Councillors Present: Cllr. Neil Cruise

Cllr Gerry Ginty

Cllr. Jarlath Munnelly

Cllr. Michael Loftus

Cllr. John O’Hara

Cllr. Annie May Reape

Cllr. Michael Smyth

Cllr. Seamus Weir, Cathaoirleach

Officials Present: Mr Paul Benson, A/Director of Services

Mr Paul Dolan, A/Senior Engineer

Mr John McMyler, Senior Executive Planner

Ms Cora Gilligan, Assistant Planner

Ms Carmel Murphy, Administrative Officer

Ms Mary Gordon,Senior Staff Officer

Ms Breege Gordon, Staff Officer

Others Present: Ms Susan Heffernan, Project Manager, Mary Robinson Centre

Proposed by: Cllr. Seamus Weir

Seconded by: Cllr. Jarlath Munnelly


“That the Meeting is adjourned for a period of 15 minutes as a mark of respect to Cllr. Cruise and Mr. Declan Ginnelly, Assistant Engineer, owing to the recent death of both their Mothers, Mrs. Peggy Cruise and Mrs. Anne Ginnelly respectively”.

After the adjournment, Cllr Cruise thanked the Elected Members and the Executive for their Vote of Sympathy and support.


To adopt Minutes of Proposed by: Cllr. Gerry Ginty

Ballina Municipal District Seconded by: Cllr. Annie May Reape

Meeting held on the AND RESOLVED:-

22nd January, 2015. “That the Minutes of Ballina Municipal District Meeting held on

Thursday, 22nd January, 2015, be adopted as circulated”.


To consider the Local Ms Cora Gilligan, Assistant Planner, Community & Enterprise

Economic and Community Section, advised the Meeting that the Local Economic and

Plan for Mayo. Community Plan which had recently been prepared for Mayo has to be redrafted in order to comply with new Regulations recently received from the Department and as such consideration of the Plan will be deferred to a later date. Ms Gilligan, A.P., also advised the Members that the Killala and Crossmolina Community Futures Plan are both now complete, with the Crossmolina Plan being launched on the 20th March and the Killala Plan being launched at a date yet to be decided.


To consider and adopt Mr Benson, A/DoS provided a breakdown of the overall

by Resolution the Schedule of €7.9m Budget for the Ballina Municipal District including details of

Municipal District Works for the €494,175 General Municipal Allocation (GMA). Mr Dolan, A/S.E

Ballina Municipal District with then outlined details of the Roadwork’s Programme. Mr Dolan,

or without amendments A/S.E advised that the NRA has approved design grants for

in accordance with Section 58 extensions to existing pavement overlays on both the N59 and N58

of the Local Government and that these overlays will be progressed during 2015. The

Reform Act, 2014. Members expressed disappointment with the overall allocation to Ballina Municipal District and committed to seeking an increase on this in 2015.

Proposed by: Cllr. Gerry Ginty

Seconded by: Cllr. Neil Cruise


“That we hereby adopt the Schedule of Municipal District Works for Ballina Municipal District as circulated in accordance with Section

58 of the Local Government Reform Act, 2014”.


To amend “Standing Orders” Proposed by: Cllr. Gerry Ginty

for Ballina Municipal District Seconded by: Cllr. Annie May Reape

Meetings to include: AND RESOLVED:-

(a) amend date of Monthly “That we hereby amend Ballina Municipal District “Standing Orders”

Meeting to third Wednesday as follows:-

of each month; (a) Ordinary Meetings of the Municipal District shall be held on

(b) include a Monthly the third Wednesday of each month;

Meeting for December. (b) An Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal District will be held in



To consider the disposal Mr Benson, A/DoS advised that Killala Precision Components Ltd.,

of 1.42 hectares of Land at Woodlands Ind Est, Killala, Co. Mayo, approached the Council

Killala Townland, Killala, to seeking the acquisition of this Land for the future expansion of

Killala Precision Components their business. Mr Benson advised that the Section 183 Notice, if

Ltd., Woodlands Industrial approved at Municipal District level, will next proceed to the full

Estate, Killala, Co. Mayo, Meeting of Mayo County Council for formal approval.

in accordance with Section

183 of the Local Government Proposed by: Cllr. Gerry Ginty
Act, 2001 and Local Seconded by: Cllr. Annie May Reape

Government Reform Act 2014. AND RESOLVED:-

“That we hereby agree to the disposal of 1.42 hectares of Land at Killala Townland, Killala, to Killala Precision Components Ltd., Woodlands Industrial Estate, Killala, Co. Mayo, in accordance with Section 183 of the Local Government Act, 2001 and Local Government Reform Act, 2014 and terms of Notice already circulated”.

