webXchange for LEA File Transfers
webXchange can help to automate the transfer of data between an authority and their schools. There are currently three types of LEA file transfers that webXchange supports:
- Capita ES SIMS / EMS Financial and Data Manager files.
- Generic LEA, basically any kind of file you want to send.
- The DCSF’s IMS CBDS files, such as census or common transfer files.
Specific information on these is listed later.
LEA’s who wish to investigate webXchange for LEA File Transfers can have up to ten trial accounts for three months, without charge. Contact our Sales team and ask them to arrange this for you.
If you wish to use webXchange for the transfer of SIMS / EMS files that are not currently supported, then contact Sales and tell us your requirements, in the majority of cases we will be able to implement your requirements without charge.
webXchange can also be configured to enable explicit file transfers i.e. send a file with a specific name in a specific location to a designated account. While generic initiatives can be customised solely for your LEA. Again you can contact sales with your requirements.
webXchange also has a suite of management tools for group management. You can add accounts to your group, view group reports and impersonate accounts in your group.
webXchange costs £90 p.a., but bulk LEA purchases may attract a discount, contact Sales for details.
LEA Transfer Types
1SIMS / EMS file transfers
There are currently two webXchange Initiatives that support the transfer of SIMS / EMS data files between schools and their LEA .
- SIMS FMS Financial Reconciliation Initiative
This initiative allows the transfer of SIMS FMS Financial Reconciliation files that have the filename format S<5_digit_cost_centre_code<2_digit_financial_month_code>.RE (e.g. S0021312.RE).
- The establishments involved need to add an EDI address composed of their LEA code and cost centre code, formatted as FMSCC/<3_digit_LEA_code>/<5_digit_cost_centre_code> (e.g. FMSCC/999/00213) to their Account Details.
- Each establishment needs to have a folder structure on their hard disk or network for SIMS FMS EDI transfers (e.g. F:\SIMS\FMS\EDIOut and F:\SIMS\FMS\EDIIn).
- Each establishment will need to select the initiative SIMS FMS Financial Reconciliation using Setup referencing the appropriate folder structure.
- SIMS Data Manager Initiative
This initiative allows the transfer of SIMS Data Manager files that have the filename format <School_7_digit_DCSF_number<1_digit_serial_number>.MT<F|S|L> (e.g. 99923131.MTS).
- The establishments involved need to add their DCSF Number, including LEA code (e.g. 9992313 or 9990000), as an EDI address to their Account Details.
- Each establishment needs to have a folder structure on their hard disk or network for SIMS EDI transfers (e.g. F:\SIMS\DM\EDIOut and F:\SIMS\DM\EDIIn).
- Each establishment will need to select the initiative SIMS Data Manager using Setup referencing the appropriate folder structure.
2LEA Transfers Initiative
This initiative allows the transfer of any type of file (e.g. text, Word, CSV, Excel, PDF, etc.) between schools and their LEA . Files are explicitly addressed by having the DCSF number of the recipient in the filename, else they are implicitly addressed to the LEA (i.e. if a filename is not formatted as being addressed then the file is assumed to be addressed to the LEA).
For a file to be explicitly addressed it must have its filename formatted as T<Recipient_7_digit_DCSF_number<description>.<extension> (e.g. T9992313_StaffHours.xls). Once an explicitly addressed file has been delivered it will be formatted as F<Sender_7_digit_DCSF_number<description>.<extension> (e.g. F9990000_StaffHours.xls). In explicitly addressed filenames T signifies To and F signifies From.
School to school transfers are not currently supported as no authorities have raised this as a requirement.
It is expected that the LEA Transfers Initiative will shortly support the broadcast of files sent by the LEA to all the schools in the LEA.
- The establishments involved need to add their DCSF Number, including LEA code (e.g. 9992313 or 9990000), as an EDI address to their Account Details.
- Each establishment needs to have a folder structure on their hard disk or network exclusively for LEA Transfers (e.g. C:\LEATrans\Outtray and C:\LEATrans\Intray).
- The establishments will need to select the initiative LEA Transfers using Setup referencing the appropriate folder structure.
3Common Basic Data Set Initiative
This initiative allows the transfer of CBDS files between schools, with their LEA and with the DCSF. CBDS files are XML files that conform to the structure and file naming conventions specified as part of the DCSF’s IMS framework. The DCSF have currently defined CBDS filename formats as:
1)Long File Names will be used.
2)The File Extension will be XML.
3)The file name shall be constructed from the following components:
a)Origin Identifier (7 digits)1
b)Survey/Data Extraction Type (3 characters)2
c)Destination Identifier (7 characters)3
d)Serial Number (3 digits)4
4)The components should be separated by underscore characters (“_”).
5)An example of a Common Transfer Form file from a school would be:
An example of an Annual Schools Census file from an LEA would be:
The total file name length = 27 characters
- The schools involved need to add their DCSF Number, including LEA code (e.g. 9992313), as an EDI address to their Account Details.
- The LEA need to add their DCSF Number as <LEA_code>XXXX (e.g. 999XXXX), as an EDI address to their Account Details.
- Each establishment needs to have a folder structure on their hard disk or network for CBDS Transfers (e.g. F:\SIMS\CBDS\EDIOut and F:\SIMS\CBDS\EDIIn).
- The establishments will need to select the initiative Common Basic Data Set using Setup referencing the appropriate folder structure.