Play Conference - Saturday 15 November 2014
Beeslack High School, Penicuik
*Please feel free to photocopy and distribute this booking form – please use a separate booking form for each participant.
Payment details / How to Pay*£25 per delegate for MAP members
*£35 per delegate for non-MAP member/ organisations outside Midlothian / Please enclose a cheque for
made payable to ‘Midlothian Association of Play’
Or invoice me for the sum of
Early bird discount of 20% - if booked by17th October 2014
*£20 per delegate for MAP members
*£28 per delegate for non-MAP member/ organisations outside Midlothian
As places are limited please return booking forms by Friday 31 October 2014to help guarantee your place.
Please note payment must be received in advance of the conference. Your place is not confirmed until payment is received.
Your Details
Name:Position: (e.g. job title if staff, Board/Committee, volunteer)
Organisation’s address:
Tel: (organisation)
Tel: (home or mobile)
E-mail address:
Special requirements e.g. dietary, physical, vision etc
Workshop choices
Please tick your 3 preferred choices of workshops.
Workshop 1: What if and what more?Stuart Lester(University of Gloucestershire)The workshop will playfully extend key themes from the presentation by considering the everyday and apparently mundane ways in which children co-create moments of playing. By doing so, children generate exciting affects, new ways of moving, and using bodies and things in novel ways to simply make life more vibrant. As such, the workshop will be an adventure, moving into a land of uncertainty to see what might happen and to consider the implications for ‘cultivating conditions’ in which playful desires can be actualised.
Workshop 2: Play with Tools. Anne-Marie Mackin, Lesley Creevy, Leeann Finch (Play First). This workshop will introduce you to the value of using tools in a play environment. There will be an initial presentation detailing the importance of encouraging children to use a range of tools. After this you will be able to explore and gain confidence by experimenting with and exploring a variety of tools so that you will hopefully be confident enough to provide these experiences for the children you work with.
There will be an opportunity to share ideas and experiences of using tools both with younger and older children.
This is a practical workshop and encourages thinking towards possibilities and process rather than a product or an end result.
Workshop Aims:
To look at the benefits of children using tools and to discuss risk benefit
To gain confidence in the use of tools
To explore and experiment with a range of tools perhaps not previously used
To have the opportunity to be as creative or destructive as wished
Workshop 3: Art-tastic.Ivan HarperThis workshop will share some novel art ideas that will inspire even those children who don’t usually engage in creative play. There will be a particular focus on accessibility, to enable participation of children with a variety of abilities. Many of these tried and tested ideas appeal to most children, so no matter who you are working with, there will be lots to gain from this workshop. As the workshop could get messy, and there are some larger, more dynamic ideas, the workshop will be outside, so wrap up!
Workshop 4: A Garden for All Seasons: a year of developing a playgroup garden.Anne Klein-Woolthuis, Fiona Davis, Briony Kelly (Bonnyrigg Playgroup) and Theresa Casey (Theresa Casey Consultancy).In 2013 Bonnyrigg Playgroup received a grant of £9800 from Community and Family Fund to develop their outdoor play space. The garden development transformed both the opportunities for children's play and staff practice. This workshop will look at the whole process from finding funding to the grand opening in June 2014. It will share with you the steps along the way that might help you with developing your own space for play. Each participant will receive a copy of the Bonnyrigg Playgroup booklet published as part of the project (as featuring in SPPA's First Five magazine).
Workshop 5: Loose Parts.Jennifer Brownlie(Midlothian Association of Play)This workshop will explore the theory of loose parts and how they can be used to encourage children to use their imaginations and lead their own play. We will look at the practicalities of introducing loose parts including sourcing resources, storage and risk benefit assessments. You will also get the chance to play with a selection of resources so don’t forget your imagination!
Workshop 6: Symbolic Play and representation within children’s Learning.Leanne Merrilees, Audrey Gemmell (Midlothian Sure Start) Early Years Practitioners from Midlothian Sure Start, Leanne Merrilees and Audrey Gemmell recently completed their Froebel Course at The University of Edinburgh and would like to share a little taste of their learning from this course and the impact it has had on their practice. This workshop will explore symbolic play and representation within children’s learning. They will also share with you their knowledge of the importance of having a rich learning environment and taking careful consideration on the resources and spaces we create for our youngest children. The workshop will highlight the importance of open ended materials/resources within our learning environments and the impact this has on children’s learning. Finally the practitioners will be sharing their discovery of the benefits of ‘free flow’ play from the inside/outside space.
Keeping in touch
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