This Scope of Work (SOW) is for sampling Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed, candidate and other bat species at Naval Support Activity (NSA) Mid-South in Millington Tennessee. Data collected during field surveys will be incorporated into Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan (INRMP) Data will support the development of environmental planning documents such as Categorical Exclusions (CATEXs) or Environmental Assessments (EA) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for planned projects and actions at NSA Mid-South.

This survey work is to be conducted by a cooperator with a final report due by 30 November 2016. The purpose of this sampling is to determine presence/probable absence for any listed or at-risk bat species at NSA Mid-South. The project’s field season will consist of a 14 week field season with work conducted between the dates of 15 May 2016 and 15 August 2016, and will follow a phased approach based on the most current Indiana bat summer survey guidelines provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Period of Performance (POP) is award agreement date through 30 November 2016.

The primary target species of the sampling will be the Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) and the Northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis). Other bat species observed will also be counted, recorded and included in the final report. The cooperator will maintain close contact with federal employees from the Navy throughout the project. This is to insure that the sampling meets the objective of determining presence/probable absence of the two target species within several pre-determined sites.

The level of sampling effort outlined in this SOW is based on the 2014 Range-wide Indiana Bat Summer Survey Guidelines and the 2014 Northern Long-eared Bat Interim Conference and Planning Guidance published by the USFWS. The USFWS recognizes that the minimum level of effort required on a per area basis for larger areas may be less than for smaller areas. In the event that the USFWS issues new guidelines/regulations for Indiana bat and Northern long-eared bat surveys prior to the initiation or completion of field surveys, additional coordination with Navy staff and revisions to the SOW maybe necessary.

Mist netting will be used to conduct the Survey at NSA Mid-South. Sampling will be focused in areas of potential bat habitat. NSA Mid-South will provide the cooperator with a map(s) outlining these focal areas in advance of the field surveys. All personnel conducting the surveys must hold valid federal and state permits.


The Base Representative will be: Mr. James Heide, Installation Environmental Program Manager, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Public Works Department, Environmental Division, Bldg. 455, 5722 Integrity Drive, Millington, TN 38054, Voice: (901) 874-5367,

The Naval Technical Representative (NTR) will be: Mr. George Kenny, Natural Resource Specialist, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southeast, P.O. Box 30, Building 903, Jacksonville, FL 32212-0030, Voice: (904) 542-6878,


1. Government will participate in field surveys, identification of survey locations, facilitating access to base, and review of data and report. The Government will provide the cooperator access to necessary geospatial data (via file geodatabase), reports, schematics, or other pertinent information as described in the SOW.

2. The Cooperator shall visit the designated area as often as necessary and within the limits stated below to accomplish the purpose of this task as detailed further in this Scope. It is the Cooperator’s responsibility to obtain security and entrance clearances (and pay any associated access/pass fees), radio transmitter approval and camera passes for himself/herself and his/her personnel. The Cooperator shall comply with all site security and access rules, regulations, requirements, and day-to-day operational changes thereto.

3. The Cooperator shall provide all transportation, meals, and lodging for himself/herself and his/her personnel and all equipment necessary to complete the work unless otherwise noted in the Scope. No equipment will be provided or purchased by the government. All equipment utilized on the site is subject to inspection by and approval by the Base Representative, NTR and appropriate site personnel.

4. The Cooperator shall conduct field investigations and interviews with experts and authorities as necessary to accomplish the work described below. The Cooperator shall utilize information from local offices and personnel of the USFWS and Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency as necessary.

5. The Cooperator shall work closely with the Base Representative and NTR in planning and carrying out field investigations.

6. Radio transmitters (if used by the cooperator) will require prior approval from the NSA Mid-South. Request is made through the base representative.

7. Photography may be restricted. Clearance for photography will be obtained (if necessary) from Base Representative listed above. When requested, all films and digital files must be turned over to appropriate personnel for processing and security inspection.

8. If the Cooperator or his/her field personnel witness or discover the presence of a state or federally protected species (excluding permitted bat species,) they shall report that information to the Base Representative and NTR. The Navy will report the observation to the USFWS Field Service Office.

9. The Cooperator and primary personnel working under this scope of work are required to have all applicable permits and licenses. The Cooperator shall be experienced in surveying for bat species pertinent to the area. Experience should include a minimum of five years of bat survey experience for lead surveyor. The Cooperator shall obtain and provide copies to the Base Representative and NTR of all appropriate permits prior to commencement of field work. The Cooperator will keep copies of all permits on site while conducting work.

10. Cooperator is subject to all applicable regulations issued by the Department of Commerce at 37 CFR Part 401, and Department of Defense Grant and Agreement Regulations (DODGARs), 32 CFR Part 32Per section 32.36, the recipient may copyright any work that is subject to copyright and was developed, or for which ownership was purchased, under this award. DoD Components reserve a royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the work for Federal purposes, and to authorize others to do so. Additionally, the Federal Government has the right to: (1) “Obtain, reproduce, publish or otherwise use the data first produced under this award;” and (2) “Authorize others to receive, reproduce, publish, or otherwise use such data for Federal purposes.”

Cooperator will be free to publish the results of the research data after providing the Navy with a thirty (30) day period in which to review each publication to identify patentable subject matter and to identify any inadvertent disclosure of the Navy's Proprietary lnformation. If necessary to permit the preparation and filing of U.S. patent applications, the Principal Investigator may agree to an additional review period not to exceed sixty (60) days. Any further extension will require subsequent written agreement between the base Sponsor and Cooperator. Failure to provide comments will not be construed as consent to publication. In addition, in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for research data relating to published research findings produced under an award that were used by the Federal Government in developing an agency action that has the force and effect of law, the DoD Component that made the award shall request, and the recipient shall provide, within a reasonable time, the research data so that they can be made available to the public through the procedures established under the FOIA.”


