ES200: Employee Self Service Overview Course

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Welcome to the Employee Self Service Overview Course for the North Carolina Office of the State Controller.

To begin this eLearning course, click the PLAY or NEXT buttons located below.

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How to Navigate Through This Presentation

In this eLearning environment in the top left hand corner of your screen you will notice two tabs, a ‘Menu’ tab and a ‘Resource’ tab.

The Resource tab contains handouts which correspond with this course.

The Menu tab offers an outline for the course. You can click on any of the items listed to be taken to chat specific section.

At the bottom of your screen are the navigation buttons. These buttons are the ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons, which allow you to navigate to the Previous or next slides.

This button is the ‘Play/Pause’ button, which allows you to stop at any time and not lose your place in the presentation. You may also adjust the volume of the presentation using the Volume button as shown below.

You may click on the ‘Play/Pause’ Button to advance to the next slide.

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This course provides you with the terms, concepts, knowledge, and skills associated with using the Employee Self Service (ESS) portal.

It consists of five lessons:

Lesson 1: Getting Started, where you will learn how to Log on and navigate the ESS portal

Lesson 2: My Personal Data, where you will learn how to maintain your address book, bank information, and tax withholding data

Lesson 3: My Benefits, where you will learn how to Display Benefit plans and print your Confirmation Statement

Lesson 4: My Time, where you will learn how to View Time Statements, Display your leave balances/, and enter and release working time

Lesson 5: My Pay, where you will learn how to view and print pay stubs as well as W-2s.

The duration of the course is Approx. 2 hours

Lesson 1: Getting Started

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When you complete the Getting Started lesson, you should be able to:

•Understand what Employee Self Service (ESS) is used for,

•Log on and access the screens you need in Employee Self Service (ESS),

•Log off and Exit out of Employee Self Service (ESS)

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What is ESS?

Employee Self Service also known as ESS is part of the BEACON portal. It is where you can perform administrative tasks regarding your Benefits, Pay, Personal data and Timekeeping.

NOTE: Each agency determines what level of ESS timekeeping their employees willuse.

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How do I access ESS?

To get to ESS, log in to BEACON portal using your NCID log-on ID and password at Then, click ‘Log On.’

The BEACON home page will then display with Quick Links on the left such as “My Time” and “My Pay.”

NOTE: When you log in for the first time you will be required to validate your NCID with the last five digits of your Social Security Number and Date of Birth.

You will not need your log-on information to complete this course, but you will need to contact your supervisor if you have not received your NCID and password.

NOTE: your last name much match in NCID and in Beacon.

To access your information, click on the My Data (ESS) tab.

Displayed under this tab should be the following:

My Working Time

My Benefits

My Pay

My Personal Data

NOTE: Your screen may look slightly different, depending on your work responsibilities.

From here you can navigate through the five ESS sections and manipulate data under the following:

•My Working Time (To Record Time, Release Time as well as view Quota Balances and Time Statements)

•My Pay (to view and Print Statements and W-2s)

•My Benefits (to display current Benefit Plans and Print a Confirmation Statement)

•My Personal Data (to modify Addresses, Bank Details, and Tax Withholding Data)

When you are finished using ESS, it is very important to log off by clicking “Log off” in the upper right hand corner. Then, click ‘Yes.’

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You Have Completed the Getting Started Lesson.

You should have learned how to:

•Log on and go to Employee Self Service (ESS)

•Access the screens you need in Employee Self Service (ESS)

•Log off and Exit out of Employee Self Service (ESS)

Lesson 2: My Personal Data

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When you complete the My Personal Data lesson, you should be able to:

•Access the “My Personal Data” section of ESS

•Maintain Addresses,

•View Communication Data

•Maintain Bank Information

•Maintain your tax withholding data

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From the BEACON home page, click the My Data(ESS) tab to go to My Personal Data.

Once you have clicked on the My Data(ESS) tab, the Overview screen will be displayed. Click on My Personal Data.

Once you have clicked on the My Personal Data, the Personal Data screen will be displayed with the following sections:

  • Addresses
  • Tax Withholding Information
  • Communication Data
  • Bank Information
  • ESS/MSS Online Help

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The first area that we will cover under the My Personal Data section will be the Addresses section, you may access the address section by clicking on the addresses link located below My Personal Information.

The Addresses page will be displayed.

The number line at the top of the page is simply an indication of which step of the process you are on.

