Family Member

“We build deep and loving family relationships by doing simple things together, like family dinner and family home evening and by just having fun together. In family relationships, love is really spelled t-i-m-e, time.” ~Dieter F. Uchtdorf


1 - Learn why your grandparents are so great. For one week, take time each day to call one of your grandparents just to say hi and tell them that you love them. Tell them about your life and listen to what’s going on in theirs.

Date Completed ______

2 - Get to know your extended family. Plan an activity or event for members of your extended family whether it be a family picnic, a week-long family reunion, or something similar. Plan activities to help family members get to know each other better.

Date Completed ______

3 - Record your family history. Put together scrapbooks (digital or paper) for the past year complete with memories, photos, and achievements for the year.

Date Completed ______

4 - Show your siblings you care about them. Whether you live near or far away from your siblings, show them that you care about them by doing something special for each of them. This could be sending flowers, writing a letter, taking them out for a girls night, or something similar.

Date Completed ______

5 - Make time for your Mom and Dad. Do something major for your parents to show them how much you love them.

Date Completed ______

6 - Get in touch with your in-laws. For two weeks, be as present as possible in your in-laws’ lives. Read their social media posts, reach out to see how they’re doing, learn about their interests, etc. The more you know, the more you’ll love them.

Date Completed ______


Design and complete a large project that incorporates the goals above.

Project Details ______

Date Completed ______