Cub Scout Pack 76


Round-up Highlights

Who are we? We are Cub Scout Pack 76. We are part of the Fayette District in the Flint River Council of the Boy Scouts of America

When do we meet? Our Scouts meet each Tuesday (except the 1st Tues) of each month from September through May. We have our Committee Meeting on the 1st Tuesday of each month. The 2nd, 4th & 5th Tuesdays are our Den Meetings from 7:00-8:00pm. Our Pack Meeting is the 3rd Tuesday of each month. During the summer, we meet for various Pack activities, which may include fishing, field trips, cookout, etc. Our first Pack Meeting for 2014-15 school year will be on Tuesday, Aug 19.

Where do we meet? We meet at Fayetteville First United Methodist Church. Our Den Meetings are in the education classrooms near the gym & our Pack Meetings are in the Fellowship Hall.

What is Cub Scouting? Cub Scouting is a tool to help families grow together. It is a tool to help you learn more about your son as you see him grow and mature. It is designed to encourage interaction between you and your son. Our leaders are here to lead activities and guide him through his book & the ranks. We are also here to develop your relationship with him through the bond of Scouting. Scouting is a tool to help develop your son's character, confidence, leadership & social skills.

What Cub Scouting is Not- Cub Scouting is not a weekly babysitting service. It is designed for family interaction, not a drop off service. For our Tigers, in 1st grade, a parent must attend meetings & activities with your Scout. For our other Scout dens, we encourage parents to attend. Cub Scouting is not a spectator sport for parents. Without parental involvement, we cannot have a Pack. Your participation is vital to your son's Scouting experience. There will be opportunities throughout the year where we need your help. It may be a onetime event, or it may be an ongoing project. We appreciate your willingness to help with various activities. You will greatly enhance your son’s Scouting experience.

What do we do? We teach your Scout what it means to keep the Scout Laws & live by the Scout Oath. We try to instill in him the Cub Scout Motto, “Do your best”. Our weekly meetings are filled with crafts, activities, sports, field trips & awards. We help your Scout learn how to be good citizens, make good decisions, work as a team & other life skills while preparing him for Boy Scouts and beyond.

Throughout the year, we have opportunities to go camping, fishing, canoeing, shooting BB guns & archery along with other activities. We can also go hiking, rock wall climbing, and take part in Council activities at our Scout camp in Molena, Ga.

Through all of our activities, we strive to teach your Scout the correct & safe way to perform the activity. Our Pack follows the BSA National Safety guidelines as set forth in the Guide to Safe Scouting.

Where can I join? We are excited to help you sign up tonight at our Round-up. With your application & dues, you are ready for all of the excitement that Scouting & Pack 76 has to offer. You can also sign up at our Pack or Den meetings- just contact our Cubmaster or Committee Chair for more info. Their contact info is listed at the bottom of this packet.

What does Scouting cost? Our annual dues are only $95.00/ Scout for the year. These dues are in lieu of a required fundraiser with a per Scout quota. This includes our pack dues, which will cover most activities in the Den & Pack meetings, as well as the awards that your Scout earns throughout the year. This will also cover many of the local field trips/ activities that we may plan. There may be additional cost for other family members at some events, though. When we have a major outing planned, such as an overnight campout, there may an additional charge for that. In all of our events & activities, it is my goal to keep costs low & minimize any additional costs. If you would like to subscribe to the Boy Scout’s monthly magazine, it is an additional $13.00. This is optional. Your new scout will also need a uniform & book and he is ready for his adventures is Scouting. For our Pack, your Scout will need a uniform consisting of at least the shirt, neckerchief & slide, and a Scout belt. We encourage the BSA pants, the switchback pants can convert to shorts also, but blue pants/ jeans are acceptable as well. The cost for the uniform w/ patches & book is approximately $60.00 at the Scout shop in Griffin or Fairburn. Each new Scout in Pack 76 will also receive a Pack 76 t-shirt. This T-shirt is included in his dues.

You can also check us out online at

We will be at Inman Elementary on Thursday, August 21, 2014 & Spring Hill Elementary on Tuesday, Sept 23, 2014 at 7:00pm for more information & to join Cub Scouting. Or contact Derrick or Chris at any time and we can help you with any questions you may have or to sign up for Cub Scouting.

Thank you for your interest in Scouting,

Chris Brown

Cubmaster- Derrick Ayers

Home- 770-461-8325

Cell- 770-743-7970

Committee Chair- Chris Brown

Cell- 770-757-2264

Home- 770-719-9928