For this exercise, we will be editing the permanent address. Click “edit”

Notice the number line at the top. You are now in Step 2, Edit.

Enter your updated address including house number, apartment number (if applicable), City, County, state, and zip code.

NOTE: Both address lines 1 and 2 are limited to 32 characters.
Also, If you are making an in/out of state change to your permanent
residence, please ensure your tax withholding information
is also updated.

Note: The State of North Carolina records not only have an employee’s permanent address, but also the mailing address and emergency contact addresses.

Also notice that you have the option of making the change effective as of a future date by clicking the button next to Valid as of Future date.

Click on the “Review” button when you have completed entering in the new information.

Your updated Address will be displayed with a “Save button” at the bottom of the screen.

NOTE: If you found an error, you can click on the “Previous Step” button to return to the previous screen and correct the mistake.

When you are satisfied, hit the “Save” button. A message will be displayed confirming that your changes were saved.

Note: Updating your permanent address will NOT automatically update your mailing address, you must change your mailing address separately. This is especially important when it pertains to any written correspondence from the state regarding benefits, tax info, etc.

You could then close the window or go elsewhere by clicking on one of the links under “What do you want to do next?”

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Another task you can perform in My Personal Data is to view your Communication Data, including your email address and your main work telephone number.

Click “Communication Data.”

Your work phone number, including extension if you have one, and your work e-mail address will be displayed. You CANNOT change this information yourself using Employee Self Service.

To change your work email address, go to NCID at:

To change your work phone number, Contact your Agency HR.

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Next, we will show you how to maintain your Bank information.

It is CRITICAL to make sure your Bank information is up to date and correct.
If your bank information is incorrect or outdated, your paycheck could be delayed quite some time while the State handles the reissue pay process.

To maintain your bank information, click on Bank Information. A page will be displayed displaying your current “Main Bank” and any additional “Other Bank” Records you may have added.

NOTE: You will not be able to make any changes to your Bank Information until your Agency HR has entered your original Bank Details into the system. If your Bank Information screen displays as blank, contact your Agency HR.

To edit your direct deposit, you must have the correctaccount number and Bank routing number, which can be found on a Personal Check or Bank Statement.

Click Edit to make changes to the Main bank where your payrollcheck is deposited. On the next screen, enter the following information:

1) The Bank Number, which is displayed on the bottom left of the check, and consists of nine (9) digits long.

2) And your Account Number, which displays on the bottom middle of the check. The length of the account number varies by financial institution.

3) Make sure to indicate whether the account is a Checking or Savings account.

Once you have finished entering the new Information, check the field at the bottom of the screen labeled “Valid as of Future Date” to see when the change will take effect. You can choose when the change will take effect by selecting the first day of that Payroll Period.

Because this change has defaulted to May 1st, 2015, the change will be effective for May’s Payroll.

It is Important to change you Bank information as soon as possible to ensure the change will happen on time. If you attempt to make a change after Payroll has finalized for a given Pay Period, the change willbe effective for the Next month’s Pay Period. The full Payroll Calendar is located at

If you are in the process of opening and closing bank accounts, make sure that you keep your current account open until the first direct deposit to the new bank has processed. If you are unsure about which effective date you should use, contact BEST Shared Services.

Once you are satisfied with your changes, hit the Review Button at the bottom of the page. The changes you have made will be displayed.

Remember to make sure the Bank Number and Account Numbers are correct. If you found an error you can click on ‘Previous Step’ to return to go back and correct the mistake. Then, Click ‘Review’ again. Once you have verified the information is Correct, click Save.

You could receive confirmation that “The changes you made to your Bank data were saved.”

If you have questions about changing your Bank Information, or require assistance, you can contact BEST Shared Services:

Raleigh area: (919) 707-0707

Toll free: (866) 622-3784

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Next we will walk through adding an Other Bank record. You have the option of adding additional accounts to direct deposit a portion of your paycheck. For instance, if you wanted a portion of your paycheck deposited to a savings account at an entirely different bank.

From the My Personal Data Screen, select “Bank Information.” The “Bank Information” screen will be displayed.

To add an additional bank, select the “New Other bank” option. Then enter the following information:

1) The Bank Number, which is displayed on the bottom left of the check, and consists of nine (9) digits long.

2) Your Account Number, which is displayed on the bottom middle of the check, and whose length of the account number varies by financial institution.

