Dorothea Dix

Lives in Hampden, Maine From Hampden, Maine Born 4/4/1802


Dorothea Dix I just got back from a meeting with the local prison director. He told me that the prison “population” decreased dramatically when the asylum was opened. I hope that this solves the problems they have been facing!

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Networks: 5K for the Prisons, Religion United, Board of Education, Canyons School District, Teacher Salary Increase…see more

Sex: Female

Relationship Status: Married to Dr. Elijah Dix

Looking For: a reformed and improved society

Political Views: Reformer

Religious Views: Proud Member of the Methodist Church

Interests: Teaching, Charity, Giving, Education, Religion, Standing for… see more

Favorite TV show: National Geographic and Religion Today are two of my absolute favorite television programs. They are educational and emotionally filling. I would love to just watch them all day long, but I know that the Lord has things for me to do, so I shouldn’t waste time watching television. *sigh*!

Favorite Books: I love Pride and Prejudice because it is a cute story, and it is full of literary splendors! One of my favorite books is Moby Dick, because you can read it cover to cover without stopping. I also enjoy Huckleberry Finn. This next book however, trumps all of the others previously mentioned. And that book is The Holy Bible. It is comforting to know that God is always watching over me, and that he will always be there to help me through the hard times. I use The Holy Bible to teach the inmates at the prison, and it is that book that prompted me to do the right thing and set up an asylum for the mentally ill.

About Me: I believe that the prisons should be for criminals, not the mentally ill. I also believe in God, and that he will forgive those who have sinned. I teach these principles at the prison. I believe in hope, love, and charity, and most of all, God.

Schooling: Private Education

Employer: Self Employed

Position: Prison Religious Educator