THIS WEEK: August 2-8, 2015

Today: / 9:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
5:50 p.m.
6:00 p.m. / Morning Worship Service
Coffee Fellowship, Library is Open
Song Service
Evening Service
Tuesday: / 7:30 p.m. / Bible Study, Seven Churches of Revelation
Saturday: / 7:00 a.m.
7:30 a.m. / Men’s Life Breakfast
Men’s Life Bible Study


The 2015-16 Sunday school year will begin on Sunday, September 13, 2015, directly after the 9:30 a.m. service. All children, aged 3 years old, by September 1st, through 4th grade, are welcome to participate. If you have any questions, please contact Janita Talmadge at .

Our next fusion meeting is August 9 after the evening service (around 7:45) at the Vermeer's house (across from Oak Glen). Kevin Vermeer will be leading a discussion on "The Reality of Scripture." Dinner will be provided.

Next Sunday, August 9, we will be collecting food items for the Lansing Food Pantry.

MEN’S LIFE BIBLE STUDY: Our next meeting is this Saturday, August 8, breakfast at 7:00 a.m. (optional) and our study at 7:30 a.m. All men of the congregation are welcome to join us. If you plan to join us for breakfast please let Jack Wieringa know by no later than August 6 (phone 219-365-1868 or email ).

The Young People and their leaders would like to thank the congregation for their support and generous donations received at the Burger Bash. It was the largest show as far as numbers of cars and also donations. We received $4009.00 that night. The money will be used for next summer’s RYS convention, as well as a mission project. We are truly blessed and overwhelmed by your support! THANK YOU!

LADIES' NIGHT OUT-----Tues. August 11, @ 6:30p.m. at Granite City (Orland Park, IL) Please contact Mary Bush to reserve your seat by Monday, August 10th. Love to have YOU join us especially for the summer months!


Communion Dates: August 9, November 8 and December 31 (New Year’s Eve)

Ladies’ Night Out:

Tuesday, August 11, 6:30 p.m. at Granite City (Orland Park, IL)


Those with last names Lewis-Rich are asked to write our missionaries during the month of August.

Gracia Burnham has graciously accepted to tell us of her intense soul-searching about a God who seemed to have forgotten her when she was kidnapped in the Philippines and held for over a year by a militant Muslim group. She is our featured speaker at the retreat at the Cedar Lake Conference Grounds in Cedar Lake Indiana on Sept. 24 hosted by Bible League International Volunteers. The deadline for registering for the retreat is Sept. 8. Men are invited to join us for the day as Gracia shares her journey of forgiveness. The day will conclude with a wonderful concert by Katie Kapteyn De Graff who is passionate in surrendered worship. Please see a brochure/poster or contact your Key Contact Person, Jan Brink at 708-474-2170 for cost and more information. Everyone is invited to this special retreat!

Bible League International comes alongside local churches and ministries to equip them for Bible-based evangelistic outreach, discipleship, and church planting. They are currently seeking candidates an Operations Business Systems Analyst. Visit the careers page at for the position’s summary. If you are interested and meet the qualifications, please email a cover letter and resume to .


It's not too late to register for Mid-America Reformed Seminary's 11th Annual Golf Outing on September 12, 2015 at 8:30 am at Lincoln Oaks Golf Course in Crete, IL. Register online at

Saturday, September 12, 2015, Lansing Christian School's Annual Steak Fry will be held from 4:30-7:00 pm, in the gym. Join us for a delicious meal of steak, salad, potatoes, corn on the cob and dessert! Cost: freewill offering benefiting the General Fund. Questions? - Please call school at 708-474-1700.

Friday, September 25, 2015, Lansing Christian School’s 45th Annual Fall Festival & Auction will be held at the school. Come for dinner at The Food Court which opens at 5:00 p.m. and stay for the Live Auction which begins at 6:00 p.m. Silent auction will be held from 6:00-8:00 pm. Games for the children will begin at 6:00 p.m. Bring the entire family for a fun-filled evening. For more information, you may call the school office at 708-474-1700.

Elim Team Tri-Chicago Triathlon: You can compete with Elim Team TRI at the Chicago Triathlon on August 29 or 30, 2015 and raise valuable funds for Elim HOPE Packs! Register as an individual or recruit your own relay team! You or your relay team can choose to participate in the international, sprint, or the super-sprint race distance. Sign up today to be a part of this impactful event or sponsor another participant! Elim’s HOPE Packs program equips adults with developmental disabilities with the opportunity to assemble school kits for disadvantaged children in Chicago. Learn more and view our promo video at or contact Laura Schnyders at 708-293-6509 or for more information.

HELP NEEDED: The Harvest Thrift Center has begun the process of re-locating to the building formerly known as Dekker Electric, located on Torrence Avenue in Lansing! AT THIS TIME, WE HAVE NEED OF SKILLED LABOR IN CARPENTRY AND ELECTRICAL, as well as general laborers. In the near future, we will be having community work days/nights for cleaning and painting as well! (It is going to take a village... people!) If you have a heart for Christian education, a passion for service opportunities, and would like to join us in this exciting endeavor, now is the time to sign up to help! Please contact Sally Haywood (volunteer coordinator and HTC Board Secretary) at 708-418-3568 or e-mail her at

Highland Christian School is accepting applications for Director of Before and After School Care. This is a part-time position, paid hourly. For job description and position information, please submit your interest in writing to Mr. Bob Payne or Mrs. Karin Brown. Applicant must be organized and able to schedule activities and work closely with people.


USHERS Today: Brian Huizenga, Duane De Jong, Mike Yonkman, *Bob Krygsheld

Next Sunday: Dan Boss, Paul Bakker, Kevin Vermeer, *Mike Bush

LIFT ATTENDANT Today: Dale De Jong

Next Sunday: Nathan Bakker

NURSERY Today: AM – INF: Danielle Voss & Megan Zwier

TDL: Charity, Emma & Annika Regnerus

PM – INF: Bev Beezhold & Casey Kramer

TDL: Curtis & Rachel Nelson

Next Sunday: AM – INF: Kristin & Lauren De Young

TDL: Brittany, Tyler De Young & Karen Dielman

PM – INF: Drew & Melinda Eenigenburg

TDL: Katelyn, Kurtis & Tarvares Van Kuiken

GREETERS Today: John, Janita & Caitlyn Talmadge

Next Sunday: Scott, Doris & Alison Trester


Next Sunday: Fred A. Colvin

SONG SERVICE Tonight: Pete Smith

Next Sunday: Kevin Ooms

OFFERINGS Next Sunday AM: Benevolence

PM: Reformed Faith & Life-Armenia

Sunday, August 2, 2015 9:30 AM

“Our Lord’s Resurrection Confounds and Confirms”

Matthew 28:1-10

1. His Resurrection Confounds Us

2. His Resurrection Confirms what He has done for us

Sunday, August 2, 2015 6:00 PM “The Lost Son is Restored”

Luke 15:11-32

1. The Son’s Rage

2. The Son’s Remembrance

3. The Son’s Restoration