January 2017 Edition1, Volume 10
Sensei Cody Glover Editors: Jan Overcash Lisa Aguiar
Cody’s Corner:
Hello Students,
This is a new year and I want to thank everyone of you for being apart of Glovers Martial Arts Academy. Thank you all for being with me for the past 9 months. I’m so grateful to have you all as my students and I truly think that I do have the best students. We have all come so far together. I have watched all of you grow and become outstanding students. With that being said I am looking forward to the new year and making each one of you the best that you all can possibly be.
Thank you for all that you do!
Sensei Cody
January is Autism Awareness Month:
Autism spectrum disorder also known as ASD is a complex developmental disability. A child with ASD can start to show signs during their early years typically between 24 months and 6 years. The disorder is known to have an effecton a person’s ability to communicate as well as their ability to interact with others. ASD has a specific set of behaviors and is often referred to as a “spectrum condition” that affects individuals differently and to varying degrees. As of now there is no known cause of autism.
Children cannot “outgrow” autism, however, If a child gets diagnosed early enough and receives the help that they need huge improvements can be made.
- Lack of or delay in spoken language
- Repetitive use of language and/or motor mannerisms (e.g., hand-flapping, twirling objects)
- Little or no eye contact
- Lack of interest in peer relationships
- Lack of spontaneous or make-believe play
- Persistent fixation on parts of objects
There is no known single cause for autism spectrum disorder. Often it is accepted that the cause is due to abnormalities in the structure or function of he brain. Scans may show differences in the shape and structure of the brain in children with autism as compared to those of a neurotypical child.
This is Scott’s Story as told by his mom Kristi Kicklighter:
“He was one of those kids who got their 18 month vaccines and was never the same. Went to the appointment able to talk, always laughing and smiling - ran a fever that night and stopped talking for almost 2 years. I knew by the time he was 24 months old that he was autistic because of my back ground in education. We got the formal diagnosis when he was about 3. I insisted that he be treated the same as the other two kids - from chores to discipline. We prayed a lot, lol, because we were in un-chartered waters. I stuck to my guns and made him participate in a sport and in scouts. I made him behave and made him learn job/life skills because the truth of the matter is one day I'll be gone and the world won't revolve around Scott. He has to do the best he can with what he has to work with to fit into the world as it is. He's always been curious about karate. We chose Glovers because Cody went to school with Ley and Corey went to school with Scott. I knew their mom from working on the PTO together and knew they wouldn't let anything happen to him. We get far more than we pay for! They talk to Scott and they set expectations high for him - they treat him with respect and have truly helped grow his self esteem leaps and bounds! My only regret about starting this journey is not doing it several years sooner!”
In September Glovers Martial Arts Academy was privileged
to promote Scott to Yellow Tip Belt. We are so very proud of
him and all of his progress and achievements. We are
looking forward to all of the great things to come! Thank you
Scott for all of your hard work.
To learn more about Autism you can visit:
Cory’s Challenge:
Stretch for at LEAST 5 minutes every day this month. With it being a new year I’m going to add a yearly challenge. Spend 10 minutes practicing at home. This does NOT mean hurt your brother or sister; you can practice by yourself.
Gentle Reminder: Please make your payments on time. Payment will be accepted without penalty up to the
10th of each month. After that a late fee will be
Upcoming Events: We are now pre-registering for Glovers Martial Arts Academy’s first annual martial arts tournament. The event will take place on January 28th. The location of the event is still being determined. Please see office personnel regarding getting yourself or your student registered. Please register as soon as possible. We hope to see you all there!
Special Announcements:
If you have not read the announcement regarding student illness, please do so. If your student is not running a fever or is otherwise contagious, they are still expected to come. They do not have to participate in class but it would be beneficial for them to still come and sit on the bench during class.
Parents/Guardians/Relatives: Please take a look at the binder/notebooks that are available on each table in the dojo. Within these you will find information regarding any updates or events taking place. These will be updated regularly.
Holiday Closings and Cancellations due to Weather:
Please keep an eye out on the Facebook page for closingsand cancellations. The dojo does not always follow thecounty’s school cancellation so please check to see if thedecision has been made regarding the closing of the dojo.Your safety is our main concern and we will try to make thatdecision as quickly as possible.
With the impending winter weather there will be no Team Practice January 6th. Private classes will be determined based on the weather.
If you would like to receive a digital copy of the monthly newsletter, please see Michelle Dorn for the sign-up sheet. Each month the newsletter will be sent out via email. Thank you very much.
***Glovers Martial Arts Academy is not responsible for accidents or injury to non-karate students. ***
***As Always!! Thank you for doing your part to keep the dojo neat and clean!!***