EHRD-OP 2000 /06 Programme Complement 19A ESF
1. Sub- Measure Overview
/ Social EconomySub-Measure
/ Community Services Programme(Formerly Social Economy Programme)
/ EntrepreneurshipOperational Prog
/ Employment and Human Resources DevelopmentEx Ante
Evaluation /
A / To promote employment growth and improve access to, and opportunities for, employment;Priority
5 / To more fully exploit the employment or income-generating potential of social economy initiatives at local level by disadvantaged individuals or groups
Intended Impact / To bring more socially excluded people into the workforce
Aim & Objective / To support the development and operation of community projects that meet social objectives and in so doing create sustainable employment. The Programme will be particularly targeted at disadvantaged communities, communities of interest and long term unemployed persons
Measure Description / The Social Economy Programme aims to support the development of social project activity in Ireland. Such projects will seek to improve the regeneration and quality of life in disadvantaged communities and provide employment opportunities for LTU and other disadvantaged persons.
Under the Measure community groups are funded to develop a business plan and, if approved, provided with financial support to appoint a manager and workers and train such persons.
Description of ESF Co-Financed Element / None.
Intended Beneficiaries / Long-term unemployed and socially-excluded persons as defined by Government from time to time.
EU Intervention Field Code / 22
Budget (€/m.00/06) / SAE 132.445 / BMW 57.682 / NAT 190.127
2. Horizontal Issues
Gender Equality /Current Beneficiaries
of Such Expre
/Long-Term Unemployed
/Women/Men (2003)
/ 935/631Data Source
/Differential Impact Factors Explaining Status Quo
/No data
Ways to Change Factor Impacts&
Mainstreaming Actions /
Depending upon the nature of the service, women’s groups can be consulted on issues relating to service provision and organisation. Management Committees will be urged to achieve a 40:60 gender ratio where appropriate. Dept of Community Rural & Gaeltacht will collect and analyse data on gender in respect of participation on the Measure.
North/South Elements / Yes. At the initial stage there was scope for FAS and Social Economy project proposers to draw on the established experience of a similar programme in Northern Ireland Currently, communities in the border areas may find it beneficial to develop co-operative projects. / Estd Cost (€/m.)
Environmental / Module/Element? / Participants to Benefit / Overall Env Impact
No / Many
Nature of
Element? / Many of the projects conducted have an environmental impact – e.g. landscape/gardening, building restoration, recycling, estate management.
Social Inclusion
/ Department CRAGA will collect, analyse and report data on the Measure which will help to assess its contribution to social inclusion objectives. For example, the number of participants from older age groups and persons with a disability. To help emphasise the ‘social benefits’ objectives of the Measure, all Social Economy enterprises will prepare an annual report to help the enterprise and its stakeholders evaluate performance against stated aims and objectives.Rural Proofing Impact / Positive. Measure valid for both urban and rural areas.
3. Financial
EU Co-Financing?
/ ESF Contrib.€/m. /Nil
Treatment of ESF
/Not Applicable
NationalCo-Financing Basis (Net/Gross) / Not applicable
Max. ESF Co-Financing % / Not Applicable
Max. Total Public Support % / 100
Exch. Vote& S/Head / DCRAGA Vote K Sub-Head / ESRI Intervention Type / III d
Description of
Financial Flows / Payments to POBAL from Dept. CRAGA (Exchequer and, where appropriate, other public funds). Payments by POBAL as final beneficiary.
4. Financial Control (Co-funded Measures &Sub-Measures)
Paying Authority / D/CRAGA / Managing Authority / D/ETE
Intermediary Body (ies) / -
Implementing Body(ies) / POBAL
Final Beneficiaries / Projects
Nature of Support / Grant support for employment, training, capital, accounts, overheads etc. / Operation of Scheme / Multi-Annual
Implementation Arrangements
(Sub-Contracting?) / POBAL Administration
5. Payment Roles (Co-funded Measures &Sub-Measures)
/Ret-urns to be submitted by / will be submitted
to / Ex-Ante Expenditure Certification[1] by: / Ex-Ante Expenditure Validation by: / Ex-Post Expenditure Verification (>5%) by: / System Checks
N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A
6. Project Selection
Project Selection Process / Local working groups will identify and prioritise social activity in their locality for grant support
Project Selection Criteria
Composition of Project Selection
Committee / POBAL appraise applications and make recommendations to the Minister for CRAGA
7. Publicity/Information Plans
/Information Plans for measure / POBAL exhibit signage regarding National Development Plan (NDP) or NDP/ESF funding as appropriate.
8. Measure Monitoring Indicators (See Below)Cumulative)
9. Financial Plan for Measure /Sub-Measure
Financial tables are presented separately to the Monitoring Committee every six-months. Total expenditure is given in Section 1 above.
10. Implementation Contact
Body / Name / Mr Tony Crooks, CEO POBAL
POBAL, Holbrook House,
Holles St. Dublin 2 /
/ 01 – 2400700Version 8. 17/01/2007. 1
EHRD-OP 2000 /06 Programme Complement 19A ESF
Version 8. 17/01/2007. 1
EHRD-OP 2000 /06 Programme Complement 19A ESF
Version 8. 17/01/2007. 1
[1] Ex-ante Certification and Verification will be performed at each level, looking back at the level immediately below it and will be based on actual expenditure.