October 2016
October Dinner Meeting-October 20th 6 PM
Our dinner meeting will be held at Richards Restaurant located at 39301 Plymouth Rd., Livonia. Fellowship starts at 6 PM. Kathy Turnquist will give a presentation on the Civitan Candy Box Fundraiser.
Business Meeting November 3rd:
Business meeting will be held on November 3rd at 6:30 PM at the Salvation Army.
Restoration Fund for Civitan International Headquarters
Since September 2015 the Club has collected/donated $1, 057.92 towards the Restoration Fund campaign for the restoration of the Civitan International Headquarters building in Birmingham, AL. Vivian will continue to bring the container for the Restoration Fund to each meeting so members can contribute their loose change and paper money too. Collection will continue to the end of the year (December).
Plymouth Taste Fest and Fall Festival Report:
The Taste Fest made a profit of $1,635.88 and the Photo Booth made a profit of $979. Great job to Kathy and all who worked the Taste Fest and the Photo Booth.
Vivian and Cheryl are spearheading the building of a new club: “The Kensington Valley Civitan Club”, which our Club will be sponsoring. The club will involve South Lyon, Lyon Township, New Hudson, Green Oaks, Northfield, and Salem Townships.
The Club is now meeting every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at the Salem-South Lyon District Library located at 9800 Pontiac Trail in South Lyon from 7PM-8:30 PM. So far we have nine charter members, but need at least 20 to officially charter the Club and make it a reality.
This is an energetic group of individuals and have already participated in their first community event the South Lyon Pumpkin Fest. It was a glorious weekend and allowed the group to work together and to get to know each other better.
The next meeting is on October 13th and will be spent discussing projects to do over this upcoming holiday season and start planning their first Christmas party.
Contact Vivian at 810-227-7991 or Cheryl at 313-460-3194 if you can help out in any way.
The fourth step has now been completed with participation in a community event. The final step and goal is to actually get the club chartered in the month of October. ‘Celebrating 100 Years of Service’
North Central District Convention Report:
It was a very busy weekend for our Club members who attended the convention and hosted the hospitality room. Thanks to Mary, Susan N., Diana M., and Carol C., their hard work made for a successful end to Cheryl’s term as the Governor of the North Central District. Check out the pictures on the North Central District website:
Focus Hope Eleanor’s Walk Report:
It was a great day for the walk even though it was chilly the sun was out in all its glory. Kathy along with Gary, Mary, Cheryl and Hal had a great time manning the children’s craft booth and helping them with their creations. Check out the website for pictures:
Special Needs Halloween Dance/Photo Booth October 14th:
The Club has been asked to do photos at the party on October 14th being held at St. John Neumann Assembly Hall, 44800 Warren Rd., between Canton Center Rd., and Sheldon Rd. Actual time of the party is to be determined. Use the north east entrance. To get into the spirit of the event, it would be great if members came dressed in costume! Contact Bill (734-347-0020), or Gary (734-459-1896) if you’re able to help and they will let you know what time to get there.
Focus Hope Food Box Build-October 22nd:
Mark your calendars for October 22nd for the Club’s day to build food boxes down at Focus Hope. Meet at 9 AM at the Costco parking lot located at I-96 and Middle Belt Rd., to car pool down to Focus Hope. Lunch at Polonia’s Restaurant follows located at: 2934 Yemans St. Hamtramck, 48212, 313-873-8432. A trip to the
bakery across the street on Joseph Campau Ave., after lunch is planned for those interested.
Carson’s Community Days November 9th-12th:
Carol S., has the Club scheduled to sell the coupon books for 13 days in October at the store. This is one of the Club’s largest fundraisers, so take a few coupon books to sell to friends and family. Contact Carol S., if you’re able to help in selling the coupon books at Carson’s or need some to sell to friends and family members (248-924-3202). REMEMBER, THIS IS THE CLUB’S LARGEST FUNDRAISER. PLEASE HELP TO SELL THOSE COUPON BOOKS!
Dixboro General Store Fundraiser-11/18th-20th:
Mark your calendars and plan on doing some holiday shopping. The store has all sorts of unique gift items and even furniture. This is a fundraiser for the Club for which we receive 15% of the sale amount if the coupon is presented at time of sale. A coupon is enclosed with this newsletter and the November Newsletter and also will be available on the Club’s website. So, copy the coupon and pass them out to family and friends and start your holiday shopping on November 18th to the 20th. The store is located at 5206 Plymouth Rd. Ann Arbor, 48105.
Thanksgiving & Christmas Baskets:
Members can donate non-perishable food items and personal care items for the Cooke School family the Club will be adopting for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mary will be collecting donations at the October and November dinner meetings and the November business meeting. Monetary donations can also be made.
