_(name of organization)FUNdRaiser!
How the FUNdRaiser Works:
You obtain customer orders by showing the PREMIER DESIGNS JEWELRY CATALOGUES
to your teachers, friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, church members, hairdresser, nail salon, sporting teams, and so on…
You collect the payment at the time of sale.
The jewelry will be maileddirectly to YOUR home, by ______. All your jewelry orders will be PRE-packaged individually, per each of your customers, so you will not even have to figure out who bought what! You will only need to deliver the jewelry to your customers.
YOU WILL RECEIVE 50% of the Profits!
That’s $25 for every $100 in sales* you bring in!(*total sales before tax & shipping)
$100 in jewelry sales = $25 donation…AND $20 FREE jewelry for you!
$200 in jewelry sales = $50 donation …AND $40 Free jewelryfor you!
$300 in jewelry sales = $75 donation …AND $60 FREE jewelryfor you!
$400 in jewelry sales = $100 donation …AND $80 FREE jewelryfor you!
$500 in jewelry sales = $125 donation …AND $100 FREE jewelryfor you!
$600 in jewelry sales = $150 donation …AND $120 FREE jewelryfor you!
$700 in jewelry sales = $175 donation …AND $140 FREE jewelryfor you!
$800 in jewelry sales = $200 donation …AND $160 FREE jewelryfor you!
$900 in jewelry sales = $225 donation …AND $180 FREE jewelryfor you!
$1000 in jewelry sales = $250 donation …AND $200 FREE jewelry for you!
Some things you might want to know about PREMIER DESIGNS JEWELRY:
Pictures in catalog are actual size (unless specified); all the jewelry is guaranteed against manufacturer's defects;
Clip-po earrings have posts which can be folded down, converting the earrings to comfort squeeze clip earrings; Genuine natural and man-made stones, beads and pearls frequently vary in color, cut and/or shape; post earrings have hypoallergenic or titanium posts; rings come in their own size range and in whole sizes only
How to fill out your Customer’s Orders:
- Fill out a Customer form for each customer. Customer information (name, phone, address, email, and purchase date) should be filled out completely and printed legibly.
- Please record the customer’s selections using the item numbers, ring size, quantities and names of the jewelry items from the catalog. It is very important to print BOTH the item numbers AND the item name(e.g. “Night Life”)on the form to ensure the correct items are ordered. Rings come only in the whole sizeslisted in the catalog
- See the included TAX CHART to get the TOTAL DUE from Customer
(The formula is: Jewelry retail cost + $2.50 shipping ..THEN add the 5% sales tax =TOTAL DUE)
- Paymentmethod accepted: CASH or CHECK and is due AT time of sale.
Checks should be made payable to:Laurie Prather.
DEADLINE: ______~ Turn in Entire Packet to _(coordinator)______
Participant Summary SheetPLEASE print all information clearly
Adult Participant name: ______
STUDENT’s Name (if applicable):______
Home Phone number: ______
Cell Phone number: ______
Work Phone number: ______
Mailing Address(jewelry will be delivered here unless otherwise noted):
YOU Receive FREE Jewelry when Total Customer Orders are over $100!:
You also have the option to buy one item at half price just for participating!
(If you want to purchase more jewelry for yourself in addition to the half-price & free items, then fill out a customer form for yourself, just like you did above for all your other customers.)
Here’s How It Works:
Total number of customer orders: ______
Total amount of Jewelry Customer Sales (Minus Shipping and Tax):$______
Add your Optional Half-Price Item Cost(Minus Shipping and Tax):+$______
THIS Equals the Total Retail Sales (Minus Shipping and Tax):=$______
FREEJewelry Earned = Line Above times 20%:$______FREE
Item # & name of piece: ______COST=$______
Item # & name of piece: ______COST=$______
Item # & name of piece: ______COST=$______
Item # & name of piece: ______COST=$______
Item # & name of piece: ______COST=$______
PLUS shipping= $4.oo__
SUBTOTAL = $______
Subtotal X 5% TAX = $______
Add ONLY Tax Due PLUS the $4 shipping TO GET TOTAL DUE TO PREMIER=$______
For your Payment due, we accept Cash & Checks Checks should be made payable to: Laurie Prather
Place the following items in your packet Turn in to ______NO later than ______
- The Participant Summary Sheet
- Your personal payment for tax & shipping on Free & ½ Price items
- All Customer Receipts
- All Cash and Checks collected from customers
- Catalogues