Chapter 2 Creative Editing

Exercises, Part 2:

Q10 (Wrong order on the Web site):

  1. Police described the suspect as a burly, white, middle-aged male with brown hair and a beard, more than 6 feet tall
  2. Accused of making errors on telephone bills for the past four months, students living in residence halls will receive a refund from the phone company for long-distance calls.
  3. AIDS in New York City is becoming the most common cause of death for women under the age of 35.
  4. An anti-government coalition staged the protest march in an attempt to force the ouster of Panama’s Gen. Manuel Noriega yesterday afternoon.
  5. After training the tiger cub to walk on a leash, it could be used in the zoo director’s presentations to schoolchildren.
  6. Still searching for an incinerator site, a previously rejected location is getting a second look by the city council.
  7. The baby kitten doesn’t have scarcely any hair.
  8. The jail is the first in the state to be operated by a private management firm that accommodates 100 inmates.
  9. A Manchester woman, on the pretense of searching for someone, allowed a man to enter her home and was assaulted.
  10. The zoo doesn’t have but one gorilla, but the director says another one will be added next year.
  11. [Unforgettable student bonus]: Nestled between the driver’s legs, the policeman spotted a bottle of beer.


  1. Police described the suspect as a burly, white, middle-aged male more than 6 feet tall with brown hair and a beard.
  2. Accused of making errors on telephone bills for the past four months, the phone company will give students living in residence halls a refund for long-distance calls.
  3. In New York City, AIDS is becoming the most common cause of death for women under the age of 35.
  4. An anti-government coalition staged the protest march yesterday afternoon in an attempt to force the ouster of Panama’s Gen. Manuel Noriega
  5. After the tiger cub is trained to walk on a leash, it could be used in the zoo director’s presentations to schoolchildren.
  6. A previously rejected location is getting a second look by the city council, which is still searching for an incinerator site.
  7. The kitten has scarcely any hair.
  8. The jail, which accommodates 100 inmates, is the first in the state to be operated by a private management firm.
  9. A Manchester womanwas assaulted when she allowed a man to enter her home on the pretense of searching for someone.
  10. The zoo has but one gorilla, but the director says another one will be added next year.
  11. The policeman spotted a bottle of beer nestled between the driver’s legs.


  1. Down’s syndrome has been linked to a defect on a tiny slice of one of the human chromosomes an important step toward prevention and treatment of the disorder researchers said Saturday.
  2. “By mapping a gene you can find it isolate it and develop new means of therapy” said Dr. Frank Ruddle of YaleUniversity one of the organizer’s of the conference
  3. At the Ninth International Gene Mapping Workshop two years ago in Paris scientist’s had mapped about 1000 human gene’s.
  4. The announcement of 400 new genes Saturday brings the total to nearly 2000 an increase of more than one-fourth over what it was two weeks ago.
  5. Meanwhile the Immigration and Naturalization Service has proclaimed the law a clear success but the current administration has yet to put it’s own stamp on immigration policy.
  6. “The legislation bought time for everyone and made the problems more manageable for a while” said Leonel J. Castillo former I.N.S. commissioner.
  7. The law offered legal status to aliens who had lived in the United States continuously since before Jan. 1 1982 and imposed penalties on employers who knowingly hired illegals.
  8. He said that he had but one thing on his mind sleeping.
  9. Gardeners who wear broad brimmed hats, coveralls, and heavy duty gloves while using an electric hedge clipper to trim bushes are displaying common sense—but not enough of it says the American Optometric Association
  10. The garb protects the face from the sun and clothing and hands from the wear and tear of yard work but the eyes are left exposed and vulnerable to flying twigs leaves and other debris.


  1. Down syndrome has been linked to a defect on a tiny slice of one of the human chromosomes, an important step toward prevention and treatment of the disorder, researchers said Saturday.
  2. “By mapping a gene, you can find it, isolate it and develop new means of therapy,” said Dr. Frank Ruddle of YaleUniversity, one of the organizers of the conference.
  3. At the Ninth International Gene Mapping Workshop two years ago in Paris,scientists had mapped about 1,000 human genes.
  4. The announcement of 400 new genes Saturday brings the total to nearly 2,000, an increase of more than one-fourth over what it was two weeks ago.
  5. Meanwhile, the Immigration and Naturalization Service has proclaimed the law a clear success, but the current administration has yet to put its own stamp on immigration policy.
  6. “The legislation bought time for everyone and made the problems more manageable for a while,” said Leonel J. Castillo, former I.N.S. commissioner.
  7. The law offered legal status to aliens who had lived in the United States continuously since before Jan. 1, 1982, and imposed penalties on employers who knowingly hired illegals.
  8. He said that he had but one thing on his mind: sleeping.
  9. Gardeners who wear broad-brimmed hats, coveralls and heavy-duty gloves while using an electric hedge clipper to trim bushes are displaying common sense—but not enough of it, says the American Optometric Association
  10. The garb protects the face from the sun,and clothing and hands from the wear and tear of yard work, but the eyes are left exposed and vulnerable to flying twigs, leaves and other debris.

Q12 (Note copyediting differences between insert hyphen (=) and insert em-dash (|—|). Insert period is a circled X. See p. 50.

  1. She announced that newly developed tests would be used during the upcoming tournament to detect drug using athletes.
  2. A 4 foot boa constrictor a scary tarantula and a baby Bengal tiger gave Joey Black a front line education about zoos.
  3. “Bring back tax incentives” Jones (headline)
  4. Every state has reported influenza activity except New Hampshire and Rhode Island with three states New YorkConnecticut and New Mexico listing widespread outbreaks.
  5. Bob Woodward wrote “VEIL The Secret Wars of the CIA, 1981-1987.
  6. Gosh It will be a 15 to 20 minute procedure and I don’t think I can lie still that long.


  1. She announced that newly developed tests would be used during the upcoming tournament to detect drug-using athletes.
  2. A 4-foot boa constrictor, a scary tarantula and a baby Bengal tiger gave Joey Black a front-line education about zoos.
  3. ‘Bring back tax incentives’ — Jones (headline)
  4. Every state has reported influenza activity except New Hampshire and Rhode Island, with three states —New York,Connecticut and New Mexico—listing widespread outbreaks.
  5. Bob Woodward wrote “VEIL: The Secret Wars of the CIA, 1981-1987.”
  6. Gosh! It will be a 15- to 20-minute procedure, and I don’t think I can lie still that long.


  1. “We don’t know how much longer we can wait before beginning it (the DexterBridge project the mayor said.
  2. It was identified as a Russian plane but US planes were in the area also Maj Gen Larry Jones said.
  3. Did the Maryville Tennessee Daily Times win the photography award.
  4. Dustin Hoffman won an Oscar for Rainman he also appeared in Midnight Cowboy
  5. The inmate said to the parole board “Jones should not be released from prison. He is a dangerous man. He has told me several times, I will kill again if I get a chance.


  1. “We don’t know how much longer we can wait before beginning it (the DexterBridge project),” the mayor said.
  2. It was identified as a Russian plane, but U.S. planes were in the area also, Maj. Gen. Larry Jones said.
  3. Did the Maryville(Tenn.) Daily Times win the photography award?
  4. Dustin Hoffman won an Oscar for “Rainman”; he also appeared in “Midnight Cowboy.” Note: many papers use italics for composition titles.
  5. The inmate said to the parole board: “Jones should not be released from prison. He is a dangerous man. He has told me several times, ‘I will kill again if I get a chance.’”