Proposed by: Cllr. Jarlath Munnelly

Seconded by: Cllr. Gerry Ginty


“That the proceeds from the disposal of 1.42 hectares of Land at Killala Townland, Killala, to Killala Precision Components Ltd., are ring fenced for projects in the Killala area: that the disposal is conditional on the Land being used specifically for the purposes of business expansion”.


To note Presentation from Ms Heffernan, Project Manager, Mary Robinson Centre, updated

Ms Susan Heffernan on the Members on this Project, focussing mainly on the purpose of

Proposed Mary Robinson the Centre. Mr Benson, A/DoS, advised the Members of Ballina

Centre at Emmett St, Ballina. Municipal Districts role in the Project which primarily involves completion of the Part 8 process and construction of the building. He also outlined the 12 to 18 month timeline envisaged for delivery of the Project, which is predicated on the satisfactory completion of the transfer of the Archive to the State and also the acquisition of Victoria House.

Ms Heffernan responded to queries raised by the Members, mainly relating to financial matters such as the ownership of Victoria House, capital and revenue funding outlay to be provided by Mayo County and the overall role of NUIG in the Project.


To consider arrangements for Ms Murphy, A.O., referred to Report dated the 18th February, 2015,

Town Twinnings in regarding this Item. Arising from a discussion, it was agreed that the

Ballina Municipal District. Elected Members would ascertain what Twinning arrangements/informal are in place within the Ballina Municipal District and revert to Ms Murphy with the information.


To note Planning Policy Mr McMyler, S.E.P., outlined the main provisions of Planning Statement 2015. Policy Statement 2015 as circulated to the Members. The Members

noted the Policy Statement.


Planning Report. The Planning Report was noted as circulated. Mr McMyler, S.E.P., responded to Members concerns regarding the retention of telecommunications antennae vis a vis the Planning process.

ITEM 10:

Notices of Motion.

(A) Proposed by: Cllr. Michael Loftus

Seconded by: Cllr. Jarlath Munnelly


“Due to the volume of traffic and high speeds on the N59 Ballina Road, at the junction of Convent Road, I ask Mayo County Council to change the road layout to help protect the local residents and adults and children attending Gortnor Abbey”.

Mr Dolan, A/S.E., advised that the traffic calming measures on the N59 had been funded by the NRA and provided at this site, based on the location of the speed limit signs at that time. He pointed out that these signs were subsequently relocated further eastwards, towards Ballina. Mr Dolan, A/S.E confirmed the following:-

·  Speed checks were carried out in this area and the average speed was within legal speed limits;

·  The enforcement of speed limits is a matter for the Garda Siochana;

·  The provision of a filter lane will not affect motorists speed but would facilitate motorists turning right;

·  A design has been prepared by the Road Design Office for a turning lane but there is currently no funding in place to provide this as it was not included in the NRA’s HD15 list for 2015.

·  The Council will request the NRA to consider its inclusion in its HD15 list for 2016.

[B] Proposed by: Cllr. Michael Loftus

Seconded by: Cllr. John O’Hara


“”I call on Mayo County Council to provide speed indicators on the three main roads into Crossmolina, Ballina Road, Erris Road and Laherdane Road. The locations to be decided by the Council”.

Mr Dolan, A/S.E., agreed with the Motion but pointed out that there is currently no funding in place to provide these signs. He confirmed that the Council would keep the request under consideration should funding become available in the future.

[C] Proposed by: Cllr. John O’Hara

Seconded by: Cllr. Gerry Ginty


“That Mayo County Council prioritise the provision of a footpath on the Church Road out as far as the Paddocks housing estate in the interest of safety for all road users including pedestrians in this built–up part of the town”.

Mr Benson, A/DoS, advised that the provision of this footpath would be included on a list of projects to be progressed by the Council in the event of funding becoming available in the future.

Before concluding the Meeting, the Members wished Ms Teresa O’Malley, Mid West Radio, a speedy recovery.

This concluded the business of the Meeting.


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