OGSA-WG interim F2F Meeting #9 Planning Survey
- As of Oct. 6 -
1. Please enter your name and email address:
- Hiro Kishimoto,
- Dave Berry,
- Jay Unger,
- jeffrin
- Michael B.
- Fred Maciel
- Andreas Savva <>
2. We will have OGSA-WG interim F2F meeting #9 before X'mas. However, only possible date co-chairs, secretary, and ADs are all (at least partially) available is Dec. 8 (Wed) - 10 (Fri). Does this date work for you? (If your answer is NO, please go to question #5 -second choice- )
- Yes 8 89%
- No 1 11% (Jeffrin)
3. Typically, a meeting will start Wednesday noon and end Friday noon. In order to get more result, is it possible to start Wednesday morning (say 9am), instead?
- Yes 7 88%
- No 1 13% (Jeffrin)
4. Mark all available places for Dec. 8-10.
- California (SDSC or SF Bay Area) 4 57%
- Chicago (ANL) 5 71%
- Denver (HP) 4 57%
- WashingtonD.C. (IBM) 5 71%
- Other, Please Specify 0 0%
5. Second choice is Nov. 3 (Wed) - Nov. 5 (Fri). It is just before SC2004 and one of our ADs cannot make it. Does this date work for you?
- Yes 4 67%
- No 2 33% (Fred, Jay)
- I would prefer the Dec. date. (Dave Berry)
- after december ( jan, 05 - any date ) (Jeffrin)
6. Mark all available places for Nov. 3-5.
- Pittsburg (PSC) 3 50%
- California (SDSC or SF bay area) 3 50%
- Chicago (ANL) 2 33%
- Denver (HP) 2 33%
- WashingtonD.C. (IBM) 3 50%
- Other, Please Specify 1 17%
- Any place is fine (Jeffrin)
7. OGSA v2 doc and roadmap will be discussed at OGSA #9 meeting. Do you have any other topics you would like to add to the agenda?
- Naming and data. (Dave Berry)
- Data access and distribution models within a grid (besides gridFTP). (Mike B)
- Guidelines for OGSA-compatibility / interoperability (Latha)