John STANLEY1, Edward Smith2
University of Colorado (1), WarsawUniversity of technology (2)
Preparation of Papers for Przegląd Elektrotechniczny
Abstract. These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for “Przegląd Elektrotechniczny”. The authors are requested to prepare the paper according to given below recommendation. The length of the abstract should be not larger than four lines
Streszczenie.In this place the Editor inserts Polish version of the abstract. Please leave three lines for this abstract.
Key words: please insert 3 – 4 keyword or phrases.
Słowa kluczowe: in this line the Editor inserts Polish translation of keywords.
To prepare the paper for Przegląd Elektrotechniczny it is recommended to use MS Word editor (version 97 and later). The paper prepared according to the instruction is not „a camera ready” version. The formatted version of the paper helps in the assessment of the paper length and organization. Please take into account that this paper is later rearanged to other editor (Quark Press) and therefore do not apply special automatic tools proposed by MS Word (for example automatic hyphenation, templates etc).
We start with formatting of the page. We use A4 paper format with following margins: upper, left and right 1.8 cm, bottom 2.5 cm. In the first line we insert authors names (Arial 10 font). Next we write the authors affiliation (Arial 8 font). Two separate lines and we write the title of the paper (Arial bold 16 font). Two separate lines and we write abstracts and key words with Arial Italic 7.5 font. One separate line and we insert the section line. We are formatting the number of columns – two columns with separation 5 mm. Next we start with writing the article.
Formating of the text
Typical length of the paper is about 4 pages.The whole paper is written using Arial 9 font with indention 5 mm. Directly after section headings (Arial bold 9) we place the text in justified style. For figure captions, names of the table, footnotes we use Arial 8 font. In the case when in the text is the symbol font (for example or )please use option “insert/symbol” – please do not use for this operation the equation editor. The equation editor can be use only if font of symbol does not exists in the font list – for example . Although the whole text is written using Arial font for symbols please use the Times New Roman italic – for example J and not J (the same symbols as in the equations).
For equations it is recommended to use standard equation editor existing in Word editor (some authors uses MathType editor, but in this case we have some problems with editing the equations). The equation editor is defined as follows: font Times New Roman italic, matrix bold, for letters font 10, for index 8, for symbol 12. For example typical equation should be as :
where: J – current density, r – distance, A,B,C – coefficients.
The equation number we insert on the left side. Between the text and the equation please leave the distance 8.
Generally it is sufficient ifthe figures are inserted in the document (as an example below). But for security it is better if there are also delivered original sources of the figures, in typical format as: tif, eps or jpg. Please do not insert the figure directly in the text, but use the “insert text-box” option. In this way it is easier letter to move or change the dimensions of the figures.
Fig.1. An example of the figure inserted into the text
The best case is if the figure are of the same dimension as the column – width of 8 cm. The letters in the figure should be not smaller than 2 mm. Figure 2 presents the example of the plot.
Fig.2. An example of the plot
If there are problem with electronic version of the figures it is recommended to delivere the article with supplemented „hard copy” of the figures. This means that also „printed version” of the figures are included for eventual scanning.
It is possible to print the figures in colour version but in this case the authors can be requested for small financial support.
Similarly as in the case of the figures the best width of the tables is the width of the column – 8cm. An example of the table is presented below.
Table 1. The parameters of the sensor
Sensor type
/Dimensions [mm]
/Sensitivity [mv/T]
Acknowledgments we insert at the end of the article – Arial italic 9.
References are cited in the text by square brackets [1]. Two or more references at the time may be put in one set of the brackets [2,3]. The references are numbered in the order in which they are cited. The style of the references is as follows:
[1]Kowalski J., Jak pisać tekst do Przeglądu, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 78 (2002), nr.5, 125-128
[2]Johnson B., Pike G.E., Preparation of Papers for Transactions, IEEE Trans. Magn., 50 (2002), n.5, 133-137
The references are written using Arial 8 font/
At the end of the article we insert the address for correspondence: name with title, address of the institution, e-mail address.
Authors: prof. dr hab. inż. Stanisław Malinowski, Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Elektroenergetyki, ul. Piotrowo 3a, 60-965 Poznań, E-mail: ; dr inż. Jan Cichocki, Instytut Elektrotechniki, Zakład maszyn Elektrycznych, ul. Pożaryskiego 28, 04-703 Warszawa, E-mail: .
Delivering of the paper
It is not necessary to send the printed version of the paper – generally it is sufficient to send electronic version by e-mail. If the files are large (larger than 2 MB) please send the article on the disc. The address for correspondence is: or (in some cases also the editor address may be used).
Address for letter correspondence: Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, Ratuszowa 11, Box 1004, 00-950 Warsaw, Poland or Slawomir Tumanski, Warsaw University of Technology, IETiTI, Koszykowa 75, 00-661 warsaw, Poland.