2018NMLA Marion Dorroh Scholarship Application

New Mexico Library Association

2017Marion Dorroh Scholarship Application

The Marion Dorroh Scholarship provides funds for study towards an advanced degree in Library and Information Science at an ALA-Accredited College or University.

Application Deadline is June 1, 2018

Application Date:

Applicant Name

Applicant Status

New Mexico Resident? (Y/N) / How Many Years?
NMLA Member? (Y/N) / Date Joined

Contact Information

Home Phone / Work Phone

Current Address

City / State / Zip Code

Permanent Address(If different)

City / State / Zip Code

ALA-Accredited Library School Program you will be attending

Please provide information about the ALA-Accredited Library School Program you will be attending.

Library School Name
Type of Degree (MLS, MS, MSIS)
Degree Program Length (Years)
How many library school graduate credit hours have you already completed?
Have You Been Accepted? (Y/N)

(If you have been accepted, please attach a copy of your acceptance letter or email to this application, or supply a contact name and phone number at the library school who can provide confirmation below.)

Library School Admissions Confirmation

Provide the library school contact name and address who can provide confirmation of your acceptance.

Contact Name
City / State / Zip Code

Scholarship Funds DeliveryAddress

Provide the library school contact name and address where scholarship funds should be sent.

Contact Name
City / State / Zip Code


Provide the names and contact information for three references.

Reference 1

Contact Name
City / State / Zip Code
Phone / Email

Reference 2

Contact Name
City / State / Zip Code
Phone / Email

Reference 3

Contact Name
City / State / Zip Code
Phone / Email

Scholarship Application Checklist

Submit the following documents with your application.

 / Scholarship Application Form
One page statement of your professional goals
Transcripts from all post-high school work (Xerox copies are acceptable)
Three letters of reference, at least one of which is from a librarian
Copy of acceptance letter or contact information at the library school for confirmation of your acceptance

Completed applications must be received

No later than June 1, 2018

Send your application via email or US mail to:
Kevin Comerford
NMLA Education Committee Chair
University Libraries, MSC05 3020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131-0001

Updated 2018-04-20