MSE Free Resources

Environmental Policy Statement

Please feel free to download this free resource and adapt it in the relevant places to make it a specific policy document of your company.

An Environmental Policy Statement (EPS) is the written communication of your company’s commitment to the environment and to continual improvement of environmental practicesinternally to staff and externally to your customers and suppliers. The EPS is the company’s guiding principle with respect to the environment and therefore should remain largely unchanged from year to year.

Environmental management can be a valuable investment in efficiency and could reduce overheads thus boosting your bottom line. The EPS can also be used as a marketing tool as it will assure customers of your commitment to environmental issues. The EPS may also benefit the company in its recruitment and retention of talented staff who are seeking to work for a company whose beliefs match their own.

The EPS should have top-level endorsement and be signed by a Senior Executive, Managing Director, etc. to demonstrate that it is a Company Policy and be reviewed at regular intervals. One the EPS has been finalised it should be visual displayed within the company, communicated to all employees and made available to the public.

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Wishing you all the best with your commitment to resource efficiency and reducing your bottom line,

MS Electronics

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Harvey Close



SS13 1EY

t: 0333 666 1176

f: 0333 666 1436


(INSERT your logo here)

INSERT your company name here


INSERT your company name hereaccepts its responsibilities in environmental matters and recognises that good environmental management must be an integral and fundamental part of our business. Although we believe that we have a minimal impact on the environment, INSERT your company name hereaims to continue to improve its environmental performance by:

  • Complying with the requirements of all environmental legislation.
  • Assessing the environmental effects of all business operations.
  • Raise awareness, encourage participation and train employees.
  • Expecting similar environmental standards from all suppliers and contractors.
  • Actively promoting recycling internally to our staff and externally to our customers and suppliers.
  • Conserving natural resources through increased energy efficiency and better water management.
  • Managing waste and avoiding the use of hazardous substances.
  • Implementing the use of recycled materials where appropriate.
  • Preventing and reducing pollution by implementing efficient control procedures to monitor and manage materials and processes that impact on the environment.
  • Making our Environmental Policy publicly available to interested parties.
  • Continually seeking to improve environmental performance.
  • Monitoring progress and review performance annually.

Delivering our operational plans within this policy will enable INSERT your company name hereto develop sustainable practices and deliver meaningful contributions to the quality of our environment.

INSERT your company Director(s) name here

Managing Director

INSERT date here

your web address

today, tomorrow and in the future