3) And make sure to indicate whether the account is a Checking or Savings account.

Next, designate what portion of your check will be deposited into the additional account. You may choose either a set percentage of your pay check by using “Standard Percentage” field OR select a specific dollar amount by using the “Default Value” field. For this example we have elected to deposit $100 into a savings account.

When payroll Processes, any Other Bank records will be applied first, then the remainder of your paycheck will be deposited into your Main Bank.

Once you have finished entering the new Information, confirm the Dates the Bank will be active using the “Validity Period” fields at the bottom of the screen. Using the first field you can choose when the change will take effect by selecting the first day of that Payroll Period. However, unlike the Main Bank, you may also set a Delimit Date, or Stop Date, for the record by selecting the last day of the Pay Period you wish the deposit to end. Selecting an end date of 12/31/9999 means the record will be active indefinitely until a change is made.

In this Example, our Other Bank Record will be valid from May 1st 2015, to 12/13/9999.

Again, it is important to change you Bank information as soon as possible to ensure the change will happen on time. If you attempt to make a change after Payroll has finalized for a given Pay Period, the change willbe effective for the Next month’s Pay Period. The full Payroll Calendar is located at

Once you are satisfied with your changes, hit the Review Button at the bottom of the Page. The changes you have made will be displayed.

Remember to make sure the Bank Number and Account Numbers are correct. If you found an error you can click on ‘Previous Step’ to return to go back and correct the mistake. Then, Click ‘Review’ again. Once you have verified the information is Correct, click Save.

You could receive confirmation that “The changes you made to your Bank data were saved.”

If you have questions about changing your Bank Information, or require assistance, you can contact BEST Shared Services:

Raleigh area: (919) 707-0707

Toll free: (866) 622-3784

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Next, we will show you how to maintain your Federal and State Tax Withholding Information.

From the My Personal Data Screen, select“Tax Withholding Information.”

On the Tax Withholding Screen you will see sections displaying your current Federal and State Tax Data, including Filing Status, Number of Exemptions, and any Additional Withholdings.

Select Edit on the Tax withholding you wish to modify. For this Exercise we will show you how to change your Federal W4 filing status and number of exemptions.

On the Next Screen enter the following information:

  1. Filing Status…
  2. Number of Exemptions…
  3. Any Additional Withholdings.

NOTE: If you attempting to file as “Exempt” for Federal or State, or you are currently exempt and wish to resume withholdings, you will not be able to make the change in ESS. Complete the appropriate form, either a W-4 or NC-4, and submit it to your local HR to have the change made.

If your last name differs from what is displayed on your Social Security Card, check the indicated box. This information is required by both State and Federal governments.

Carefully Read the Declaration and the bottom of the Screen. This serves as your electronic signature approving the change. Check the box once you have finished reading.

Finally, check the Field at the bottom of the screen labeled “Valid as of Future Date,” which allows you to choose the Pay Period the withholding change will take effect. Whatever date you select will affect the entire Pay period in which that date falls.

NOTE: All withholding changes must be future-dated by at least 7 days to adhere to Payroll Processing deadlines. Make sure to change your withholding information as soon as possible to so that the change takes effect for the payroll Period you wish.

Once you are satisfied with your changes, hit the Review Button at the bottom of the screen. The changes you have made will be displayed.

If you found an error you can click on ‘Previous Step’ to return and correct the mistake. Notice that you must reselect the “Declaration” Box before moving forward. Then, Click ‘Review’ again. Once you have verified the information is Correct, click Save.

You should receive a message that “the changes you made to your Tax Data were saved.”

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You have completed the My Personal Data Lesson.

You should have learned how to:

•Access the“My Personal Data” Section of ESS

•Maintain Addresses

•View Communication Data

•Maintain Bank Information

•Maintain Tax Withholding Data

Lesson 3: My Benefits

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When you complete the My Benefits lesson, you should be able to:

•Access the My Benefits section of ESS

•Display your Participation Overview

•Print a Confirmation Statement

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From the Beacon Home Page, click the My Data (ESS) tab. Then click My Benefits.

The My Benefits screen will be displayed with the following sections:

  • NC eEnroll System
  • Participation Overview
  • A section containing Supplemental Savings Plans Forms
  • ESS/MSS Online Help

First we show you have to access the Participation Overview, which will list all the plans in which you are currently enrolled. From the My Benefits Screen, click “Participation Overview.”