Club Christmas Party:
The Club’s Christmas party will be held at Carol C.’s house (39714 Hillary Dr. Canton, MI 48187) on Saturday December 3rd at 6 PM. More information to follow concerning collection of items for charity and the menu.
Civitan Celebrating 100 Years of Service:
‘Celebrating our centennial anniversary leading to the culmination of our centennial year with the 2017 International convention in Birmingham, AL.’
This is a great celebration year for Civitan. Clubs are being asked to come up with unique ways to celebrate the centennial year. Mary has come up with one way. She’ll have a container of chocolate candy at all of the Club’s functions to sell for $1 each. The goal is to sell $100 in honor of the centennial. It’ll be decided later where the money raised will be used.
Operation Good Cheer
This is a program sponsored by MI Child & Family Services which provides Christmas gifts from each child’s Christmas wish list. Over 5 thousand children and teens in foster care facilities receive 3 gifts each. Cheryl is responsible for finding people to purchase gifts for over 100 kids, storing gifts and then loading the gifts onto a semi-truck to be transported to the Pontiac International Airport for disbursement all over the state. Cheryl will receive the names of the Club’s adopted foster children in mid-October and then hand them out to members to buy the gifts. Your wrapped gifts for the adopted foster children are due back to
Cheryl by no later than November 28th. Gifts can be brought to the November dinner meeting or drop them
off at her house. Cheryl can be contacted at 313-460-3194.
Birthdays for November
Bill McCarville 11/8 Gail Blucher 11/19
Sam Detrich 11/9 Vivian Van Vliet 11/27
Member News:
*Holly Evans is now home from the hospital and is undergoing dialysis. Her kidney function is slowly improving.
*Bob Hughes was recently hospitalized and is now home recovering.
*Dianne G’s daughter is dealing with shingles.
Let’s keep them all in your thoughts and prayers.
*Check out the website for pictures of Bonnie and Theresa F., receiving their Honor Key’s at the last dinner meeting:
Club Dates
10/14th Special Needs Halloween Dance
10/20 Dinner Meeting-Richards Restaurant 6 PM
10/22nd Focus Hope Food Box Build 9 AM
11/3rd Business Meeting Salvation Army
11/9th-12th Carson’s Community Days Event
11/18th-20th Dixboro Fundraiser
11/28th Operation Good Cheer Gifts due at Cheryl’s
12/3rd Club Christmas Party at Carol Chanter’s
Note from Membership Chair:
The Choice is yours to share Civitan
You never know when the opportunity will be right in front of you. So be prepared, always carry a club business card with your name and phone number on it.
Don’t let the opportunity pass you by to share Civitan.
We lead by example.
Vivian Van Vliet
Membership Chairperson
Print or copy the coupon so the Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club receives credit for your purchases.
“Dixboro Charity Weekends”.
Dixboro General Store
5206 Plymouth Rd,
Ann Arbor 48105
M-S: 10-6, Sunday: 11-5
For: Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club
Dates: Weekend of
November 18-20, 2016
Fifteen percent (15%) of your purchase during this designated period will be donated to the Plymouth-Canton Civitan organization.
Valid only on merchandise purchased on scheduled days.
Total Sale $______
Print or copy the coupon so the Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club receives credit for your purchases.
“Dixboro Charity Weekends”.
Dixboro General Store
5206 Plymouth Rd,
Ann Arbor 48105
M-S: 10-6, Sunday: 11-5
For: Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club
Dates: Weekend of
November 18-20, 2016
Fifteen percent (15%) of your purchase during this designated period will be donated to the Plymouth-Canton Civitan organization.
Valid only on merchandise purchased on scheduled days.
Total Sale $______
Print or copy the coupon so the Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club receives credit for your purchases.
“Dixboro Charity Weekends”.
Dixboro General Store
5206 Plymouth Rd,
Ann Arbor 48105
M-S: 10-6, Sunday: 11-5
For: Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club
Dates: Weekend of
November 18-20, 2016
Fifteen percent (15%) of your purchase during this designated period will be donated to the Plymouth-Canton Civitan organization.
Valid only on merchandise purchased on scheduled days.
Total Sale $______
Print or copy the coupon so the Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club receives credit for your purchases.
“Dixboro Charity Weekends”.
Dixboro General Store
5206 Plymouth Rd,
Ann Arbor 48105
M-S: 10-6, Sunday: 11-5
For: Plymouth-Canton Civitan Club
Dates: Weekend of
November 18-20, 2016
Fifteen percent (15%) of your purchase during this designated period will be donated to the Plymouth-Canton Civitan organization.
Valid only on merchandise purchased on scheduled days.
Total Sale $______