White House Primary School

Foundation Stage

Adult Led Activities Year Group: R- Ruby
Week beginning 10.10.11 / Area of Learning and Development: PSED CLL PSRN KUW PD CD (main focus highlighted, any links underlined)
Development Matters/Learning Intention / Adult led activity / Adult led activity : Guided group Activity/ Differentiation
1.  Identifies obvious similarities and differences when exploring and observing
2.  Looks closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change. / Game - how many under the sheet?
Play game with up to 4 children. Place a number of items form the Little Red Riding Hood story on a tray and cover with a blanket. Ask the children to guess how many are there, then double check by counting. Remove one of the objects, can they guess which one has been removed. / Chd to sort pictures from the Little Red Riding Hood story and match them together.
Tray, blanket, objects from Little Red Riding Hood, pictures from story to match.
Week beginning 10.10.11 / Area of Learning and Development: PSED CLL PSRN KUW PD CD (main focus highlighted, any links underlined)
Development Matters/Learning Intention / Adult led activity / Adult led activity : Guided group Activity/ Differentiation
1.  Moves spontaneously, 9showing some control and coordination.
2.  Moves with confidence in a variety of ways, showing some awareness of space.
3.  Usually shows appropriate control in large- and small scale movements.
4.  Moves with confidence, imagination and in safety. / Whole Class on Carpet then in hall
Get the chd ready for PE in traditional military style.
See TOPPS card 1 / See TOPPS card 2,
Hall, topps card 2, PE kits
Week beginning 10.10.11 / Area of Learning and Development: PSED CLL PSRN KUW PD CD (main focus highlighted, any links underlined)
Development Matters/Learning Intention / Adult led activity / Adult led activity : Guided group Activity/ Differentiation
1.  Explore colour texture and shape in two and three dimensions.
2.  Choose particular colours to use for a purpose. / Talk to the chd about the journey that Little Red Riding House went on from her house, thru the woods to her granny’s cottage. Show the chd the outline on the path she took, tell them that you need there help to add the places and things seen on her journey. Talk to them about adding trees, birds, the characters and finally the cottage where the story ends. Tell them that this work will go one display in the Library so it needs to be their best work. / Chd to make trees for the woods, Little Red Riding Hoods House, wood cutter, Granny’s House, flowers and birds, Littler Red Riding Hood, Granny, Wolf.
Resources: large paper. Paints, collage material, glue, scissors
Week beginning 03.10.11 / Area of Learning and Development: PSED CLL PSRN KUW PD CD (main focus highlighted, any links underlined)
Development Matters/Learning Intention / Adult led activity / Adult led activity : Guided group Activity/ Differentiation
1.  We are learning to share our news and listen to other children when they are talking
(Respond to significant experiences, showing a range of feeling when appropriate) / Split the class into two groups, Half doing circle time and half carry out child initiated play in the other room or outside while TA observes.
Share the learning intentions with the chd: we are learning to listen to each other while we do a circle time Ask all the chd to stand up and get into a circle by the time I have counted to 5. 1 2 3 4 5
Inform the chd that first we need to remember our circle time rules.
Invite the chd to put their hands up and tell me what the circle time rules are use the green reminder cards to aid
Inform the chd that I want them all to close their eyes and ask them to have a think about one thing they did during the weekend. Chd to open eyes. Remind the chd that I do not want any copying as I want to know what you did not the person next to them. Remind the chd to show good listening by look at the person who is talking and not talking ourselves. Pass the teddy to the first child.
Encourage all the chd to listen to what the chd are saying as everyone will have a turn to talk
Swap groups over / Morning Session 2
Inform the chd that we are going to be doing a little bit of drawing this afternoon and it will be a drawing to do with our news from this morning. Encourage the chd to close their eyes and think about what one of the things they did during the weekend was. Show the chd an enlarged sheet that they will be drawing on. Explain that they will be drawing a picture of one of the things they did during the weekend. Tell the chd about one of the things that you did during the hols and show them how you would draw your picture in your box. Then point out the lines to the chd and tell them that they will be telling a grown up what to write here. Ask the chd if they have any ideas of what might be written here. Getting them to come up with writing about the picture.
Chd to work in small gps of about 4 (4 with Ta and 4 with Teacher) to draw a picture of one thing during the weekend. Then ask them to tell you what they have drawn. Teacher/TA scribe what it is.
Resources: teddy bear, circle time rule cards, news books, drawing materials.
Week beginning 03.10.11 / Area of Learning and Development: PSED CLL PSRN KUW PD CD (main focus highlighted, any links underlined)
Development Matters/Learning Intention / Adult led activity / Adult led activity : Guided group Activity/ Differentiation
1.Have a developing awareness of their own needs, views and feelings, and be sensitive to the needs, views and feelings of others.
2.Have a developing respect for their own cultures and beliefs and those of other people.
3.Express and communicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings by using a widening range of materials, suitable tools, imaginative and role-play, movement, designing and making, and a variety of songs and musical instruments / Small group at table
Introduce the person of Jesus.
Jesus had lots of friends but 12 special friends called 'disciples'.
Some of Jesus friends were fishermen on the sea of Galilee like the fishermen in the picture.
Talk about some of the things that the children do with their friends
Now think about the things that Jesus did with his friends, e.g. Went fishing, shared food/celebrations etc.
Jesus and his friends had happy and sad times.
He told them stories.
One story was about being friends to everyone. Tell the children a simple version of the 'Good Samaritan'.
Use pictures of children from around the world. Talk about the similarities and differences of these children as our neighbours. / Allow the children to draw and create a wall frieze of Friends around the World.