How to get an A on your journal!
Check these off, and add a title or description when you get them done:
*At least NINE (9) FULL pages of quality, independent artworks. These can be drawings, paintings, collages, or any sort of media that represents AT LEAST 20 minutes of your time, with little to NO white space on page. You get a full point for a complete job. A half point for an incomplete job. No point for nothing done.
1. _COVER_DESIGN______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
7. ______
8. ______
9. ______
*At least FIVE (5) FULL pages representing in-class work. These could be notes from a film or a discussion, vocabulary from a lesson, practice sketches for a project, or extra work in journal when there’s free time using a prompt from the wall or the journal box. 1.___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4.___ 5. ___
*All Classroom worksheets are glued, taped or stapled into journal (3 points) ____/3
*Evidence of Craft, Care, and Personal style: ____/1
Students will lose 5% for every two days late.
Journals will be graded and returned within a week.
How to get an A on your journal! (The SECOND time) – FINAL GRADE DUE MAY 12, 2016
Check these off, and add a title or description when you get them done:
*At least FIVE (5) FULL pages of quality, independent artworks – additional to first nine weeks. These can be drawings, paintings, collages, or any sort of media that represents AT LEAST 20 minutes of your time, with little to NO white space on page. You get a full point for a complete job. A half point for an incomplete job. No point for nothing done.
10. ______
11. ______
12. ______
13. ______
14. ______
*At least FOUR (4) FULL pages representing in-class work in addition to first nine weeks. These could be notes from a film or a discussion, vocabulary from a lesson, practice sketches for a project, or extra work in journal when there’s free time using a prompt from the wall or the journal box.
1.___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4.___
*All Classroom worksheets are glued, taped or stapled into journal (3 points) ____/3
*Evidence of Craft, Care, and Personal style: ____ /1
* Students shows steady effort and improvement from first nine weeks: ____ / 2
Students will lose 5% for every two days late.
*TOTAL FINAL GRADE: ______/ 15 Journals will be graded and returned within a week.