2017 Riverboat Days Parade

Canada 150 Years - Celebrating Northern Style: True North Strong and Free

Entry Form

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Closing Date for Entries - July 29

Entry form once completed must be accompanied by Entry Fee.

Cheques made payable to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 13

Name of Entry (Club, Association, Business, etc.):

Contact Person: ______Phone No.: ______

Organization: (if parade winner, recipient of winning check): Same as above _____ or


Please check off appropriate judging category:

Commercial: ______$40.00 Non-Commercial: ______$40.00 (e.g., Elks, Lions)

Bands & Dance Groups: ______$40.00 Groups: ______$40.00 (e.g., girl guides)

Children: ______$5.00 (i.e., pulling a wagon, dressed up)

Please pay only one registration fee, i.e.: if you enter a float, and have dancers, or people walking behind float the entry is $40.00. (e.g., Legion Float + members walking = $40.00).

Other Information Required:

Total Length of Float (including pull vehicle):

Total Height of Float (after decorations):

Will entry be equipped with music?: Yes ______No ______

The 2017 Parade is going to be televised live on CFTK and Citywest Cable 10! For the announcers, please provide content about your organization, such as its purposes, history and projects underway or completed in the Terrace area (e.g., 150-300 words). Please provide this below or attach a separate page to include with your Entry Form or email to .









Agreeing to permit this entry to take part in the Riverboat Days Parade, the above will hold safe and absolve the Royal Canadian Legion, the Riverboat Days Society, and the City of Terrace, from all responsibilities for personal injury or property damage arising from accidents incurred going to, during and dispersal from the Riverboat Days Parade.

Entrants must adhere to the PARADE REGULATIONS. Available online on the “Riverboat Days 2017” page on www.riverboatdays.ca.

Prizes will be awarded at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 13 at 1:00 pm after the parade. Please ensure to have someone there from your entry for the award presentation. Prizes will be held at the Legion for 30 days.

Please make cheques payable to Royal Canadian Legion Branch 13 Terrace

Return form to: Royal Canadian Legion #13, 4425 Legion Avenue, Terrace. V8G 1N7

Attention: Joyce Bradley, Parade Chairperson.

Questions please email:

Dated: ______Signature: ______

14 July 2017