The Gathering


Greeting ~Welcome

Time for Centering ~ Psalm 31: 1-5, 15-16

“Sweet Hour of Prayer”

*Call to Worship ~

Do not let your hearts be troubled. .

We are not troubled. We believe in God.

God’s house has many dwelling places.

Christ himself has gone to prepare a place for us.

We will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. . .

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

Let us worship God, made known to us in Christ Jesus.

*Opening Prayer

*Hymn No. 417 “Christ is Made the Sure Foundation”vs: 1,2 & 4

Statement for Peace ~ Lighting of the Peace Candle

“Be the flower that gives its fragrance to even the hand that crushes it.”

Ali ibnAbiTali

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession ~ (in unison)

Holy Jesus, we confess that we have failed to follow you faithfully, failed to believe your wisdom and truth, and failed to live the life you offer. We prefer to blaze our own trail to follow your Way and to pursue our own desires rather than to pursue what you desire for us. We fail to see the needs of those around us, but easily satisfy our own. Forgive us, we pray, and transform us, that we may come to you, ready and willing to walk in your way, to hear your truth, and live with you and in you, now and forever, Amen.

~Moment of Silent Prayer~

(Together we Pray) …through Christ our Lord. Amen.

*Rise in Praise, Hymn No. 579 “Gloria Patri”

*Assurance of Pardon
Let the people say…

…In Jesus Christ we are forgiven and lifted up to new life!

*Passing of the Peace

Gathering Song ~ “They’ll Know We are Christians by Our Love”

Proclamation of God’s Word
Prayer for Illumination

1stReading~ Acts7: 55-60

2nd Reading~ 1 Peter 2: 2-10

Gospel Reading ~ John 14: 1-14

Sharing the Word~ Rev.Ressler

Affirmation of Faith ~ Apostles’ Creed (Ecumenical)

*Hymn No. 301 “Lord, Jesus Think of Me”

(Collection of Prayer Request Cards by our Ushers)

Response to God’s Word

Invitation to the Offering
The Doxology**

Prayer of Dedication

Prayers of the People, Great Thanksgiving, & Lord’s Prayer**

The Sending

Closing Announcements

*Hymn No. 111 “Good Christians All, Rejoice and Sing!”

Charge and Benediction

(P)Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in God’s sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

*Rise in body and/or spirit.

**The Doxology is Hymn No. 592 in the blue Hymnal.

***The Lord’s Prayer is found on page 16 in the blue Hymnal





314 Main St., P.O. Box 340

Schoharie, NY 12157

Church Classes for Children & Adults 9:15am

Worship Service: 10:30am

May 14, 2017

We, the members of United Presbyterian Church of Schoharie, are a caring congregation of diverse people who love, trust, and obey Jesus Christ. As

such, we are the body that carries out His teachings in the world today. Therefore, we intend to continue to provide a place for worship and

Christian education, to encourage the community to participate with us, and

to reach out to those in need.

~Schoharie United Presbyterian Church’s Mission Statement

Rev. Brandan S. Eddy, Pastor

Rev. Robin Ressler, Presiding

Rev. Robert D. Smith, H.R., Pastor Emeritus

Church Phone: 518.295.8931

Church Email:

Church Website:


Welcome! To anyone who may be visiting with us this morning, we are delighted that you are here to participate in worshipping God with us. May you find yourself at home among Friends in Christ. Tell us more about yourself using the “About You” form located in each pew and offer it to the Usher during the collection of Prayer Requests.

“Like-Us” on Facebook for updates and Church information.

Please join us for coffee & fellowship following the service this morning in the Christian Education building.

Welcome Pastor Robin Ressler: Pastor Robin Ressler grew up in Grosvenor’s Corners, Town of Carlisle. A graduate of Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, CA., she was ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She formerly served St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in San Francisco. She will be filling in for Pastor Brandan for the month of May. Welcome Pastor Robin.

Wiawaka Women’s Fellowship: Will meet on May 18that 5:30 for a Dish to Pass Supper followed by discussion, prayer and faith exploration. All women are welcome.

Memorial Day Parade Schoharie: May 25th The Deacons are asking for your help for the Memorial Day Parade. They are planning to sell food and request your help with cookies and brownies, as well as two people to provide Pulled Pork for Sandwiches. They will be selling food out front of the church for parade goers. It is a great outreach for the church as well as a fund -raiser for the Deacons

Vietnam Veterans Remembrance and Recognition Day - Keep in mind and prayer Sunday May 28th. The Schoharie Promotional Association is asking the churches and the community to participate in this remembrance. Information on their website or on the Bulletin Board in the Lobby of CE Building.

Next Men’s Fellowship Breakfast – will be Sunday – June 4th. We are designating the first Sunday of the month to be a gathering of the men’s fellowship breakfast, meeting at the Country Caféon Schoharie Main St. at 9:00 am. All the men of the church are welcomed to attend!

Super Outreach Saturday – Mark your calendar for the 4th Saturday of each month, where we will spend a couple hours of the day helping out in our community. There will be no activity for May, as Pastor Eddy is away. So, Next up will be Sat. June 24th. If interested, please let the Church office know.

SUPC Outreach Recyclable Drive ~ Donate your Bottles, Cans and Recyclables that are redeemable to this Project. You may bring them to the CE Building. For large amounts of bottles they may be placed in the garage. We will be collecting and using the funds to support our Outreach projects throughout the year.

Looking Ahead: The Schoharie Valley Day Camp will be held again at SUPC – It will run the week of July 17-21. Think about volunteering and helping out with this Mission of our church. Volunteer Applications areavailable in the church office.

A Time to Celebrate: Happy birthday in May to:….

Richard Bramer May 3rd June Amedio May 5th

Linda Briggs May 9th Maurice Hodder May 11th

Cathy Cox May 13th Sam Tavenner May 15th

Reed Sholtes May 16th Evelyn Eddy May 22nd

Schoharie Christian After-School Program – The program can still use volunteers, please consider helping out whenever you can. Snacks are needed everyday, as well as folks to assist the staff.

I need your help! ~ Do you know of someone in need of Pastoral Care? Please share Pastoral Care needs in the comments section on the back of the “About You” slip to be handed in with the Prayer Requests.

Intercessory Prayer List:

Do you have something you're praying about this week? Let us pray with you! Lord Jesus, please help us to walk in your way, hold to your truth, and live with your power. May you lead us without fear and restore our souls. We come to you this day mindful of the needs of so many. We continue to hold Pastor Eddy in our prayers for healing and comfort from his surgery. Strengthen him daily. Bless those who mourn and are suffering with loneliness. We ask your presence in the life of Eileen’s Dad Bill. Be with him and give him peace for his needs. Be with our nation and its leaders Lord. Give you heavenly guidance as it is needed. Protect our military personnel. Let us take time this day to remember our Mothers, and all those who have helped us to grow and develop over the years. Lord make us thankful for each and every Mother and Friend who encouraged us. We ask these things in your Holy name. Amen.

Mealtime Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for the blessings of this day, for food to eat with a spoon, fork and knife. May we have the faith to walk your way, full of your peace and truth and life. Amen

Have a Great Week!