Brain Health, Brain Focus, ADD / ADHD / AUTISTIC PROTOCOL
Overview of increasing brain function
- Consultation / exam (tests to find out dormant brain with Dr. Alvarez)
- We’ll get the food allergy panelordered
- Next you do: Food modification / detox / heal the gut / decreased inflammation
- Get treatments / exercises (to exercise the dormant brain) “brain exercises”
- Take EHT supplement to enhance brain function (click link for more info on how EHT helps the brain improve function:
The Details:
Here is our protocol for helping you improve the brain and behavior
Keep in mind we are not out to “cure” brain dysfunction …
- We are out to increase the function of the brain
- Increased brain function = better overall behavior
It is very common, the feedback from parents (on their kids) and patients, we often hear:
- Dramatic improvement in behavior and attitude with my child
- Increased focus at school / sports / home life
- Easier to communicate with
- Teachers note improvement in the classroom
Click this link and see video testimonials
As an example:
Let us say a child (or adult) has and ADD / ADHD or some behavior issue that’s a 9/10 (10 being the worst and 0 being the best / ideal behavior)
After our methods of care and supplements there would be an improvement to a 3/10 or even 1/10 or 5/10 (you get the idea) and that is there is a notable and very satisfactory improvement (keep in mind everyone improves at a different rate)
Here is how (what we do to help)
- Contact Dr Alvarez for a consultation / evaluation / exam 303-521-0120 (office)
- After the history and review of the questioners we will perform tests to evaluate if the Left or Right brain is “dormant” (weak thalamic relay) or which side of the brain needs stimulating
- keeping in mind the right body is controlled by the left brain and the left body is controlled by the right brain
- Since foods can be VERY PROVOCATIVE it is important we get food allergy testing done see my website for more info. Here there is a sample lab showing you the 96 different foods tested
- Food allergies and sensitivities can and will provoke the behavior / brain
- This also can hurt the gut creating many other issues (see web site for more info) under the stomach, and food allergy testing pages
- Begin a food modification diet (the food allergy labs tell you exactly what foods you can not have and what you can have)
- Take a detox formula for 2 weeks (simultaneously with the diet modification)
- This will restore gut function, heal leaky gut, decrease inflammation, and help you absorb nutrients, foods, and supplements more efficiently
- Take EHT this is a very powerful supplement for increasing brain function
- for more information see
- Do your “homework” (brain balance exercises Dr. Alvarez assigns you) they are easy and designed to “exercise the brain” takes just a few minutes to do the exercises.
- Give it time (most see a notable difference within 2 to 4 weeks
- Likely you will need to be on the EHT for quite sometime (see website for the videos, science and testimonials on EHT and brain function)