15February 2016
Scottish Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards
Member Appointments Extended
The Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport today announced the extension to the appointment of three members ofthe Scottish Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards.
The Scottish Advisory Committee on Distinction Awards (SACDA) acts on behalf of Scottish Ministers in deciding which nominated medical and dental consultants in NHS Scotland should receive Distinction Awards for outstanding professional work, operating through Regional Awards Meetings to identify shortlists of candidates for SACDA to consider and make decisions upon.
Professor James McDonald, who has had his appointment extended as a Medical member,is a Consultant in the NHS and an Honorary Chair at GlasgowUniversity. He is also the Past Dean of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He holds an Honorary Chair at PekingMedicalUniversity in Beijing and has close links with China. In addition he has some visiting Professorships and has lectured, examined and published widely throughout the world. At present he is Editor of Orthodontic Update, Associate Editor of The Surgeon, and referees for five peer review journals. He remains committed to promoting postgraduate education in orthodontics. Professor McDonald brings to SACDA his experience of working within the NHS and his knowledge of the NHS functions.
Professor Ken Paterson, who has had his appointment extended as a Medical member,has worked in NHS Scotland for 39 years, with over 25 years as a consultant physician in Glasgow, specialising in general medicine and diabetes mellitus. He has worked extensively for the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow and was a founder member, and later Chair, of the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC). Professor Paterson brings to SACDAhis extensive knowledge and experience of the NHS in Scotland gained in his clinical roles; along with the information analysis and evidence-based decision making skills developed in his SMC roles and elsewhere.
Sandra Douglas, who has had her appointment extended as a Lay member, has experience of management of risk in the Criminal Justice Service having worked with mentally disordered offenders for over 20 years as a senior probation officer. She also has experience of assessing people’s performance and commitment to their work. Sandra brings to SACDA her communication, assessment and listening skills, as well as integrity in her work.
The extensions will be for nine months and will run from 1st March 2016 to 30th November 2016.
These posts are part-time with a time commitment of approximately
30 days per year. For the Lay member position, a daily fee of £100 is payable for each day devoted to Committee business. The Medical member posts are not remunerated.
None of the members hold any other ministerial appointments.
These reappointments are regulated by the Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland
All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees’ political activity within the last five years (if there is any to be declared) to be made public. None of the members have had any political activity in the last five years.