrigerator.
Purchase energy efficient light bulbs.
Appropriately adjust the thermostat.
Check and change the filters in my house.

What did you like about the program?

What didn’t you like about the program?

How can the program be improved?


Home Energy Management Post-Program Evaluation