Task 1: Mist Netting

Mist netting will be conducted at pre-selected sites based upon past sampling results, habitat quality and areas targeted for future project development at NSA Mid-South. These general sites will be pre-approved by the Base Representative and NTR. Habitat quality will be assessed using forest inventory and topographic data available from NSA Mid-South. Number of locations will depend on number of captures. Per current USFWS survey guidelines, each mist net site will be sampled for 9 net nights (three nets per location each night for three calendar nights) beginning at sunset and lasting for at least five hours. If three locations are not available, then field team may use less (preferably two) if necessary. No more than three nets should be operated at one time if only two biologists are available to monitor. The surveys shall be conducted in weather conditions that satisfy the recommended USFWS guidelines, including air temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius, little to no precipitation, and light winds for the majority of the survey night. During the surveys, nets shall be checked at least once every 10 minutes. Captured bats shall be identified to species by the permitted bat biologist, and the sex, age, reproductive status, mass, forearm length of each bat shall also be documented. Photographs shall be taken of all target species, plus the first 10 little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) captured at each survey site as little brown bats can be easily confused with Indiana bats.

To alleviate possible transmission of white nose syndrome (WNS), equipment such as bags that held bats, nets, and all surfaces (measuring equipment, gloves, etc.) that come in contact with a bat shall be decontaminated following the most current USFWS protocols.

If a reproductively active adult female or juvenile Indiana bat and a reproductively active adult female or juvenile northern-long eared bat are captured prior to completing 9 net nights of survey effort, then sampling may stop at that particular site and proceed to the next site. The goal would be to sample as many areas of potential habitat as possible while remaining within budget for the project. Two mist net locations maybe be operated concurrently with two field teams to avoid long downtimes (no work) for field crew. Each location is required to have at least one federally permitted biologist on-site during operating periods.

Field Assumptions:

·  Mist net location is one site with up to three nets to be monitored for 9 net nights

·  Two Mist net locations can be run concurrently

·  One mist net location may be closed if a target species is captured

·  Additional mist net locations may be operated depending upon permitted biologist availability and time/funds for effort based on project manager/field team discretion.

·  A biologist with the appropriate permits will supervise all bat netting activity.

Task 2: Report and GIS Preparation

Sampling Plan will be developed prior to field season. Development of plan may include one site visit to scout locations. Sampling sites will be pre-approved by the Base Representative and the Navy Technical Representative.

All data collected during this project will be compiled and presented in a draft and final summary reports. The draft and final reports will include maps and habitat descriptions of all sites sampled. Report will be concise (approximately 20-30 pages). Reports will include the following sections:

·  Executive Summary

·  Introduction

·  Background (Brief)

·  Focal Species Information (Brief)

·  Methods

·  Survey and Radio-tracking Results

·  Discussion & Recommendations

·  References

·  Appendix

o  Location Maps

o  Raw Data

o  Photos

GIS coordinates for Indiana or Northern long-eared bat captures shall be provided in electronic and CD/DVD formats. See Appendix A for GIS requirements. Draft version of report and GIS will be delivered to NTR for review. Once edits are received from government then they will be incorporated into final report and GIS for delivery. Any significant deviation must be reported to the NTR as soon as it becomes evident, as delay beyond the agreement period will require extension of the agreement task order. Any changes must be mutually agreed upon by both the cooperator, the NTR and the Base Representative.

Required report information for report: All capture sites will be shown on maps. Depending on sampling results, the likelihood of Indiana or Northern-long eared bats being present or absent at NSA Mid-South should be discussed. If they are determined to be present, then recommendations regarding future consultations under the Endangered Species Act should be made. Data retention requirements shall follow 32 CFR section 32.53 requirements.


Time Event

(Agreement Award to 30 Nov 2016) Performance period

Upon task order award 2015 Kick-off meeting

31 December 2015 Sampling Plan

Monthly Progress reports (electronic to the Activity & NTR)

Completed by 15 August 2016 Surveys

10 October 2016 Draft summary report including draft GIS data (2 hard copies with accompanying electronic version on CD/DVD)

30 November 2016 Final report (2 hard copies with accompanying electronic version on CD/DVD)


NAVFAC Midwest EV GIS Data Deliverable Specifications

Deliverable Requirements:

Geographic Information System Data: Geographic Information System (GIS) data deliverables shall conform to current Navy adaptation of the Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE) version 3.01 format. Such data will be natively collected using the WGS84 (World Geodetic System 1984) datum on the EGM96 (1996 Earth Gravitational Model) geoid, in the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinate system, using the zone appropriate to the project area and using meters as the standard unit of measurement. The MIDLANT area of responsibility is within UTM Zones 17N, 18N, and 19N. All data shall be submitted in both a raw and post-processed form. Metadata shall be completed and included in an XML format, in accordance with the FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Data. At a minimum, the following metadata attributes will be populated:

1)  Contact (Details) - contact information for the data steward

i)  Person TBD

ii)  Organization NAVFAC Midwest EV

iii)  Position TBD

iv)  Telephone TBD

v)  Email TBD

b)  Description – characterization of the data

i)  Abstract

ii)  Purpose

c)  Time Period - explains how current the dataset is

i)  Currentness Reference

ii)  Date

d)  Keywords – word/phrase descriptors of the data

2)  Data Quality

a)  Positional Accuracy – accuracy assessment of the data

i)  Horizontal Accuracy Report

ii)  Vertical Accuracy Report (if applicable)

b)  Source Information – list of sources and a short citation of each

i)  Source Citation (Details)

(1)  Title

(2)  Originator